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Chapter 1: Narrow Enemy Road

"The Meteorological Bureau has issued a yellow warning for heavy rain. It is predicted that around 20:00 this evening, our city will experience intense precipitation. We kindly remind all citizens to take precautionary measures..." said the weather reporter on the radio.

Monica Perez glances at the window, where the gloomy and oppressive sky continued to release droplets from above, as it weaved a dense and impenetrable net continuously enveloping the earth.

"Why are you standing there daydreaming? The guest will be here soon, hurry up!"

Suddenly, an anxious voice came from behind Monica. Monica turned around to see a confident woman in a suit waving at her. Her short hair is neatly styled, with an earpiece attached to her ear and a staff badge hanging from her chest, making her look like a coordinator in the venue.

Monica looked around her surroundings and asked in confusion, "Are you talking to me?"

The woman, Monica would later find out was Tina, the person responsible for the event planning, briefly froze upon seeing Monica's face, apparently not expecting the volunteer who was picked at random to be so beautiful. But soon, she became happy and said, "Yes, it's you. Come with me quickly."

Monica quickly realized that something was wrong.

Today was the second day of the City Investment and Economic Forum, with numerous industry giants attending the event at the exhibition center.

Monica's roommate, Natalie Cooper, had signed up early as a volunteer and stood out among the selection process, earning this opportunity with a rich resume.

Monica originally had no interest in these matters and planned to rest at home over the weekend.

However, Eric Perez handed her an invitation letter, insisting that she come and learn from the event. Thus, she had no choice but to bite the bullet and come as a tourist. Unexpectedly, while wandering around, she ran into Natalie, who was feeling unwell.

Natalie handed Monica the volunteer vest and work badge, then rushed into the restroom while Monica waited outside.

Now, it seems that this woman mistook her for a volunteer slacking off in a corner of the venue.

Monica furrowed her brows lightly and said, "Actually—"

"Natalie?" The woman took a step forward, reading the name on the work badge and interrupting Monica. "We are short on staff right now. If you want to rest, we can discuss it later. Hurry up and put on the vest, then come with me."

After saying that, the woman turned around and left, the urgent sound of her high heels tapping on the ground heard in the distance. Monica was left confused and decided to send a text message to Natalie.

Natalie’s response came quickly, "That should be the person in charge of coordinating the volunteers. Now she remembers my name, and I'm afraid of leaving a bad impression. Monica, can you help me handle this? I'll be there soon to take your place, and I'll treat you to a meal later. Please, please!" Natalie pleaded.

"Aren't you afraid she'll find out we're not the same person?" Monica replied.

"I don't know, she's in charge of coordinating and has a lot of people to manage. Normally, she only deals with a few responsible individuals. I don't know what happened today, but she ran into me. I must be having a stroke of bad luck!"

After all, because of the roommate situation, Monica had no choice but to agree to help and followed the woman's steps, trying to catch up.

While walking, the woman asked, "You're from Harvard Business School?"

"Yes." Was Monica’s short reply.

She gave Monica another once-over and said, "Didn't your team leader mention during training that you should wear light-colored tops and dark-colored trousers? Are you here to volunteer or socialize? Who are you dressing up for?"

Monica remained silent, slightly embarrassed by the woman’s critic of her appearance.

"Forget it, there are always a few who don't listen every year," the woman withdrew her gaze. "At least your appearance is decent. You'll be in charge of receiving Mr. Wright and his team from Bright Futures Ventures later. I'll take you to your position. Just pour water when they arrive. Everything was covered in the previous training, so remember to stay alert."

Monica's eyelid twitched. "…Bright Futures Ventures? Can it be changed?"

"You think this is a market where you can pick and choose?" The woman frowned impatiently and increased her tone. "How about I just arrange for you to sit in the guest seat?"

Her words were sharp. She seemed used to reprimanding others and had an air of superiority. If it were any other regular college student, they probably wouldn't dare to say anything, but Monica detested sarcastic remarks.

She stopped in her tracks, let out a cold snort, and reached to take off her vest and leave. However, just as her fingertips touched the fabric, she remembered that she was currently pretending to be Natalie.

Monica was used to doing whatever she pleased and being willful. It didn't matter what she did because Eric would always support her in the end. But she couldn't bring trouble to Natalie, especially when this volunteering opportunity was so rare.

Her fingers reached into her pocket and hesitated over her phone for a while, but she eventually withdrew her hand, resigned herself to compromise, and followed the footsteps of the person in front of her.

Entering the venue, a group of volunteers were busy adjusting the sound system on stage. The woman led Monica to the middle of the first row and gave her instructions, "Your seat has your name on it. When the guest arrives, a volunteer will escort him in.

After he sits down, remember to serve tea in a timely manner. If it gets cold, pour a fresh cup. Absolutely make sure the guest doesn't drink it cold."

If Monica had any lingering hope that maybe "Mr. Wright from Sterling Holdings" could be someone other than her archenemy Steven, her illusions were shattered the moment she saw the name tag. The three words "Mr. Steven Wright" crushed all her fantasies.

Talk about being stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Not only did she have to give up her weekend rest at home, but she also had to come here in the pouring rain to attend a forum and be forced to serve her nemesis.

Asking her to pour tea for Steven? What a joke, she hadn't even poured tea for her own brother Eric.

After giving instructions, the woman entrusted Monica to the person responsible in the receiving venue.

Furthermore, before leaving the woman emphasized that the people who would come to the venue were all important figures, so she must not make any mistakes. Afterward, she hurriedly walked away in her high heels.

The person in charge of the interior was a young man who was wearing glasses, not exactly tall, and he looked like a volunteer as well. He looked Monica up and down, adjusted his glasses and smiled, "Fellow student, you must also be from Harvard University, an undergraduate or a graduate student? I'm currently in my second year of graduate school." He introduced himself.

Monica felt trapped in her emotions, so she casually replied, "Undergraduate, I'm about to graduate. By the way, can the people be switched?"

"Switched?" The young man was taken aback, then shook his head. "Everything has been arranged, so there is nothing I can do."

He looked at Monica's furrowed brows and smiled again, "I thought you would be happy. Mr. Wright from Sterling Holdings is very popular amongst our female volunteers. With many female volunteers coming here for him. This opportunity to serve tea is often bought and sold by interior volunteers privately, and it was being sold at a high price. Tina, the person in charge just now, found out about the whole thing and became furious, so she went to the exterior and found someone else to do it. You're very lucky."

Monica forced a smile.

Lucky? She was definitely having a stroke of bad luck today. She thought to herself.

Twenty minutes later, the guests started to arrive one after another. Before the event began, familiar and unfamiliar people engaged in conversations with each other. A group of well-dressed individuals stood together, laughing and enjoying themselves, and the atmosphere was rendered serious and dignified.

Monica lowered her head and played with her phone. The girl next to her lightly tapped her and said, "The guests have taken their seats, and it's time for us to start working."

Reluctantly, Monica stood up and picked up a water bottle, heading towards the front row.

People were coming and going at the sidelines, and the lighting was dim, but Monica still spotted the familiar figure at first glance.

He wore a neat black suit that accentuated his broad shoulders and long legs. He leaned elegantly on the sofa chair, flipping through the prepared materials in front of him.

The spotlight from the stage illuminated his sharp profile from a short distance away. His pupils were pitch black, his nose was high, and when he didn't smile, he exuded an aloof and distant aura that kept people at a distance.

The women passing by couldn't help but sneak glances at him, but he didn't react, focused on his documents, as if nothing mattered to him.

Monica's evaluation of Steven had always been: he looks good but is shallow inside.

He had been good friends with Monica's older brother Eric, since high school. They had both studied abroad together for their undergraduate and graduate degrees, it was fair to say they were indeed close.

After returning to their home country, Eric took over the family business, while Steven chose entrepreneurship and started a venture capital company called Bright Futures Ventures.

A few months ago, the renowned pharmaceutical company, Sterling, completed its IPO (Initial public offering, which means a corporation’s first offer to sell stock to the public), and Sterling Holdings took the opportunity to sell some of its shares, earning a lot of money. Steven's net worth also skyrocketed, even making it onto the New York Young Millionaires list, becoming a highly anticipated young entrepreneur in the industry.

But in Monica's eyes, besides his appearance and barely passable work abilities, Steven had no other redeeming qualities.

Privately, he had an extremely terrible personality, pretending to be serious but having a malicious heart, he was so good at pretending that everyone besides Monica praised him endlessly, praising his youth, talent, and outstanding character, making him an exceptional young talent that was hard to come by.

Unfortunately, he was also a bit of a playboy, and it was well-known that he had numerous mistresses.

Thinking of this, she felt a bit uncomfortable. She walked to the man's side and expressionlessly poured water into the cup. She noticed Steven's gaze unintentionally falling on her and then suddenly stopping. It slowly shifted from her hands to her face.

Monica's fingertips tightened while holding the water bottle. The surroundings were noisy, and as the water was about to run out, a deep and cold voice calmly rang out,

"Did Eric cut off your card?"


Steven's guess wasn't entirely unfounded. Miss Monica, who had never done any household chores, always relied on others to serve her.

Now she was wearing a volunteer's uniform and pouring tea and water. Besides Eric not giving her pocket money and being forced by life, it seemed like she couldn't find any suitable reasons.

His tone implied that the sun rises from the west, which made Monica extremely displeased. "Can't I take the initiative to be a volunteer?"

"Hmm, you can," Steven replied.

As soon as Monica heard his answer, she knew he wasn't sincere. "So, what if my card got cut off? Are you going to support me?"

"Maybe," Steven replied calmly. "After all, I've always been kind-hearted and it's only fair to provide some help to Ms. Perez in return."

"To think you even want to be paid..." Monica despised his business-minded thinking and couldn't help but say irritably, "Don't worry, I would never eat your food even if I die."

"Is that so?" His tone remained unchanged as he glanced to the side. "The water spilled." He said calmly.

Only then did Monica realize that she had been too focused on arguing with Steven and hadn't noticed that the cup was already full and overflowed. The spilled tea made a mess on the table, so she hurriedly grabbed tissue paper to clean up. In her haste, she heard a light reprimand from behind, "How can't you even do the job of pouring water properly?"

The sound of high heels approached like a death sentence, and Tina frowned. "Don't stay here, call Luke over."

Luke was the person in charge of the internal affairs, the man with the glasses from earlier Monica quickly recalled.

Tina then turned her head and apologized to Steven with a smile, "Mr. Wright, I'm really sorry. This volunteer is a bit clumsy and wet your information. I'll quickly get you a new copy."

Monica didn't feel like doing it anymore. Upon hearing Tina's words, she threw the wet tissue into the trash can and turned to leave.

"Wait," Steven spoke from behind.

She stopped in her tracks.

"It's not a big deal, there's no need to be so harsh," he said in a casual tone, "Volunteers are students, and it's inevitable for them to be nervous when encountering a situation like this for the first time."

Tina understood that he was speaking up for the volunteer and immediately turned to Monica, putting pressure with her gaze. "I'll give you another chance. Hurry up and bring a new copy of the information. Don't make any more mistakes this time."

Monica brought a new copy of the document, and Tina had already walked away. She threw the document into Steven's arms.

She snorted and said, "You're just pretending. Don't expect me to thank you."

"No need," Steven replied casually, continuing to browse through the documents. "I just want to save others from your mischief."

For a moment, Monica really wanted to pour the water from the glass down his collar, but she knew she couldn't have too many expectations of this person!

Just as someone passed by behind her, she couldn't have a meltdown, so she could only smile and threaten through gritted teeth, "Is that so? Well, you better be prepared to be plagued by me. I won't let you off the hook."

She deliberately emphasized every word, a faint blush appearing on her fair cheeks. Even though she was angry, her bright eyes were so lively, as if she was acting coy.

He looked up at her, a hint of an unnoticed smile on his lips. "I'll be waiting."

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