CHAPTER 10: Without You
“Wait, Lin!” Ren called after me as he got up from his seat.
“Hmm?” I replied questioningly as I turned my head over my shoulder to look back at him.
“Umm…try not to go out so much…if something happens in town, you should just stay here. Ok?” Ren said hesitantly without meeting my eyes. I didn’t quite understand what he meant but I won’t be going into town very often anymore after Ren leaves.
“Ok…Goodnight,” I agreed despite my confusion. I offered him a small smile as I went to prepare for bed.
When Lin wakes up, I’ll be long gone. The night here is always so still and quiet, apart from the sound of the wind the night was dead silent. I won’t get to see Lin in the morning so the least I can do is to leave her a note. I wonder if she understood my warning properly. I wanted to warn here more clearly but that was not possible.
I took out a piece of paper and some ink before I started writing a short farewell note to her. I hope she sees and reads this when she wakes up. My personal guards and vessels should be arriving here very soon as per the instructions I had secretly sent to them via the pigeons. I wrote the farewell note quickly but carefully before placing the gold hair ornament on top of it. The ornament was my late mother’s favorite and I treasure it so much; however, I don’t feel an ounce of regret giving it to Lin.
I turned to leave but soon stopped in my tracks. Just one last look at her wouldn’t hurt…
Looking down at Lin’s beautiful and innocent sleeping face warms my heart and soul. It’s amazing that in this world full of war, hatred, trickery, and other various sins that there is still someone so good and pure. I held a small lock of her soft hair and brought it to my lips as I kissed it gently. I guess I am a little more than smitten with her.
Please stay safe and wait for me, Lin. I’ll be back for you very soon…
“Crown Prince, we’ve come to pick you up and escort you back to the Imperial Palace as you have requested in your message,” a loyal vessel disguised as a trader said with a bow.
Four other men were also present, all of them experienced war generals who serve the Imperial army. The reason these generals were all gathered in the same place was due to the Crown Prince’s request.
“Thank you everyone for making it here based on my selfish request. Before we leave, I must show you all a couple of secret paths that will help us form our strategy to take over the Town of Amber Leaves…” Ren said with narrowed eyes.
The men nodded seriously as they followed the Crown Prince, memorizing their tracks as they went.
I couldn’t sleep at first but some time during the night, I must have fallen into a deep sleep. I woke up with a start as I bolted up in bed, realizing that today’s the day that Ren would be setting out on his journey. I rushed out of bed and into the living room, however, there was no sign of Ren.
“Ren! Ren!” I shouted his name a couple of times as I rushed through the house looking for him. Deep down, I guess I already knew that I had missed him the moment that I woke up. The house was small, there’s no way he wouldn’t hear me with all this shouting.
“Ren!” I called his name as I pushed open the front door. Nothing but silence and the empty landscape in front of my house greeted me. Ren was gone.
Somehow, I felt a little hollow inside now that Ren was really gone. I didn’t even have a chance to send him off this morning. Although, I had mentally prepared myself for this moment, I felt my legs go weak as reality set in. What am I doing? I should go back inside and proceed with my life as normal.
I busied myself with cooking to kill the time to keep my mind off Ren, not that I was successful. Every time my mind lost focus and had time to wander, my thoughts would return to think of Ren. I wonder how he’s doing. Is he safe? Does his arm still hurt?
I shook my head to clear my thoughts. Of course, he’s safe. I finished cooking and headed to the dining table when something gold and shiny caught my eye. It couldn’t be…Ren left this hair ornament for me? I gingerly picked up the beautiful hair ornament watching as it sparkled in the light as I twirled it around in my hand.
Oh…there’s a note.
‘Thank you for taking care of me and for saving my life. Please keep this ornament, I believe it would look very beautiful on you. Stay safe and be happy. If fate is on our side, we’ll meet each other again,”
The note was signed Ren. If fate is on our side, huh? Who knows, maybe I’ll meet Ren again…someday.
Two weeks after Ren’s departure, I had begun to return to my normal life. Things were starting to revert to how they were. I spent my days picking herbs, making medicine, and visiting the local pharmacy in the village. Days passed by peacefully and I began to think of my time with Ren as a fairytale fantasy that was far away from reality.
One cold night, I was chatting cheerfully with Uncle Gobei and his wife about some new medicine that foreign traders had brought into town while visiting their pharmacy. Suddenly, the front door of the pharmacy burst open loudly and a soldier barged in. The three of us were shocked as we stared wide-eyed at the dishevel appearance of the soldier.
“All three healers must come at once!” the soldier barked loudly at us.