Gamma Jack
"Jack, you awake bother?" Alpha's voice booms through my head as he links me and I wouldn't mind
but it's 5.40 am and I didn't get to sleep until gone 4 am. Fuck my life!
"I'm awake, what's up Cal?"
"Sorry to disrupt you this early but I need you in my office now. Can you try and get Liam on your
way? He's not answering link or call."
He sounds just as fucked as I feel and I know he ain't had much sleep either which only sends my
senses into overdrive and I know I'm not going to like whatever is going on.
"I'm on it." I jump out of bed and quickly throw on some shorts and a t-shirt before heading to the
next floor up from mine to try and wake Liam.
"LIAM!" Between all the drinking and shouting last night and bellowing out Liam's name now my
throat is raw. "Liam wake up brother!" Finally, after a couple more knocks on his bedroom door, he
finally opens the door and I hope to goddess I don't look half as rough as he does right now.
“Jack, what's wrong?"
"Calvin needs us in his office now, he's been linking and calling you."
"Ahh, shit I turned my link off last night and I don't have a fucking clue where my phone has gone."
He rubs his hand down his face while I rub my eyes trying and failing to wake myself up.
He's already in shorts so he quickly grabs a tee shirt and we drag our dead ass bodies up to the next
floor and to Calvin's office.
"I'm glad I'm not the only one completely fucked!" Calvin grunts as we both stumble into his office
and collapse onto the big chairs in front of his desk.
"Not even 2 hours sleep Cal, this better be good!" Liam grunts.
"Good morning my boys." Michael chimes out as he comes into the office with Luna Lucy at his side,
both bright-eyed and bushy-tailed causing us all to groan.
"How are you so happy?" Cal whines out.
"A pint of water before bed to start and there was something else... Oh yes, that's right both your
mother and I were in bed by midnight." His cheeky grin makes me want to laugh but my body won't
allow it. "What time did you guys get to bed?"
He gives us all his stern dad look but he doesn't hide the hint of amusement that's trying to get out.
"About 3.30." Calvin grunts.
"About 4," Liam adds with his own grunt.
"Gone 4." I'm last to join in on the whining and this seems to be the final straw for Michael and Lucy
as they both bellow out with laughter and we all cover our ears in pain.
I swear if the next person to come in here is this fucking happy I'm going to shoot myself... or them.
Honestly, at this point, it could go either way.
"Why were you boys up so late?" Lucy asks although I suspect that she already knows the answer. "I was watching Netflix!" Liam chimes out no doubt loving the fact that he doesn't have the same
answer as me or Cal.
"Yeah, Netflix I was up watching Netflix too." Cal's sheepish reply has me biting back the chuckle
that's logged in my throat to save my poor head.
"I'm pretty sure her name was Hanna, not Netflix Liam sings out with a cheesy grin and it's too much
for me as I bellow out laughing while hugging my tender head.
"What are you laughing for chuckles, I'd bet my last dollar that Luke is still tucked up in your bed
right now." Cal shoots me his devious look but it doesn't stop me from laughing.
"I can't deal with you boys!" Lucy tries looking stern but it doesn't last long.
"What was her name then Liam?" Michael asks with one eyebrow raised and a smirk laced across his
"I'll have you know that I was a very good boy last night thank you very much!" He shows off his
proud smile and it sets me off laughing again.
"Ok as much as I'd love to keep this chatter up there is a reason to why I've got you in here so early
and it's pretty time sensitive so we should get started." Cal has gone from friend to Alpha in seconds
and I watch as Liam's beta mode surfaces.
"What's going on son?" Michael may not be Alpha anymore but he's always there to help where
needed and as Cal hasn't found his mate yet his mom Lucy is still the Luna to this pack and attends
all the meetings and Michael being the good mate he is, is always at her side.
"So, as you all know an alliance was made between us and the Red Ridge pack just a few days before
dad stepped down and I took over. Anyway, a couple of days ago I received a phone call from the
Alpha of the pack Alpha Roland. He wanted to inform me that two of his pack members had broken
some extreme rules within the pack and that they had been thrown out and he wanted to give us
the heads up just in case they turned up here seeking somewhere to live."
“What did they do?" Liam asks sitting up more in his chair.
"Assaulting female members, stealing pack funds, threatening members of the pack, and lastly
threatening the Alpha himself."
"Fuck, those are bold moves."
"you're telling me... Wait how would they have been able to access the pack funds?" Liam's Beta
brain has fully kicked in which I'm grateful for because my Gamma side is still in bed sleeping off the
"The pack members that he's talking about are the Beta of the pack and his son." Holy fuck!
Everyone in the room has the same reaction as me but I get the feeling that there's more to come.
"What else has happened Calv? Why are we here this early?"
"Yesterday just before the BBQ Alpha Roland called me again to warn me that they had been spotted
within a few hours of here and that he has strong reason to believe that they have killed many of his
warriors without good reason and that they are extremely dangerous and he also advised that we
should be on full alert." "So, what's changed now?" I know there's more to this.
"About an hour ago I was woken up by a phone call from Alpha Roland he said that they have been
spotted within an hour of our borders and that they have killed more warriors. He said they are out
of control and he's worried that they will cause trouble for us. He's decided to take back the
punishment of setting them free as Rogues and to take them back to his pack and dish out another
"He wants to kill them?" Liam asks with a hint of understanding.
"He didn't say the words but yeah I think so and he's asked for our help in capturing them. They are
a danger to our pack but more importantly, they are a danger to the women, children, and elderly of
our pack and it's our job to protect them so if it means helping them catch these bastards and
getting them away from our borders then I'm more than happy to help."
"Absolutely I'm in Cal." Liam quickly speaks.
"Me to Cal." I'm in no questions asked.
"Whatever you need from us son, we're all in," Michael shouts out while Luna Lucy happily agrees
and I can see that Calvin apricates it, this will be Calvin's first official Alpha business since taking over
and I know that he appreciates the support from our previous Alpha.
He's an incredible man and already an incredible Alpha but it doesn't mean he doesn't doubt himself
sometimes, especially as it's only just the beginning of his role. I know Liam still gets nervous and can
doubt himself at times but his parents are just as supportive as Calvin's parents which is a huge help
for him.
As always, I feel that pinch of pain in my heart at thinking about my parents, of course, I'm not
jealous that they have their parents here with them I'm just sad that I don't have mine.
But I know I'm not alone both Liam and Calvin may not be my brothers by blood but they are in
every other sense of the word and both of their parents have always been incredible supports for
me, alongside Nora, they have made sure that I have never wanted or needed for anything since
that day and I'll forever be grateful to them all.
"Ok guys I want everyone dressed and ready to go in 20 minutes. I've already got our best warriors
getting ready and we'll all meet in the kitchen. Alpha Roland is going to call me within the next 15
minutes with an update and to let us know where we are needed."
Within 20 minutes we are all ready and after a quick phone call from Alpha Roland we know that
these wolves are within 15 minutes of our parklands, so pretty much just outside our borders. After
a quick chat with the warriors, we head out to find them before they can get on our lands and cause
any harm to any of our pack members.
As we start closing in on the location that Alpha Roland gave us, I start picking up shit loads of
different scents and soon members of the Red Ridge pack come in to view and it's clear to see that
this pack has some massive wolves which makes it hard to understand why they are struggling so
much to catch two wolves.
Judging them by their sizes alone they should have no problems and this thought alone suddenly
gives me a strange feeling, it feels like something isn't right here and neither I nor my wolf Taz is
fucking happy about it. "Calvin something doesn't seem right here!"
"I was just thinking the same thing and so is Liam." He immediately links back and I'm relieved that
I'm not alone in this but my senses are in overdrive at what could be going on. Nonetheless, we all
stick with the plan for now and keep moving forward toward the lake where these picks have been
The closer we get to the lake the louder the snarls and growls become and within seconds we can
hear raised voices.
"Jack, we need to get to the lake now!" Taz bellows out in my head as I literally feel him trying to
take over control.
"What's wrong Taz?"
"I don't know but everything inside of me is telling me that we need to get to the lake and now!" His
bellowing is fucking torture on my hangover but I also know that Taz doesn't behave like this without
good reason and his instincts are outstanding.
I shake off my pounding headache the best I can and run with all I have to the lake with Calvin and
Liam right on my tail, they have no idea why I am running but as always, they are right behind me
having my back regardless of the reason why.
As we start to close in on the other wolves and the lake one single voice seems to stand out to me,
he's screaming out in raw and pure pain and for some reason it makes me feel hurt, it's literally
tugging at my heart but I don't have a clue why.
We clear the last of the trees to find one guy laying on the floor and I'm pretty sure that he's dead
while another one is being held tightly by some warriors as Alpha Roland has a firm grip on his
I hear someone pleading and see Troy the Alpha's son pleading with him to stop but the Alpha's
focus is firmly on the wolf whose life is literally in his hands right now. I look up across to the wolf
whose life is about to end and then it happens...
"MATE, MINE!" Taz bellows out in my mind and suddenly everything makes sense. My head shoots
up to look at the wolf again and I can literally see the life being drained out of him but before I even
have time to register anything my instincts kick in and I run with all I have.
Within seconds I manage to stand in front of my mate and I start pulling Alpha Roland's hand away
from my mate's throat, I may not know what's going on here right now but I do know that none of
these fuckers is touching a single hair on my mate's head unless they want to go through me.