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Chapter 23

Silas' POV

I watched as Mr Crosby walked out. I was really angry watching him walk out on me. It was supposed to be a 14 million deal. Why will he refuse to sign a deal without Kelvin? Was there something I didn't know? I took a deep breath and tried to relax. I didn't have to show the anger on my face. I was going to get more clients. I hoped no one will ever make mention of Kelvin.

I sipped my drink in silence all the same. I was certainly not going to let this opportunity slip. All the shareholders will have something wrong to say of I don't hit this deal. A lot of them had been against my position as CEO. For quite a long time, all I heard at meetings was 'Kelvin, Kelvin, when will Kelvin return? Competent Kelvin and his own way of discharging duties efficiently'.

A shareholder had even used him to set an example for me to follow.

"Learn from your elder brother, Kelvin. Follow the way he ran things in this company and watch yourself progress", the older man had said that day. I only smiled and nodded in affirmation despite my anger and grievances.

I began to wonder why I had not killed him a long time ago. Or was it because he managed to escape all my ploys for his death? I gulped down my wine in one gulp and stormed out fuming.

" Drive", I ordered the driver as soon as I got into the car.

"Where to sir?", he asked politely.

" What do you…", I began before realizing that I hadn't told him where to drive us to. I looked at my secretary and said, "Get out, take a cab or find your way back". He got out promptly and obediently.

" Drive home", I instructed the driver.

"Yes sir", he replied and turned on the ignition.

I had a cold shower and walked out of my room. I thought of going to see Father. I was about knocking when I heard him talking to someone. It was Victor, Kelvin's driver and guard. Or do I say, friend. I marveled at Kelvin's choice of friends. He had very few friends, yet he is very powerful, arrogant and proud. Victor was one of his trusted. I was very sure about that. He always loved Victor. Since we were kids. I wondered why, though. They were clearly of different age and background.

I quickly reverted my attention and focused once more on the conversation going on behind the closed door.

" Where were you then?", dad asked in anger.

"Sir…" Victor stammered.

"I said where were you and what did you do?", father asked again in rising anger.

" Sir, I couldn't stop him", Victor shuddered helplessly.

"And where did he go?" Father continued questioning.

"Sir, I don't know…"

"What do you mean you don't know? Are you not his driver?"

"Sir, I only dropped him off at the airport. He left afterwards. He didn't say anything to me", Victor explained.

" Get out", Father said dismissing the poor and frightened young man.

"Thank you sir", Victor replied and scurried away.

I heard his footsteps and quickly took cover. I watched him emerge from the room with beads of sweat all over him. It was always like that when dealing with father. A very difficult man. I knew that Victor was lying but I couldn't prove it. There was no way Kelvin would not have mentioned his whereabouts to him. Victor came after his heart. I could have used Victor against Kelvin but the trust was already cemented before I could sow any seed of discord. Kelvin had no girlfriend. I could have gotten him that way too. He never believed in women. Never. I only knew he went clubbing often and luck shone on me when he made out with Camilla. I was definitely going to finish him off. I didn't want him alive and happy.

I wanted to go back into father's room but I heard him talking on the phone. I couldn't hear the other party.

" What?"

"Right. He is the new CEO…. Yes… Why won't you sign deals? … Has it gotten to that…", father was saying. I heard a noise indicating that he had stood up from his chair and was making for the door. I quickly slid down the stairs.

Sophia's POV.

It was morning again. And a new day. Most importantly, a day to visit my father. I had my bath and hurried over breakfast. It was weekend, so I need not go to work. I set off in my car and drove in silence. I got to an end and parked my car. I already knew the rules. "No cars and secrecy at all costs"

I took a deep breath and tried to be strong. My father had been in captive for a long time. I was made a pawn in my perpetrator's hands. All I did to save my father's life and to save my self too.

"Good morning", I saluted the instant I came face to face with one of the thugs. He looked at his wrist watch and grunted," Ten minutes late ".

I frowned. They always looked for faults. I knew better than to utter a word. I followed him silently to see Father.

" You know the usual time", he said strenly and stood few paces by. I looked at my father and my heart bled. He had been in captive for a while and had been treated rashly. Moreover, he was sick and dying. I had to do all within my power to save him as well as see to it that he gets the required medical attention. Yet, father refused to give in. He was very strong willed. I did everything within my power to get my dad out of this place. But it seemed Silas only derived joy tormenting and dishing out orders to me.

"Father", I cried hugging him closely. A tear drop followed by another trickled down my face. Dad hugged me too.

" Don't cry, child", he said consoling me. "It's going to be fine. Listen, you don't have to let them use you. Moreover, that Silas young man can't be taken by his words", dad stated in plain words.

" Hey old man, watch your mouth if you don't want to end it here", the thug keeping watch nearby interrupted. Dad wasn't moved one bit. He continued unabated. "You should try not to be moved my dear child. Don't worry about me. Leave them all. It's going to be fine. I don't trust that Silas boy and he can never keep to his word. They are all bunch of hooligans".

There was a gun shot which froze me instantly. " Will you be silent now Mr?, asked the thug who had shot the gun. My whole body shook like a leaf. He came closer and pushed my dad very roughly. "Time is up. Get in".

I checked my watch and it wasn't time yet. I quickly protested." No, it's not time yet". I marveled at my own courage. A deafening slap made me wish I had swallowed my words earlier.

"Are you now dictating orders to me? Will you tell me when it's time?", he thundered in great annoyance.

" I am sorry ", I pleaded struggling to hold back my tears. Just as dad was being shoved inside, he called out to me saying," Child, dope", and he was taken away from my sight.

He only said a word but I knew it had other meaning. My dad and I always communicated in Morse code. My father was a very smart man and trained me to be so. I remembered growing up with father. He always taught me such codes saying it was necessary I learnt them so that I can use it when necessary.

"You don't always have to let all your enemies know of what you are saying, what you are doing or what you plan to do. A blink of your eye to the next person goes a really long way to convey thousands of messages. Let's start. When I show you my thumb, it means….", father had taught me that year.

I knew what he said just before he left. He said, " Try another way to figure out what Silas has in mind. Try plan B. Plan A will do us no good". I knew I would have to work immediately on dad's words. What dad didn't know was how far Silas had made me go and the things he had made me do. My only focus was to liberate father and I. The thought preoccupied my mind as I went down the road and back to my car.

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