Chapter 3: Hypnotize Me, Professor
Chapter 3: Hypnotize Me, Professor
I looked away quickly, looking at some point on the table and feeling like I couldn't even breathe, I pushed my hair forward so that it covered me like a curtain and thus avoided his heavy penetrating gaze that seemed to pierce my soul, reminding me of what happened in his office. I couldn't understand why my body acted like this when I was around him, he definitely intimidated me a bit.
Well, not a little, a lot.
"Hello, a pleasure, engineering class," he began to say. "I am Hades Parker, the doctor; Hades Parker, I specialize in pediatrics, I also have a law degree, and an engineer. I am not a psychologist, but I have courses in therapy, mental health and neuroscience, and I am a hypnosis fan. So I will teach psychology this year so you will see this subject, Do you have any questions?"
«Holly Shit».
But this guy was a genius, how could he study all that and still be young? Although… I really didn't know how old he was.
If he seemed intimidating to me before, now he appeared supernatural to me.
Everyone was speechless before the dazzling career of Professor Parker, the most curious thing was that the university hired him to teach psychology or rather; that he agreed to give this class, being such a well-educated person and having his own office as a doctor.
One of the boys in the class named Andrew raised his hand and the teacher pointed at him giving him the floor to whatever he was going to ask.
"Why did he study the most difficult things?" Andrew said, seeming to be gaping at Hades Parker.
All of us were in shock.
The professor shrugged disinterestedly to say:
"Looking for challenges."
Uhm, he was cocky too.
Another girl raised her hand, asking to speak and the teacher pointed at her, I could see her blushing noticeably with bright eyes of adoration towards him, apparently not only had that effect on me but on all of them.
"You wrote the books on hypnotism?" she asked.
The professor nodded.
I think I had to read those books, now they have caught my attention a lot
Another boy raised his hand and the teacher gave him the floor.
"Can you give us hypnosis classes?" he asked.
Hades chuckled putting his hands in his pockets and said:
"I can give you an introduction because those are not the topics that I will cover in class. Hypnosis is a dangerous art that not everyone can master because it can destroy you, it is managing a person's brain, thoughts and emotions."
I shuddered without even knowing why.
"Another question?" the professor continued.
This time it was another person to raise their hand, the teacher gave him the floor.
"Can you fly by any chance?"
Everyone laughed, the professor stood aside and said:
"Yes, I took aviation classes."
Apparently that man had a huge brain with which he could slap anyone, he had never met someone so versatile before.
Well, if his brain was that big then how big would his...
I stopped my thoughts.
"No, Nube, but what do you think?"
But it was inevitable to think about it, this man having so much control over everything must be a god of sex...
«Enough Nube».
He intimidated me, and I could see all the girls and several boys pining for him too. The class was short, he only gave the titles of the content that we would see for the rest of the semester, his email and the hours in which he would be available to answer strict questions from the university.
Definitely now Mondays would be very interesting.
When the class finally ended, I only heard comments from Professor Parker, saying how good he was, his smell, the size of his hands, his feet, his muscles, his members, his clothes, I just wanted to take a breath and get away from him, I was about to leave the classroom when suddenly someone took my arm, I turned around finding myself with the green eyes that I once liked, it was Rafael; my ex.
I was now worse because it disgusted me that he even touched me.
"Hello," Rafael said, seeing him and talking to him now always seemed strange to me after everything that happened, I just disliked him.
"What?" I asked, wriggling out of his grasp, freeing my arm.
He frowned.
"Look at you, before you couldn't get away from my arm begging me for love and now you treat me like that as if I stink," he commented.
I narrowed my eyes, even so he had the nerve to remind me how affectionate I was with him in such a demeaning way as if I had «begged him for love», I never did, when we were together I was loyal to him and showed him a lot of affection, I was even very attentive when he told me about her family problems; Her father was a drunk, her mother abandoned them, I knew he had had a hard time but that did not justify anything he did to me, after her betrayal I just walked away with the unpleasant feeling of having been cheated .
"What do you want, Rafael?" I asked, I wasn't here to waste time, especially not with him.
He seemed to understand that I was not in for pleasant conversations.
"Okay," he said, "Nube, I wanted to ask you if you have your chemistry notes, I couldn't copy Friday's class."
Yes he had the notes, but I really didn't want to give them to him because he was a jerk and I didn't like him.
It's past, Nube.
I was the president of the second year engineering course, so I always had to keep an eye on the students, it was almost impossible for me to refuse.
Before I could answer him, I heard a deep voice behind me that stole our attention when he said:
"Miss Queen".
I tensed knowing who he was.
I think I didn't even breathe and my hands began to shake without knowing why.
I turned around whit Rafael watching Professor Hades Parker leaning on his desk with his arms crossed over his chest and his gaze fixed on me, leaving me again paralyzed with a blank mind.
«Breathe Nube, react».
"Yes, Professor Parker?" I heard myself say, but I was just thinking about not getting entangled with my tongue or choking on my saliva.
"Come here." He continued and his eyes went to Rafael to say: "Now".
He had forgotten for a moment how rare it was when he asked for things because he didn't ask for them, he ordered them. I looked at Rafael, I knew Rafael and he seemed to want to refute the professor for his interruption, but he didn't do it because precisely... he was the professor.
I have never been so glad to obey someone.
As I turned and started walking towards Professor Parker, I swallowed hard, suddenly feeling my heart race as I realized his dark gaze was locked on mine and one corner of his mouth turned up as if I could see the evil come out of him.
My lioness wanted to run away and hide because she felt that the closer I got to him, the closer I got to the gates of hell.