I walked towards my father and bowed my head in front of him. He stood up and walked towards me. He engulfed me in his arms and I also wrapped my arms around him. I pulled away from him as I heard Zar's overprotective growl. Dad chuckled softly and I kissed Zar's face. "Dad! What is going on? What did I miss? This is Eve's statue, right?" I asked my dad after a minute. I felt like I was in a different territory. Where my father could loudly announce how brave and courageous woman Eve really was. And how he always told that he was proud of her. It was never allowed to even say her name out loud. Keeping her gold statue in the hall of throne was something I had never expected.
"Let's go somewhere else. Where we both can sit and talk. There is so much more for me to tell you. And I am sure you are impatient too." My dad spoke in a low tone while smiling at me widely. It was not just a wide smile. I could see a glimmer of pride in his eyes while he was talking to me.
"I was starving. I was going to eat. How about we go to the kitchen? I already kicked everyone out of the kitchen." I nodded my head and replied to him in a low tone. I could see that Zar was also very hungry. He followed me to the hall of the throne. But he didn't want to step out of the kitchen.
Dad nodded his head and signalled me to follow him. We walked back towards the kitchen. As soon as we entered the kitchen, I smelled the delicious aroma of turkey. I pulled it out of the oven and set it on the table. Then I grabbed my pizza and warmed it up in the oven. I took the pizza box back to the table. I served a slice to my father. Whole Zar and I started munching on the slice I had picked up. He was hungry and I didn't want him to wait until his turkey would cool down. So I shared the pizza with him. Dad chuckled as he saw me eating like an animal along with Zar.
I looked at him and nodded my head. A signal that I was ready to hear everything I had missed. "Yes, that statue belonged to Eve. And this was actually the prototype. The real statue is at the entrance of our territory. So everyone who enters our territory, would see her statue. That was the least I could do for everything she had done for us." My dad finally replied to me in a low tone. He was staring at the slice of his pizza while talking to me. I saw a tear that rolled down on his cheek. Zar was quick to lick that year away. Whimpering like a puppy, Zar hugged dad. Dad chuckled softly and kissed Zar's forehead.
"Eve came back. She was given a chance. We found out that you are actually a miracle. We have been so right about you, Dabria. You are the real miracle. You were born to free Eve from everything Adrian did to her." He added in a low tone while patting Zar. He didn't complain this time. His turkey was finally at room temperature. So I let him eat it. As I heard dad, a confused frown appeared on my face. Dad never called Uncle Adrian by his name. He always addressed uncle Adrian as Master. Which was the real reason why I was confused. First, a statue of Eve in our territory and now calling uncle Adrian by his name. It wasn't something I had ever expected in my life.
"I know what you are thinking, my lovely daughter. Eve killed your uncle Adrian. She killed that monster for good. And gave me the throne to carry on until you are ready." Okay, what dad said next, left me dumbfounded. I was definitely not thinking that I would wake up to hear that the unkillable uncle Adrian was killed by Eve who died centuries ago. It made me so confused. I opened and shut my mouth many times. I was not able to utter a single word. I didn't know what to say after hearing all that. I had no idea what I had been doing since I was abducted. And dad didn't even mention anything about me.
"Dad! You said uncle Adrian was one of the unkillable immortals. Because of a favour he did centuries ago to an angel. How come he is dead? And Eve died centuries ago. How come she came back? And what does all this have to do with me? Where I was when all this was happening? Why can't I remember what happened to me after I was abducted? It is all so confusing." I complained in a low tone while scratching my head in confusion. I didn't know what was going on. It literally felt like we slipped into another dimension where everything was exactly opposite. Hearing all the list of questions I bombarded at my father's head, he chuckled softly. Did he really think that it was funny?
"You are the answer to all those questions. Eve was able to come back because you were born. That was the reason you look exactly like her. Eve took over your body. And you were just sleeping. Your soul was, actually. Eve took her revenge because of you. You are the one who killed Eve. And freed someone who was loyal to Eve. You are the reason why I can say out loud that Eve was the bravest woman of all. And she was the reason this territory was still alive. I am so proud of you. You never stopped saying that Eve was right and Adrian was wrong." My dad added in a proud tone as he was patting my head. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I never thought that me standing against these anti Eve celebrations could get her a chance to free herself.