Chapter 4 (Cora)

As we returned to the annex, my mind buzzed with thoughts of everything that had to be done. The guest rooms had never been used; the main dining room was in shambles as it was being used for storage. Never mind, we didn’t have the staff to support such a big event. I mentally went through the list of servants I would have to address as soon as I returned immediately. Ten days was not nearly enough time for us to get ready. As my mind lingered on that list and what it would take to make the annex even remotely respectable for someone of the king of Andals' stature, Elanora snapped her fingers in front of my face to wake me up from my thoughts. As I looked up, I was greeted by disgust on the princess's face.

Yanking me by my hair, my knees collided on the wooden floor of the carriage. I knew what was coming next; I hoped I could still speak after the beating she was about to give me. She continued to slap me as she shrieked about how unfair her life was.

“How could a father do this to me? Not only is my sister marrying the love of my life, but now I have to host a feral beast within my home.” Another slap to my face left an open cut near my eyebrow as her ring snagged on the skin. Blood streaked down into my eye, making it hard to see.

My face felt numb and hot. It didn't end till she dug her heel into the back of my hand, pinning it against the hardwood floor.

“Once again, your mother has failed to teach me how to deal with situations properly. If I were educated by my sister's teachers instead of your mother, it would be me standing next to the Duke, not her.” she hollered.

Shifting her weight off my hand, I was able to grab it, cradling it against my chest. That was going to leave a nasty bruise. And by the looks of my hand, I didn’t want to see my face.

After helping her retire to her room for the evening and having another maid bring up her supper and help her prepare herself for bed, I went on my way to talk to Rupert, the head butler who had taken up his position when my mother had fallen ill.

Heading into his office, He was up and out of his chair, cupping my face in his hands before I could even say anything.

“Elanora?” he questioned, not needing any further explanation. He knew all too well how Elanora always took her frustrations out on me. Rupert had been serving as my mothers' advisor since she had taken up residence in the annex twenty-two years ago, the day Elanora was born. Rupert had been banished to the annex when the king had been upset, and Rupert just happened to be there to inform the king of the advisor's visit. Though we weren’t related by blood, I did see him as the closest thing to a father I had.

Just nodding, I let him skim his aging finger over my cheeks and down my chin as he tried to assess the damage she had done this time. He asked for a report from the main palace once he was fully satisfied it wouldn’t leave permanent damage.

Getting us organized took longer than I thought it would, between belaying the message to all staff and trying to devise a solution to the shortage of supplies and staff had taken up most of the evening. After the kitchen staff, maids, and gardeners were all informed of their tasks, I took the task of letting the knights know of the plans to up the patrols, especially at night due to the frequent monster sightings we were having, so Rupert could go to bed. His old age was catching up to him, and I didn’t want him to fall ill due to exhaustion during all this.

After a brief meeting and an enraged uproar by the knight commander, Sir Willard, it was late, well past dinner time. I had already sent a maid to deliver dinner to my mother, but I wanted to see her and see how she was doing. On my way back from the knight's encampment, Tate, one of the few knights that were friendly with the annex staff and me, stopped me.

“Cora, before your mother gives a fit about your face, let me tend to your wounds.” he gently lifted his finger, grazing against the eyebrow Elanora had split open earlier that day.

“Oh yea? Is there something wrong with my face? Are you trying to call me ugly?” I teased, feigning being hurt.

“You have been looking quite troll-like lately.” he chuckled, dodging as I went to hit him.

It was late, and he was right about my mother giving a fit. So without a fight, I let him drag me back to the encampment so he could put a salve on my eyebrow and wrap my hand to help with the soreness. Looking up at me as he wrapped my hand with expert ease, he gently squeezed my hand, not enough to hurt but enough to grab my attention away from the never-ending list of things I had to get done in the next ten days.

“Cora, why don't you defend yourself against Elanora? I can't stand to see her do this to you, and I know how much it hurts your mother as well.” he sounded wounded, as if my pain was his.

Taking my hand back from his, I ruffled his hair with my good hand like I did when we were kids. Tate’s mother had been banished to the annex when I was about three, and Tate and I were only a few weeks apart in age. Elanora, Tate, and I had pretty much grown up together, as she was six months older than us.

It wasn’t like I couldn’t defend myself against Elanora; I didn’t want to. Tate had made sure I knew the basics of sword fighting and hand-to-hand combat when he found out I was being harassed by some of the other maids who knew of my lineage.

How I saw things, though, was if it were not me, it would be one of the other maids; I could handle Elanora’s outburst, but I didn't want anyone else to bear that pain, especially if she turned her attention towards my mother.

“I’m fine, Tate; if you must worry about me, ensure the knights guard Elanora without fail the entire time that man is here. I don’t need her getting upset while he is here. That way, we may all have a chance of surviving his visit.” I was already exhausted by the whole idea.

It was well past midnight when I went to see my mother. I could see an entire bowl of soup I had another maid deliver to her on the corner of her bedside table. She lay in our bed in a fitful sleep, plagued by the many nightmares that took hold of her dreams each night. Going over to the bedside, I sat beside her, laying my cold hand on her feverish forehead. It still had not gone down. Standing up, I went to mix up the dried herbs I had gathered into a powder so I could pour it into a cup with hot water. That way, she could swallow it with ease. If only I had worked at the main palace, I would have had enough money by now to help my mother, but I couldn't dwell on that fact; she needed me here and now.

She was slowly getting worse by the day; the home remedies helped to soothe her symptoms but did little to cure her. I just hoped she could hang on till I could save up enough so a doctor could examine her and give her the medicine she needed. Until then, I would do everything in my power to keep her alive and healthy.

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