Read with BonusRead with Bonus


I was excited, I hung out with Chase every Wednesday afternoon and Saturday night for a few weeks, practiced our scripts, did a few pre-film interviews while the set was being set up, the actors and actresses getting ready.

Now was the fun part. This was the sort of movie where I did my makeup and hair in a montage, changed too but had to voice it all over like the 90's cliche intro movies.

It was hot. I played a girl named Kassidy. She was smoking, basically a badass bitch in tight leather pants.

Chase was a hot guy and he was smokin' under his shirt, physique perfect for this roll, he was into BDSM and tried to tame Ms. Bad Bitch.

Soooo cliche but I'm in it. And I get to keep my red lipstick.

"Cut!" Range yelled.

"Thank fuck, I can't feel my feet." I yanked off the platform heels.

I make some fun bloopers.

"You look good in those pants." Chase winked.

"Yea she does!" A loud voice yelled and a guy walked out, wrapping his arm around Chase.

"Peyton." He offered a hand.

"Ahhhhh the hubby. I've heard a lot." I shook his hand.

"Can I shoot in this with you? I'm not as tall so shorten those heels but I could do it babe. My hands move the same." He joked.

"Dirty." I teased.

"You're so beautiful in person! Cameras don't do you justice. Which is crazy because you still look hot over camera." He squinted.

I chuckled, unbuttoning the pants and letting my tummy breathe.

"And she's human." He shook his head.

"You're cute, I'm gonna pee, nice meeting you Peyton. See you in 10 Chase." I smiled and walked away.

"What's up with the pants?" Range poked my stomach with the back of his pen.

"It's tight. Try having your junk stuffed in a ziplock bag with no air. Move it I have a small bladder." I pushed him aside and heard him cackle while I went into the restroom.

"It's a wrap. Good job." Range left his chair and I sighed, taking my hair out of its ponytail and undoing my pants once again.

"Hey Shaina." Ryder walked up to me and I looked at him.

"What?" I asked.

"I apologize for my attitude, I've been having some personal problems lately and I'm taking it out on the person benefitting my career the most, I am truly sorry." He looked at me, clearly struggling to obtain eye contact.

"Do you mean that?" I moved past him to grab my bottle of water.

"I do, yes."

"It's not just because your brother said so?" I quirked a brow.

"Honestly that's the reason it is currently happening but an apology is due regardless. I am glad you chose Chase. He's very good and his husband is funny. Good choice." He nodded awkwardly.

I walked up to him, my platform heels giving me a closer look at him up close.

"Don't doubt me again. I know what I'm doing Axe. I've done it many times and spent a lot of years analyzing other people. I trust you'll be fair to me in the future." I studied him.

"Fair I must be." He walked past me and I smiled.


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