Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 20

Camilla's POV

I sipped my tea in silence. For some weeks now, I stayed home all day since I hadn't found a job. My phone rang and it was Lisa. I smiled and picked the call.

"Hello!, Lisa", I greeted in excitement.

" Madam Camilla ", she called and we both laughed. After the exchange of pleasantries, she said,

" I have not been able to find any good job around here. But, why not go back to Frostbite? "

"What? Frostbite?", I asked in surprise.

" Yes. There is vacancy there and of course you know the pay is high", she replied.

"Really? Lisa? Are you the one saying this? I resigned after getting a job there because of Kelvin and now you want me to go back and deliver myself and son to him on a platter of gold?"

"Wait. Let me ask you then. When was the last time he asked after his son?"

I thought for a while and realized it had been long.

"You see, he is obviously no longer interested in your son" Lisa stated.

"Common Lisa. I don't buy that idea. There is no way I am going back to Frostbite"

"Just think about it and get back to me", she finished and ended the call.

I thought of what Lisa suggested and shook my head in disagreement. I was never going to do that. I thought of calling Michael but he called instead.

" Open the door. I'm outside ", he said and ended the call. I was surprised. I still opened the door but he was nowhere in sight. I looked around and noticed his car parked down the road. I went back inside and waited a while before he came in. He was putting on a face cap. A perfect disguise for his handsome face. I looked on in bewilderment. He sat down calmly and asked for a glass of water. I went in and got him a glass of water. He gulped it down and lay on the bed.

Tick...tock...the clock ticked by. Five minutes, ten, twenty minutes and Mike has not moved. Neither had he said a word. I tapped him and he opened his eyes slowly.

" What's the problem? ", I asked.

" I have been working on the investigation. I found something. But I am highly exhausted ", he replied calmly.

" Found what?", I asked excitedly.

"Something about the figures", he replied again without hitting the nail on the head.

" Michael!, say something ", I yelled impatiently.

" Okay. You just listen let me tell you all you need to know, okay?", Mike said.


"Okay. There is the thing. I came over this side some days ago. I noticed some guys around here. Possibly the dark figures you have been seeing. They always hung around and it seemed they monitor your every move. I booked a room in that hotel across the street and watched from there. Well, to cut the story short, I noticed a car come by two nights ago. The young spies got in and the car drove them back at midnight. I followed unnoticed the second day and I got to understand they reported to the driver when ever he comes by. And some pictures are been handed over to him. Though I didn't see what they were clearly. But I suspect those are your photos", Michael explained.

I took a deep breath and thought through his narration.

" What…, I am speechless ", I began.

" What is left is for me to find the driver. And I must be careful to avoid being noticed by the spies".

I nodded slowly. He changed the topic and asked after my work.

"I haven't found any job here yet. Lisa said she wasn't able to get me any", I explained sadly.

" Hmmm. I said it initially that you should move back to town. Moreover, your rent will be due in few weeks. Remember we paid for four months. You can't keep running neither can you keep changing environment especially for someone as young as Kelvin. The earlier you move back to town, the better. I believe it is not safe here", Michael said.

"That reminds me. Lisa said I should go back to Frostbite company".

" Why? What for!", Michael asked in surprise

"I don't know. That's what she said. I was surprised as well. You know I left because of Kelvin. I will not return in anyway to deliver myself to him on a platter of gold. How will I resign from an organization and show up again asking for employment? They will definitely not take me serious and possibly remind me that it's an organization not a playground", I said.

" Well, my main focus is that you stay safe and free from danger. If you want to return to Frostbite to try your luck, it's fine. But please, go back to town soon", Mike advised. I nodded. A mischievous smile appeared on his face and he said,"I spent my few days break here, investigating and looking out for you. What do I get in return? "

"What do you want? A sacrifice?", I asked in return.

" Will you give me what I want?"

"Say it first. You know you always say crazy things", I said and we both laughed.

" What if I say I want you? You know some… " he began. I rolled my eyes and he burst into laughter.

"Always talking nonsense", I said frowning. "Let's go clubbing when you get back to town. The three of us. It's been a while", Mike suggested.

A thought occurred to me. I stared at Mike for some seconds.

" Why are you staring at me?", he asked between laughter.

"I am just wondering why you are not yet married", I said calmly.

" And where is the wonder coming from? Well, of course I am waiting for you", came his reply.

"Mike…", I began.

" Should I prove it?", he said as he held me close. I froze as I felt his hand on my skin. A sly smile appeared on his face. He let go of me and sat on the bed. Just then, we heard a gun shot.

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