Read with BonusRead with Bonus

17- Open my eyes

I open my eyes. My pupils meet the daylight head-on, so I have to blink several times to adjust to reality. My phone is next to me; right on my nightstand. It has a sticky note attached. I quickly realize that it's from Dakota. Judging by this, and the fact that I don't have an IV, it may not have been much time since I passed out.

"I charged your phone. I also left food to heat up in the fridge. I love you.


I run my hand repeatedly over my face to wake up. I feel very disoriented, but it's nothing new. They could scream at me to remind me to take the compass of my life every day and I would still forget.

I set the note aside. I take my phone, turn it on, and activate wifi. I already had some pending notifications, but I come across more than ten notifications from Professor Chad. I throw my head back and groan. I know he's excited, but I think too much enthusiasm can be bad.

I decide to respond to the messages related to my work first. Going to the studio at this time doesn't sound tempting. It's already past noon. Besides, it's Friday. This day is busy only when there's a launch coming up.

The cursed letter that supposedly belongs to Faven comes back to my mind as an unavoidable flash. Being aware of the matter again draws a myriad of unanswered questions in my head. Just when I think I'm close to understanding something, I take two steps back. At this rate, who knows when I'll find out if Chad's nonsense is real or fake. I no longer know. Am I going crazy at the possibility that it might be real?

I prefer to clear my mind by calling Dakota to see how her day is going.

—Hello, hello. I'm with a client —she says—. I'm glad you're okay, Eron.

Once again, the feeling of guilt overwhelms me.

—Thank you for being attentive with me —I murmur—. How long until you're free?

—About forty minutes. She also needs a hairstyle. Let go of the bomb so I can hang up —she demands, but I can imagine her smiling.

—Send me your address in a message so we can go have lunch together, how does that sound?

—Some kind of picnic, you say? I'm in. I love you. It's a date. Goodbyeeee.

I smile like an idiot after hearing her. Yes, sometimes it's necessary to make an effort for things to turn out as you hope. Right now, I want Dakota to feel happier and calmer. Guilt may be pushing me, but mainly it's because I love her that I want to make an effort to do something different.

Out of enthusiasm, I jump up and end up feeling dizzy. Ah, how foolish. I've known my whole life that I shouldn't do that. I really don't learn from my bad experiences, huh.

Once I recover, I start getting ready and go to heat up what she left in the fridge. I decide to respond to more messages in the taxi to avoid distractions and delays. Once inside the vehicle, I let Dakota know that I'm on my way and finally gather all the strength I can to see everything Chad sent.

I read the messages and see the photos. A strong pang hits me in the head when I read and see images of the letter with many colors and a bunch of strange explanations alongside the questions: Did you read the book? Have you decoded the letter yet?

Eron (me): Professor Chad, I already understand who five is. And I know someone who received T's letter. I'm on my way to an important place. I'll tell you more later. Thank you.

I decide not to pay any more attention to it than just a message to reassure him and give him something to occupy himself. At least I don't want to be bothered during my time with Dakota. I deserve that tranquility. Doesn't he spend quality time with his partner, or grade exams? He says he's busy, but he contacts me every day.

I arrive at the place where Dakota is, and I let her know that I'm waiting for her outside. In a matter of five minutes, she gets into the car. She looks happy and radiant. I'm very happy to see her like this.

—How was it?

—It was great! Today I did the makeup for a bride. She wanted me to use blue on her eyeshadow, and she loved it! I'm a loyal advocate for blue in makeup.

I see her perfectly done blue eyeliner, and although I don't know much about it, I agree. It looks nice on her.

—Do you have more appointments today?

—Yes, but they're social makeups. We'll have time to eat calmly —she indicates. Then the taxi driver starts the car—. Hey, Eron…

Her index finger dances on my thigh. I have to clear my throat to not show nervousness.


—I love you —she kisses my cheek.

There's a big difference between the Eron Dakota met, and this Eron. There's also a big difference between the old Dakota and the current one. Both of us were lost and desolate teenagers fighting for our dreams, thinking they were all impossible. Faven accompanied us throughout the process to improve our mental health, but it wasn't easy. Not easy at all. Nothing is perfect, after all.

We met in the waiting room of the psychologist who was a friend of Liry, Faven's older sister. I, because of my eagerness and impatience, was an hour early for the session. Dakota, on the other hand, arrived ten minutes before hers. I didn't know it back then, but she had fallen before leaving and had to stay longer at home healing the wounds on her knees. If not, she says, she would have arrived before me. And now that I know her, I believe her.

It was our first session with the psychologist. Both of us have been friends with Faven for many years, but the idiot never introduced us.

She spoke to me first. I confess that it gave me a certain feeling of rejection because she was a complete stranger trying to start conversations with me, but it took a few more encounters for our strange friendship to blossom. Faven was the one who helped us turn it into something more.

He left a letter in each of our mailboxes, inviting us on a date. Both of us pretended not to be excited, but our eyes couldn't lie for us. We played video games that day and ate junk food in a park. It was simple, but it marked the beginning of our countless dates. Faven still boasts about it.

Today, going to do something similar to that first date, but more aware of the affection we have for each other, makes us think about those beautiful days. I'm sure Dakota feels just as happy as I do today. I truly hope that we can resolve our small or big conflicts because I don't know if I will be able to feel this way with someone else.

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