"What are you doing?"? A woman yells, bringing me out of my trance.? I gaze at the gory scene in front of me and smell the acrid scent of blood overloading my senses.? Before I turn around, I notice the bloody machete in my hand and try to hide it under my shirt.? The woman behind me, points at me and screams, "He killed her."
Scanning the crowd around me, I catch a glimpse of red and look closer.? There she stands, the soul eater with her black soulless eyes just smiling at me with that smile that still creeps me out.? You would think that it wouldn't after all this time, but it still gives me a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach.
Seeing her, makes my fight or flight instinct kick in and I run.? Running as fast as I can, I keep going till I can't hear the woman screaming anymore and I have put enough distance between us.? I consider throwing the machete into the water, but instead I lift the lid to the dumpster and throw it in after wiping off my prints.
After disposing of the evidence, I conclude that she has did it this time.? The soul eater has successfully framed me for murder.? So, as I worry about getting caught, I try to calmly walk back to the hotel and pickup my things.??
Once everything is in the Jeep, I check out and get ready to go.? When I sit down in the driver's seat, I get that eerie familiar feeling again and a shiver runs down my spine.? Looking in the rearview mirror, a flash of red crosses quickly before I can get a good look at it.? Unfortunately, I already know who it is.? I should say what it is.
Before she can reach me, I put the car in gear and drive off.? With my next destination in mind, I keep driving till I reach Ojai.? Just before the exit, I spot a sign for the Inn and hope that when I get there, I won't have any more problems.??
When I arrive, I check in and finally start to relax for the moment.? Ojai is a beautiful area. It is a small city set in a valley and is right by a national forest.? Admiring the view from my window, I decide to open my computer and do a little research before my meeting with Mr. Hernandez for dinner.
I had read during my research two days ago, that Mr. Hernandez had been attacked by the soul eater too.? Waiting for dinner to pin down what exactly happened, I click on a few search results and read up on any other sightings in the area.? I don't find what I was hoping for, so I try to think back to Tacoma and what took place there.
Wracking my brain, I come up with absolutely nothing except for the feeling that I almost had her, but she got away.? Looking down at my watch, I discover that I am late for the meeting.? I grab my paperwork and rush out to the car.??
When I get there, he is walking out the door.? The minute I see his face, I know it's him and grab ahold of his forearm to stop him from leaving.? His pale gaunt face says it all because it is like looking in the mirror all over again.
"Mr. Hernandez, I presume?"? He nods and follows me back into the restaurant.??
After having a seat at the table, I watch him sit down and scan the room nervously.? For a few minutes, we just stare at each other until I decide what to say.? Beginning the conversation, I say, "I am Jason Hathaway.? Do you remember our conversation on the phone two days ago?"
"Yes."? He stares into my eyes and doesn't say any more.
"I believe we have something in common."
He nods before I go on.? Carefully wording my sentences, because frankly anyone hearing our conversation would think we are mad, I continue quietly.? "As I have said before, you are not going insane or recovering from drug withdrawal.? From what I understand, the woman who attacked you, took your soul.? She did the same to me not too long ago and now I am trying to hunt her down.? What I need to know from you, however, is what exactly transpired a week ago?"
He hesitates, but then leans forward to say something.? Just before he opens his mouth to speak, he freezes as he stares off into the corner of the room.? Turning around, I already know what he sees, because I feel the way the room suddenly darkens, and everything grows quiet.
Smelling death in the air, I watch as her face changes ever so slightly and her pale skin turns grey.? She smiles again and shows the rows of razor-sharp teeth, just waiting to peel off our flesh as she sends us a warning.? She disappears, just as quick as she appeared and Mr. Hernandez jumps up from the table, almost taking it with him.
Scared beyond belief, he runs out the door before I can catch him and right into traffic.? I barely get out the front door before I see him get run over by an oncoming car.? The sick sound of bones crunching makes me want to wretch, but instead I end up running over to the vehicle to see if there is any way he is still alive.? As I look down at his wrecked body, a thought occurs to me.? We can't die if she has our souls.??
Not sticking around for the cops to find me, I chuck this one up to a win for her and go back to the Inn for the night.? When I return to the Inn, I notice something feels very off.? Unlocking my door, I step in cautiously.? Only finding an empty room, I start to relax until I see what she left me as a present.??
On the nightstand by the bed, Mr. Hernandez's billfold sits with his driver's license placed on top and it is covered in his still wet blood.