Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 24

Kelvin's POV

Everything has been real stressful and tough. I just wished I had someone to calm my nerves. I suddenly felt aroused. The thought of the last time with Camilla crawled into my mind. I smiled and let my smile freeze immediately. I had made up my mind not to think about anything and anyone from America. I have come to begin anew and that I must do.

I sat down on a comfortable cushion and began going through my laptop. I was determined to set up a company over here and make it a great one. Having lived in Europe in the past, and having travelled here for business trips in the past, I was just so sure that I will cope here. Moreover, I had a few business partners here as well and also a concrete knowledge of setting up subsidiary firms. I have created a lot of subsidiary firms in affiliation to Frostbite Enterprise, so I knew how to go about mine.

"Start small, grow big", I kept muttering to myself. I began planning various strategies to carry out my goal. I felt my stomach rumble. Hunger. I was hungry. I looked around in exasperation. All my life, I had servants at my Beck and call. Now, poor me, I was alone. Having left home and renouced the Frost name. A lot of people probably think I am on one of my business trips. Dad kept to his words and the news of my dismissal or rather, forceful and deceitful removal from office never found its way to the press. I wasn't used to impress the media. Nice one.

Eating out all day was going to be exorbitant. I had returned the black cards and now my wealth was only limited. I was no longer a multi-billionaire. I was now just a millionaire. The thought made me shiver. I got even more angry with my father. I was also more determined to prove my worth to him. And Silas. My frown deepened the second my thoughts went to him. That sly bastard. I remembered the call I had made the previous day.

" Good day Sir", one of my men greeted over the phone.

"Afternoon", I replied.

" Sir, things are going okay here. We are protecting Miss Camilla and the child, young Master Kelvin. Master Silas has intensified his security around them and more people are watching ", he reported in details.

" What? Why?", I asked a bit puzzled.

"I am very sorry sir. We are yet to find out on that one sir"

"What is keeping you from finding out that one?", I asked in near annoyance.

" We will do that soonest sir. But there is something else sir".

"Go ahead. What else?", I asked almost impatiently.

" Miss Camilla is working at Frostbite Enterprise ", he dropped the bombshell. I stood up immediately. What? Why will she be working there? I pulled myself and my thoughts together and asked him,

" How did she get back there? And what position does she hold in that company? "

"Well, sir, she attended an interview. But, it was surprising that there wasn't any vacancies when she went for that interview. Moreover, she did not even get to be interviewed properly from my findings. She was given an instant employment", he stated.

" And who is she working for or under?", I repeated my second question which he failed to answer at the initial time.

"She is the secretary to Assistant Greg", came the reply.

" Assistant Greg ", I muttered. " Assistant Greg and Camilla Xanders. Why will Silas put her to work under him? And why did he even bring her back to Frostbite? What could be his aim and...oh!" I began asking the numerous questions on my mind.

"Dan", I called the man on the phone

" Yes sir", he answered promptly.

"Find out everything. I mean, everything. Listen to some key points. Why did Silas put Camila to work under my assistant Greg? Why isn't she working directly under him? And find out why he employed her in the first place. Find out his next move…", I said and took a deep breath.

" In fact, find out everything. And most importantly, keep a close watch on Camilla and little Kelvin ", I issued the last of my orders.

" Yes sir", Dan saluted diligently and dutifully.

Seated on my cushion right now,yesterday's call was evergreen in my mind. I needed instant answers to those pressing questions. Hard as I try to stop my thoughts, it drifted back to Camilla. I remembered her angelic face, voluptuous breasts and her lovely, soft ass. I remembered her luscious and full lips as well as how they tasted. They tasted so sweet. Next was her beautiful breasts with nice pink tits. Very hard and inviting. Her moans were raw, arousing and amazing. Finally, my thoughts focused on her ass. The wetness down there and how my fingers felt inside her. Or was it how it felt when I put my mouth in there? Her juice tasted great. I had been in cloud 9 when I thrust my whole length into her.

"Oh man!", I quickly chided myself at my line and train of thought. I looked down and noticed my erect hard cock.

" Camilla again ", I muttered.

My stomach rummbled again bringing my hunger back to mind. I stood up, stroked my cock in bid to make it relax. I finally made my way to the kitchen to appease my hunger. I found it funny how a mighty CEO will be in the kitchen. But that was my step to greatness. I couldn't thank my mum enough for her efforts towards my growing up process. Despite being the son of a Billionaire, she had taught me basic culinary skills and others when we lived alone in New York.

I made Pizza and Ramen and was eating when my phone rang. It was Mr Crosby. I wondered why he called. I swallowed up my food and took the call.

" Hello?", I spoke into the receiver.

"Good morning President Frost", he greeted.

'President Frost'. That hit me like a dagger. I was no longer President Frost. But I kept my cool all the same.

" Good morning to you too", I responded flatly. He was already used to my flat, cold response.

"I was supposed to sign a deal with Frostbite Enterprise and someone else, by name, Silas Frost showed up as the CEO. Is that right?", he asked.

" Yes, that's right Mr Crosby ".

" What? I thought that was some kind of joke. President Kelvin Frost, what happened? Are you on a business trip or something? ", he asked, his voice full of genuine concern for me. Mr Crosby was one of my oldest and greatest clients. We always got along real well and signed deals all my years as CEO.

" No, I am not on any business trip " I explained.

"President Frost? What's going on?", he asked again.

" Mr Patrick Frost is in position to answer that. Please, re-direct the question to him", I said flatly and ended the call. I focused on my food once again.

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