Read with BonusRead with Bonus

20- In this time of line

Fashion is an authentic expression of an artist's freedom. When I was an intern, I worked for the fashion house DIOR in Paris. It's a very disciplined and methodical world.

How fascinating! - I looked at her surprised. Dr. Pulido raised an eyebrow and smiled with her thin lips in a gesture of satisfaction.

When I was little, my mom didn't like taking me to fashion shows. She was uncomfortable with the idea of me seeing other women's bodies… I think she already suspected…

Suspected your tendency towards bisexuality - She interrupted me, finishing my sentence.

I'm not bisexual, I'm actually a lesbian - I admitted.

I think your bisexuality is very apparent, but perhaps with time, you'll see things my way - She said proudly. Her eyes sparkled. I smiled as I listened to her.

I know that experiences and time reveal new facets of ourselves, but I am sure of my sexual orientation, and I highly doubt it will change over time. I also write, I've discovered that I really enjoy writing - I said after a deep sigh.

You write? - The doctor penetrated me with her unsettling and incisive eyes, filled with wisdom.

Yes, it's something I usually do when I want to calm down… - I added, making a dismissive gesture with my hand - I write.

That could serve as therapy for you. As I was saying, whether you're with your friends, or in surgery with an animal. At some point, you'll think of Paola, and when that happens, I want you to be happy, very happy - The doctor looked at me intently, as if she expected me to interrupt her at some point.

I think about her every day - I confessed, embarrassed - Many times… when I do things or when I'm very happy, I also think of her.

Give me an example - She asked me.

I sighed resignedly.

Ummm, for example… last week, a badly injured puppy came to me because of a porcupine. The surgery took two hours, and I removed around 200 quills. I was really worried that the quills had penetrated some internal tissue. I had to act quickly, and the animal was in no condition to be moved and have an X-ray taken. So, I operated without a previous X-ray, it was a blind surgery. It was a challenge to remove all those quills. Phew! My assistant, Mia, helped me. While we were stitching up his eyelid, she held the tweezers to prevent bleeding. When the surgery was over, the puppy was out of danger, and I was very happy with the result. I imagined Paola's face, her smile, her words, I don't know… what she would have said. I was happy, and I thought of her.

I see… Did you share what happened with Melisa afterward?

Yes, I stayed at her house that night.

And did you feel happy sharing it with her?

Yes, of course - I pondered - Mel always listens to me… she's very sweet - I smiled, remembering Melisa caressing me as she cuddled me in her arms - I told her, but I still felt like I wanted to share it with Paola.

Fashion is an authentic expression of an artist's freedom. When I was an intern, I worked for the fashion house DIOR in Paris. It's a very disciplined and methodical world.

How fascinating! - I looked at her surprised. Dr. Pulido raised an eyebrow and smiled with her thin lips in a gesture of satisfaction.

When I was little, my mom didn't like taking me to fashion shows. She was uncomfortable with the idea of me seeing other women's bodies… I think she already suspected…

Suspected your tendency towards bisexuality - She interrupted me, finishing my sentence.

I'm not bisexual, I'm actually a lesbian - I admitted.

I think your bisexuality is very apparent, but perhaps with time, you'll see things my way - She said proudly. Her eyes sparkled. I smiled as I listened to her.

I know that experiences and time reveal new facets of ourselves, but I am sure of my sexual orientation, and I highly doubt it will change over time. I also write, I've discovered that I really enjoy writing - I said after a deep sigh.

You write? - The doctor penetrated me with her unsettling and incisive eyes, filled with wisdom.

Yes, it's something I usually do when I want to calm down… - I added, making a dismissive gesture with my hand - I write.

That could serve as therapy for you. As I was saying, whether you're with your friends, or in surgery with an animal. At some point, you'll think of Paola, and when that happens, I want you to be happy, very happy - The doctor looked at me intently, as if she expected me to interrupt her at some point.

I think about her every day - I confessed, embarrassed - Many times… when I do things or when I'm very happy, I also think of her.

Give me an example - She asked me.

I sighed resignedly.

Ummm, for example… last week, a badly injured puppy came to me because of a porcupine. The surgery took two hours, and I removed around 200 quills. I was really worried that the quills had penetrated some internal tissue. I had to act quickly, and the animal was in no condition to be moved and have an X-ray taken. So, I operated without a previous X-ray, it was a blind surgery. It was a challenge to remove all those quills. Phew! My assistant, Mia, helped me. While we were stitching up his eyelid, she held the tweezers to prevent bleeding. When the surgery was over, the puppy was out of danger, and I was very happy with the result. I imagined Paola's face, her smile, her words, I don't know… what she would have said. I was happy, and I thought of her.

I see… Did you share what happened with Melisa afterward?

Yes, I stayed at her house that night.

And did you feel happy sharing it with her?

Yes, of course - I pondered - Mel always listens to me… she's very sweet - I smiled, remembering Melisa caressing me as she cuddled me in her arms - I told her, but I still felt like I wanted to share it with Paola.

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