Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 22

Camilla's POV

I was shocked and happy at the same time. I could not believe my eyes. No interview, no questions,but i had the job. I smiled broadly. My mind screamed, 'lucky chap'. It was such a lucky morning. I quickly called Lisa.

"Hey baby girl", greeted Lisa.

" Lisa, I got the job", I said excitedly.

"Wow, that's great. Let's celebrate later. I am at work, okay", she answered

" Oh. That's true. Okay then" I replied and ended the call.

Work began in earnest. I was the Secretary to the CEO's assistant. Quite a nice position. I carried out my duties diligently. My boss hardly ever noticed me. Mr Greg. He was always focused and preferred to carry out his duties without involving me. I really wondered why it was so.

Another thing that baffled me was the way the CEO behaves towards me. The CEO was a nice and handsome young man in his late twenties. He looked a little like Mr Kelvin Frost. He was even nicer and friendlier than Kelvin. I was surprised as it was seldom heard of CEO's being nice to their employees. What I did not know was how many of his employees he was nice to. He always smiled when I greeted and was also asking after me. He came over to say hello that afternoon.

"Hello Camilla", he greeted nicely. I was taken aback. I forced a smile and replied," Good day sir".

"It's lunch time. Are you not going for lunch?", he asked in a very concerned tone.

" I will sir. I just have a few things to tidy up,sir", I answered trying my best to be polite and respectful. He nodded, smiled and said, "Don't fail to have your lunch. You should not skip meals".

" Okay sir. Thank you sir", I replied and went back to my work. He went away with a smile still plastered on his face.

Each day brought new questions. It began with,

'How are you?' to 'How was your night'

'How are you adjusting at work?' to 'hope you are getting along well?'

I answered all good naturedly. Next came new sets of questions.

'Have you had lunch?', or 'how was lunch?',

'Let's go for lunch', or 'do I get you lunch?' And finally, 'Here, I got you lunch'. I really wondered why all the care but I could swear I enjoyed every bit of it. It was really a nice thing to have a caring boss and CEO. Only my boss, Assistant Greg, failed to notice me. I also noticed there was a bit of bad blood between Assistant Greg and the CEO. But that was the least of my worries.

Silas POV

I smiled in satisfaction. Camilla Xanders has finally found her way back to Frostbite. I swore to take her away from Kelvin. My main plan was to take away everything Kelvin had, loved and cherished. My men have given me series of reports that he loved her. That made me want to take her away. She was such a nice, naive girl. I was just going to win and buy her over, then use her against Kelvin. I looked at her innocent face one more time and knew my plan was definitely going to work. It made me highly elated.

I could have arranged her to be my secretary but I didn't want to arouse any form of suspicion. I handed her over to Assistant Greg who complained endlessly.

"Mr Frost", he had began that day.

I narrowed my eyes and corrected." President Frost ". Assistant Greg had never been happy with my position as CEO but I knew small frys like him didn't matter. My only annoyance was that he had turned a deaf ear and blind eye to my instruction of being addressed as 'President Frost'.

" President Frost ", he finally corrected himself.

" That mistake will not be tolerated next time", I warned him sternly.

"President Frost, my secretary is highly competent and we are okay working together. She discharges her duties right and makes work efficient. I see no use for a new secretary", he stated his complaint.

" What do you want then?", I asked.

"The new secretary can be transferred to the manager who needs one, and my secretary remains with me", he said.

" Are you giving me orders? ", I thundered in great annoyance.

" Not at all, President Frost ", he said lowering his head.

" Well, I have made arrangements. She remains your new secretary, whether you like it or not. If you are not comfortable with that, you can leave the company. Yes, you can leave Frostbite company ", I finalized. He still did not raise his lowered head. I frowned and asked..

" Do you understand me?"

"Yes, sir", came the reply.

" Yes,what?? ", I answered back. He corrected himself.

" Yes President Frost "

"Get out" I said dismissing him.

I looked around to make sure everything was put in place. I was going to see some of our big clients to sign deals with them. I set off with my secretary. The driver drove to the hotel where we scheduled to meet.

When I got there, the client wasn't present yet. I smiled. It was better I had come earlier to avoid being accused of incompetence.

Mr Crosby showed up about ten minutes later. "Good evening Mr. Crosby", I greeted extending my hands for a handshake.

" Evening President Frost " he replied taking my hand.

We settled down and ordered a sumptuous meal. The waiter brought in our orders and we ate in silence. When we were done eating, we settled down for a glass of wine. He cleared his throat and asked.

"You are here to sign the business proposal with me?"

"Yes, I am", I answered.

" Well, you are a new face", he stated.

I smiled and pulled out my ID and said, "Yes, but I am the CEO of Frostbite Enterprise".

He was taken aback and he nearly chocked on his drink.

" CEO?", he asked with a puzzzled look on his face.

"Yes, Mr Crosby. I am the CEO. Shall we proceed with the business proposal?", I asked a little impatient.

But he had more questions. " What about President Kelvin?".

The question got me angry but I tried my best to stay calm on the surface. Kelvin was already gone, why was he still being asked after? I smiled calmly and said,"Kelvin is no longer the CEO of Frostbite Enterprise ", I explained as calmly as I could.

He looked at me in disbelief. He gulped down his wine and said, " I will only sign this deal with President Kelvin ". He stood up and walked away.

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