CHAPTER 01Prologue
I was driving the car as fast as I could. Maria, my wife, went into labour while we were on the highway. We were going back to our pack lands from her parents' pack lands. "Derek! Stop the car. I can not take it anymore. You have to do it right now. The baby is coming out. I can feel it." Maria cried in pain. I stepped on the breaks. She was all sweaty and I could feel that she was getting exhausted. I could not afford to lose both my beloved wife and my unborn child. So I decided to do exactly as she wanted me to do. I stopped the car in the middle of the woods and hopped out of the car.
I pulled Maria out of the car and took her towards an old oak tree. It was old but it was standing strong. I set Maria's back with the tree and pulled her panties down. I pulled my tux jacket off of my body and set it on the ground for my baby. "Alright, my Luna. I want you to push. Come on. You can do it." I asked Maria. She nodded her head and started pushing her baby. She dug her claws in the tree and pushed as hard as she could.
"That's alright. You are doing great. I can see the head. Push, we are going to have a baby, my love." I motivated her more. She pushed more. It was not long when she pushed the head of the baby out. I slowly pushed my fingers inside her vagina to support the baby and pulled it out. One shoulder after another, I helped Maria to deliver our baby.
"Just one last push, my love. Our baby is out." I encouraged her. She screamed loudly and pushed as hard as she could. The baby came out and I carefully set the baby on my jacket. I wrapped the jacket around the baby and set him with the tree. I helped Maria once the baby was out.
"Derek! The baby did not cry!" Maria said with tears in her eyes. That was when I realised that our baby was not moving at all. In no time, Maria's wolf healed her. We both went towards our baby who was lying lifeless. Maria started crying crazily. I was also sobbing quietly. I needed to stay strong for my family. I went towards the baby and tried to pump his chest. I tried to blow air in his mouth so he would start breathing. But nothing was working.
Maria fell on the ground and I went towards her. We both hugged each other and cried. Our baby died without even looking at us. The wind started blowing and the oak tree started dancing with the wind. I looked around but to my surprise, only the old oak tree was dancing with the wind. The other trees were standing straight in their places.
Then we saw the oak tree start cracking. A bright light was coming out of the cracks. I tried to grab my son. But the wind actually punched me hard enough that I went flying away from my son. The whole tree fell on my dead son until I was able to stand back up. Suddenly, we heard a soft whimper. As if a baby might have cooed. The thick clouds of the dust faded away and our son started crying. The oak tree was still standing in its place. We went closer towards our baby. To our surprise, he was not in his human form. It was something impossible. He was actually in his wolf form. The wolf had golden fur and golden eyes. I had never seen any wolf this beautiful. In a few minutes, our son shifted back in his human form and started crying. Maria and I hugged our baby boy in happiness.
I took them back towards my car. I helped Maria in the car first then I gave her our baby. I quickly hopped into the car and started driving. "Have you thought of a name for him, honey?" I asked Maria who was feeding the baby through her breast. She smiled and nodded her head.
"I always wanted to name my boy Zeus. The most powerful Alpha who had a hundred packs under his hand. It was about a thousand years ago. I want my baby boy to be just like him." Maria replied happily and I nodded my head with a wide smile on my face. Of course I had heard the stories of the brave Alpha Zeus. There was no name better than Zeus for my son. And I knew he would be a brave Alpha in the future.
It was the night after Dabria was born. It was her first birthday. As the clock ticked to midnight, baby Dabria started crying crazily. Both Evangeline and Hayden were trying hard to calm her down. But nothing was actually working. Evangeline tried to feed her. But Dabria turned her face away. Hayden tried to sing her lullaby while rocking her back and forth in his arms. But baby Dabria kept crying. It felt like the baby was restless. And both Hayden and Evangeline were worried as hell. They tried their best to help the baby. But it started to feel like they could not help her. Evangeline started crying as she was not able to help her daughter.
A light knock on the door made Hayden sigh. He went towards the door and opened it. Maria was standing in front of the door. Maria went straight towards the baby. She pulled Dabria in her arms and tried to help the parents to calm the baby. But the baby was stubborn. It started to feel like Dabria was suddenly afraid of something. Her voice changed because of constant crying for an hour. Dabria was tired too. Her mouth was dry and her throat was sore due to constant crying. Even Maria was feeling helpless in that situation.
Evangeline looked at the door and found Zeus standing with the door frame. "Zeus, did I not tell you to stay with dada. Go back to sleep, honey." Maria said as she looked at her son nervously biting his nails while looking at crying Dabria. He slowly made his way towards the bed and crawled into the bed. Zeus opened his arms for Maria to give Dabria to Zeus. Maria sighed as she knew she could not win from Zeus at all. Not after the way her grandfather and Hayden had spoiled him. She shook her head and released a sigh in defeat.
She gently placed baby Dabria on Zeus' legs. Zeus leaned over and pecked Dabria's forehead. With that, he started rubbing his hands with Dabria's cheeks. His touches were light and gentle. He started singing the same lullaby he always sang for Dabria. Hayden's and Evangeline's jaws dropped on the floor as baby Dabria stopped crying. And then, she finally opened her eyes and looked at Zeus. Zeus wiped her tears with his small palms and pecked her cheek. Maria was quick with the bottle of milk that was set on the bedside table. She grabbed the bottle and handed it to Zeus.
Zeus held the bottle close to her mouth. Dabria did not push it away this time. Zeus fed the baby in his arms. Both Evangeline and Hayden sighed in relief as their daughter was finally at peace. "Maybe Grandpa was right about them. They are each other's comfort. And we can not separate them." Maria whispered looking at the kids. Hayden frowned but he could not help himself. He nodded his head with a small smile on his face. As he finally saw a cute smile on his baby girl's face.