Chapter 3
Kai's POV
It's was 5:30pm and I was finishing up the light makeup I use before slipping on my thigh high boots. It's still early spring so the nights are still chilly. I decided on a deep blue knitted sweater dress that hugs me well. Letting my hair down from the hun I've had it in all day, I comb out my hair into waves, and pin it to one side with a jeweled comb. Looking myself in the mirror next to the door I think about how Will was looking at me today. I have always seen him as a brother, but others thought I was a wh*re, sleeping around with males of all ranks. I didn't of course I had better morals about myself, but as if anyone believed me.
A knock sounded from my door and I check myself one last time before opening it. It's not fair, a runway model would be jealous of this man, but damn if I didn't want to forget the dinner. Black fitted blazer with a button up dress shirt with tight dark jeans and dress shoes a man can't look this good without drawing attention. He smiles that dazzling smile making my cheeks heat up. "Well don't you look lovely tonight," he says trailing his eyes over my body. I blush even more distracting myself by grabbing my wrap to put over my shoulders to keep warm.
Taking his arm after locking my door we head out to the car parked outside my shop. He opens my door and helps me into the passenger seat than heads to his side and gets in. He turns the car on and pulls into traffic which fortunately was light tonight. The whole time I sat in the car with him my body felt like it was electrified, like every part of me was leaning towards Will. My pulse quickened at the thought of how close he was when suddenly he took my hand. "What?..." I start to ask when he shakes his head.
"Go with it for me. I promise to explain soon," Will says pleading with his eyes for me to understand.
He's never given me a reason not to trust him so I nod and settle back into my seat. It felt right to have his hand in mine. I've always known him one way, but there have been times I do look at him romantically I mean who wouldn't? Now these feelings are flooding me, and I'm trying to keep myself together being in close proximity to him.
An old plantation style house with tall columns, the doors and hallways were even large enough for wolves to walk through came into view. The mansion itself is as old as the town, being one of the first structures ever built here, it represents just how important old traditions are to the people here.
Pulling up to the front doors, Will parks the car and skips over to help me out. Standing up straight I link my arm with Will's when I see our sister tapping her foot at the top of the stairs with a haughty look on her face.
"Come on you two your already late," Lysa yells while rushing back into the house.
"You know we can always go to dinner and forget we have a sister," I say mischievously. Lysa could try a saints patience and that takes some effort.
"We could, but than she'd come find us and drag us back just to make us listen to what ever news is so important she has to hold a dinner to tell everyone, but we are her siblings and should show our support," Will says walking us up the stairs to greet our mother.
Mom greets us giving us both a warm hug. The grin spread across her face seeing us so close together gets bigger and that look she gives us makes me curious as to what she is thinking.
"Now that everyone is here we can get this dinner party started," mom says, "Now you two are seated next to each other so head so just head on in to the dining hall. Kai, your father said he wanted to give you something after dinner so do remind him of it."
"I will thank you." I said to her as she heads to the main living room where all the rest of the family is at. I sigh and start to pull my bubble around me.
"Hey stay close to me I'll make sure everyone doesn't rush you with emotions," Will says squeezing my hand reassuringly. I nod as we head in Phillipe walks to us and kisses me on the cheek and shakes his brothers hand.
"Finally intelligent people are here. Mom and Lysa are driving everyone crazy it's like Lysa has such a big secret and only she and mom knows it. Have they told you two anything?" Phillipe asks us. It's a first for Lysa not to tell Phillipe what the big secret is so it must be serious.
"They have yet to say anything to us about what is happening, if anything, I was going to ask you the same question it must be something big for her not to tell you." Will says looking at Phillipe surprised.
"She hasn't said anything to me either though she has been more aloof here recently. Hopefully something good has happened to settle her down and she called this dinner to tell us what it is," I said as we walk to the dinner hall and sit down to dinner.
Will pulls out my chair and sits to my right. Phillipe is to my left with mom to his left and dad at the head of the table. Lysa sits on the other side with a new face I haven't seen before. Everyone is talking aimlessly with each other until Lysa taps her glass to gain their attention.
"Everyone I know I have been tight lipped here recently, but I was asked to do so. We wanted to wait so we were better aquainted to introduce my mate Aaron Reeds," Lysa says looking warmly to our new guest. Short brown hair and deep blue eyes relatively built I assumed he was a wolf. At last, Lysa found her mate everyone congratulates them while dinner is being served.
"Why did you wait so long to introduce Aaron to us?" Dad asks pensively.
"My pack had me busy for the last couple months so I couldn't take any time off to come visit. Lysa here always travels for her work, and my place was along the way. I knew at some point I needed to make my way here. It is a pleasure to meet you all," Aaron smiles warmly at everyone.
I nod my head towards him in greeting, but Will seems a little stiff. It surprises me that he stiffens a little and I excuse myself for a moment to use the bathroom.
I walk down the hall thinking it was odd that Will was being so stiff all of a sudden. He's never been one who's quick to judge a person so I couldn't see why he would have a problem with Aaron.
Stepping into the bathroom I do my business and wash my hands. As I'm stepping into the hallway I see Will walking towards me. He seems a little off so I walk over to him and ask, "Are you alright? Ever since Lysa introduced Aaron you have been stiff all of a sudden. It's not like you to jump the gun."
"I'm not sure I trust this guy. Something seems off about him," he says crossing his arms with a stern look on his face.
It seems our brother here is a bit over protective of his baby sister I think seeing him broods over the news of our baby sisters new mate.
I cup his face and turn his head to look at me,"You can't make her choices for her she has to make them on her own, and apparently Aaron is her choice. You can't be to mad, if anything she's just growing up it's part of life."
He leans into my hand sighing and kisses my palm. "I guess so," he says taking my hand while we walk back to the dining hall. My hand is still tingling from his lips just moments ago and suddenly I feel dizzy and start to fall, but Will catches me amd holds me up.
"Hey are you al.... " Will's voice trails off as I feel myself being pulled into a trance like state.