Read with BonusRead with Bonus

9- The sense of the angels

I see… the grief caused by your loss remains latent, and it causes you suffering. It is evident that Paola made you suffer and those burdens towards her are still trapped within you. We will work today with the first hypnosis session to get to the root of the problem, okay?

Alright. The doctor made me walk to the end of her spacious office. It was decorated with two paintings on either side and in the middle, on a red carpet, stood the black padded couch.

First, I want you to close your eyes and delve into your mind and thoughts, allowing the necessary calmness to arise to take you back to your past life - she said to me. - We're not sure if we'll be able to reflect this energy of yours during the regression, but we will work on the memories that link your feelings to the lost object, in this case, Paola. Generally, these emotional connections, when they have such depth, have been severed in other lives, so we can assume that this separation from Paola had already happened to you in a past life.

The law of karma and the power of attraction.

Exactly, we'll start with that hypothesis - the doctor got up from the chair in front of her desk and sat on a black leather armchair next to the window, never taking her eyes off me. She lit a cigarette - Okay?


Now, I want you to feel comfortable and take off your shoes - she asked, observing me lying on the couch in front of the window. I sat up to take off my sneakers and, assuming that I would be hypnotized, I took off my blue jeans jacket and remained only in my black dress. Two thin gold star-shaped bracelets suddenly felt heavy on my wrists. Now, I only looked at the ceiling of the office while feeling the doctor's voice getting closer to me. - Hatred and love fight against each other, Anastasia. The former to disconnect the subject's libido, the latter to isolate you from it. Hatred and love are what stand in the way of ascending to consciousness on the path to your purpose. You have to understand that it is the same energy, only in opposite extremes. Hatred is nothing more than love, so don't be alarmed if we talk about hatred, we are talking about another kind of love. This path is closed to you because of your melancholic state. The traumatic events you may have experienced with the object make you repress every feeling. When the threatened libido finally withdraws from the object, it will not take refuge in your ego anymore; instead, the libido will stay with you. But you can understand that you have stopped feeling love towards the object at the moment of displacement, and that's what I need to find. The solution lies in working with your memories of Paola.

Oh… I see - I said, confused.

I want you to close your eyes, Anastasia. Let yourself be guided by my voice. Along with my voice, we will perform a complete reconstruction of your past life with the memories that lie deep in your subconscious. You will allow my voice to guide you in this regression exercise. Close your eyes on the count of three and let me enter your mind… one… two… and three. Eyes closed. The squeak of the wood echoed under my bare ankles. The room was warmly lit, with light bouncing off the mahogany walls and illuminating the entire room uniformly. A door in the floor with two wooden openings was exposed. I took hold of one of the metal handles, laid on the ground, and pulled it up to open the door. A dim light ascended from the depths, illuminating a staircase. I could clearly see the first step descending into a place beyond my vision. I leaned towards the bottom, blinked lightly, and breathed through my mouth as if afraid to breathe or be caught doing something improper. I tilted my head, looking inside until my hair touched my ankles. Then I straightened up and put one foot on the cold, cemented ground, followed by the other. And so, I began to descend. As I lightly stepped on the cold, smooth stairs, I felt a tobacco-scented breath brush against my cheek, and a lavender aroma permeated from a garden at the bottom of the stairs. I had left behind the black dress and the sneakers I had worn to the appointment that afternoon. Now, in their place, I wore a white lace blouse and a red chiffon skirt. The stairs were straight, diagonally descending until curving into a spiral shape. I felt like I had passed many steps beyond the room upstairs. My legs felt lighter as I approached a dazzling light, naked in its absolute whiteness. Suddenly, I realized that I no longer had the red skirt; now I only wore a beautiful flowing white dress, very loose and comfortable. Sunbeams filtered through Greek architecture-framed windows, enveloping the walls and covering the descent. The daylight seeped through small slits, illuminating the floor and warming my bare shoulders. The space became narrower and narrower until finally, I stood in front of the white light and passed through it as if being absorbed. I felt a sense of well-being, a kind of white energy radiating from outside, filling my muscles, my smooth and taut back, my shoulders, my chest, and my legs, filling every pore of my skin with life. An intense tingling sensation traveled through my chest, and I felt my body filled with youthfulness, glowing in its splendor. I lit up like a star in the infinite night. My lips became filled with hundreds of crystals, and my skin radiated a full golden and diamond-like shimmer. When I was on the other side of the light, whose source of illumination had disappeared completely behind me, I entered the living room of a spacious house. I walked among large furniture filled with pillows, all white, with many brown and red cushions. Silk veils in mustard color decorated the place. I felt the sensation of velvet beneath my toes as I walked on a cream-colored carpet that covered the entire living room. I still wore the white dress with ruffles, a Greek-style dress held together by a garment that joined the fabric on my left shoulder and clung to my body. The dress harmoniously adorned me along with a tiara in my hair. My hair was wavy and filled with star-like sparkle, covered by a frosty mantle. Its tone remained a champagne blonde, and loose strands fell like a silky curtain behind my shoulders. I walked anxiously back and forth, waiting for someone. I tried to figure out what my name was, but I couldn't. I only knew that the accumulated anxiety in my body prevented me from staying still. I went out to the balcony, and the sound of the sea warmly embraced me. I stretched out my hands, feeling the calmness of the sea between my fingers, sensing the foam embracing the sand and the smell of salt mixing with the air. As I gazed at the sea, a smile formed on my face, and I let go of all the worry about that person who had not yet arrived. I went back into the room and noticed a grand piano in the living room.

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