~ Harper’s POV ~

A couple of weeks passed. I was in an actual bedroom now with a conjoined bathroom. I decided I was going to either escape or die trying. The last words my father said to me rang loud in my mind ‘never forget who you are. You are strong and a fighter. You will live through this. Remember that your mother and I love you so much…’ If I didn’t make It out for me, I would make it out for them. I decided it was best if I kept my head down and didn’t argue or fight. All those things go against my mind and body. Pride and stubbornness being the main driving force in my personality.

I pretended to accept Alpha Thane and his plan for me. I had to force myself to act mean to the servants and guards. Purposefully yelling and breaking things then immediately making them clean it all up. I treated them like I was better than them. It was hard for me to do this because I was the exact opposite of all of this. When I got the chance, I apologized to the servants. They didn’t deserve any of it and I got close with a few of them. I eventually trusted them enough to tell them my plan. I was waiting for Alpha Thane to trust me that way I had more freedom to roam around the packhouse. Then I would wait for the right time and run. My plan was not something I wanted to do, but it was something I had to do. I was out of other options. I couldn’t fight my way out and my birthday was only a few days away. It fell on the day of the solar eclipse which I didn’t want to think about right now. If I didn’t escape soon, I was going to kill myself because I am not letting that monster make me his mate.

A few more days passed, and I was finally able to roam about the large packhouse freely. Guards would bow their heads at me as I passed by them as if I was their Luna. The servants knew that I wasn’t mean, so they were ok with going along with my act. Let’s just say they got a kick out of the few times I wacked a guard with a vase pretending to be angry. Tonight, Alpha Thane had planned to take some of his troops and raid a village. It was now or never. I didn’t have much left of home, so I was able to pack it all. The sun started going down. I watched as Alpha Thane and his warriors lined up outside preparing to leave. Alpha Thane walked over. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close to him.

“Seven more days Harper, then I will be able to claim you as mine.” He licked his lips and kissed me long and hard. Unable to wait for the kiss to be over I separated from him and forced myself to smile. He turned and walked toward his warriors, and I watched as they climbed into their vehicles and disappeared into the night. It was time to go.

I hugged all the servants who came to my room to see me off. I hate so much to leave them here. If I am ever given the chance, I will come back for them. They were each situated outside my room in different areas to keep watch.

I slid from my bedroom window onto the roof of the pack house and shimmied down a drainpipe with little effort at all. By the light of the full moon, I kept to the shadows moving quietly but quickly. My direction was unknown. The only thing I could do was get far away from here. I turned back briefly to mourn the loss of my childhood home before continuing into the dense forest. I ran as fast as I could. I only stopped to rest briefly before moving again. I walked when I couldn’t run. I realized I had forgotten to pack food and water, so I stopped near a stream to have a drink but kept moving. It was the night of the third day when fatigue finally overcame me. I laid down to rest for only a moment. I couldn't fight sleep any longer.

The next morning

The sound of footsteps dissolving down the hallway outside my room invaded my train of thought as I stepped out of the shower. I tried to hurry and dry myself, wrapping my hair in a towel before I could soil the floor even more with water. The smell of my perfume scented shampoo filled the room along with steam that clouded the mirror. Taking a dry cloth, I slid it over the mirror to wipe it clear. I quickly brushed my teeth and applied a minimum amount of makeup. I looked at myself in the mirror, breathing out a sigh. I am so nervous today. I am hoping to be sworn in as an official member of the Harmony Moon Pack after I stumbled onto the edge of their territory by accident late last night. I consider myself blessed by the Moon Goddess for letting me find this pack. After my ordeal with my last pack… The Foul Moon Pack, I thought I would be forever a rogue on the run. I have fifteen minutes to be dressed and standing in front of the Alpha of this pack. I hurried and scrambled to dry my long black wavy hair.

I picked out some simple clothes that were provided to me by a kind Omega named Kelly. She was around my age with brown shoulder length hair. He was short, maybe 5’2. She had a slim frame that would make you think she was younger than she is. I could tell she has a bubbly personality that was infectious to those around her. If I get to stay here, maybe we can become friends. I slipped on the black fitted tee shirt and jean shorts, I made my way to the front door and put on my running shoes. I plan to get a job soon. I need money so I can provide for myself. I am seventeen years old with my eighteenth birthday being only a few days away. I didn’t want to think about that right now though. The thought of my parents not being there was too hard to accept.

Feeling my heart squeeze in my chest, I took a deep breath and made my way out into the hallway. I turned left out of my room and found myself in a long hallway with tan walls and white crown molding. The floor looked like shiny white marble tile. This is just a hallway, and it is still so much more elegant than anyplace I have ever been. I passed by a nice lady and man who looked deep in conversation. When they noticed me, they paused their conversation to greet me with a warm smile and wave. I shyly smiled and nodded at them on my way there. I heard her footsteps before I saw her.

“Good, looks like you are ready for your meeting with Alpha Titus.” I turned to see Kelly half running half walking toward me. She had a huge smile on her face, as if she was so excited for me. Her mood and excitement caught me off guard. This girl doesn’t know me, but she is so trusting and excited to welcome me into her pack with open arms. I didn’t have to walk far before I met her in the hallway.

“Thank you for meeting me. I have no idea where I am going.” I got here during the night. With my tired and groggy state, there is no way I could remember all the twists and turns we took to get me to the room that was assigned to me by the head Omega housekeeper. Kelly said she was responsible for assigning living quarters and handling packhouse gatherings… among other things. I have yet to meet her.

“That is no problem, I wanted to check on you this morning. You looked so tired when you arrived last night.” Kelly said with a warm frown that met her hickory-colored eyes. She seemed to have a way of comforting me. I was never good with new things. Here I am on my own, in a new place with no one that I know. I don’t even have my wolf yet to keep me company, not until my eighteenth birthday.

I am completely uncomfortable, but Kelly has helped make things a little easier. I thanked her and she gave me a friendly smile and turned to walk back down the hallway toward a flight of stairs. I walked next to her with a nervous feeling in my stomach. What if the alpha doesn’t like me? What if he denies my entry into the pack? I tried to shove those thoughts to the back of my head as we landed on the last step of the stairway. Looking up I found myself in a large dining hall, with lots of round tables with white tablecloths over top of them. Chairs were situated all around the tables where many pack members were enjoying their breakfast and conversations with their families and friends. Beautiful White drapes hung over the tops of long windows that ranged from the tall ceiling to the shiny marble floors. It would all remind you of a castle. I haven’t seen this pack house in its entirety, maybe it is a castle.

The food smelled so good. I knew by the smell that the bar included bacon, sausage, and fresh rolls. All that reminded me of just how hungry I am. I haven’t eaten in a couple of days. I forgot to pack food of all things when I decided to run. Omega waitresses were walking about catering to everyone with kindness and hospitality. How nice it must be living here. Kelly turned to me with a knowing stare and guided me down another hallway to the right.

“I know you must be hungry. I thought I heard you say you had been on the run for two to three days. Once we meet with the alpha, you will be able to eat until you puke if you want.” I looked at her big bright smile. She was trying to lighten my mood. I giggled at her. How can she be so nice to a stranger? We came to the first door on the right once we entered the hallway. Kelly stopped and turned to me before she knocked. I was biting my lip, lost in my nervous thoughts.

“This is it.” Said Kelly.

“Oh! already?” There goes my heart rate.

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