Chapter 7

Will's POV

Having her here in my arms like this is causing my wolf to stir, him recognizing his mate after being so long from her. Maaaaate Hunter whispers in my mind. I know that, but she doesn't and I don't want to scare her, I reminded him.

"I know I haven't been very good at explaining myself or my actions, but I have a lot to answer for. So if you would give me the time to explain it all I will."

Her eyes keep changing from Green to blue showing her inner turmoil. She nods and relaxes a bit. "Ok, but no more secrets. You better be telling me the truth and I'll believe you, but you better give me the same in return," she stated firmly staring up at me.

"Of course I'd expect nothing less," I said letting her go so she can walk up the stairs. She pulls out her keys and unlocks her door to let us in.

It's a studio apartment with a small table with 2 chairs against the wall and a living area setup in the corner. A kitchenette and small fridge was near the windows and the bed was next to the back wall with a lamp and nightstand next to it.

She takes off her wrap and hangs it on one of the hooks next to her door than walks over to the living area and sits in one of the comfy chairs. I move to sit in the chair opposite her taking my jacket off and laying it over the back.

I watched as she curled her legs into herself looking ready to hear my explanation. I never thought of how I would approach this subject with her and I still wasn't sure how to now. I lean back in the chair and stare up at the celling.

"There's no words up there for you to say what you need to say to me," she says chuckling at me. Her laugh soothed my nerves well enough to calmed me and my wolf down.

I smile slightly and look over at her, just being this close relaxes me. "First please know my actions to current date have been to protect you, not hurt you. Being different as you are I didn't want to make it harder on you. Plus you already wanted to prove yourself to everyone so it seems the logical course to take," I said looking at her face trying to read her expression which is aloof at the moment. She nods for me to continue.

"Do you remember a while ago when you were sitting next to the waterfall and there was a full moon out? You were just 16 around that time and I was turning 18 that night," I said watch her expression change from shock to confusion.

"Why did you run?" she asked with tears in her eyes. I moved off my chair and kneeled next to her chair grabbing her hands. I could take her angry or her rage but not this. The look on her face made my heart drop and my wolf whined wanting to comfort his mate."You didn't do anything wrong I swear, but I knew at the time it would have been ten times harder for you to be accepted. Can you honestly say you could take the position that would have come with me?"

I consider his words taking a deep breath to steady myself. "So you weren't rejecting me?" I asked carefully his expression showed hurt, but understanding. "No, I wasn't rejecting you. I wanted to give you the time you needed so you could be the person you wanted to be. I didn't want to take certain choices from you that you needed to make unbiasedly. Having the pressure of such a high position I knew you would do great at it, but I also know you needed to grow up in some areas. I did too considering a couple incidents that I could have handled better, but I have learned and I couldn't wait any longer." My wolf Hunter had been ansy ever since we have been back in town. Even more so since I seen her at lunch and I can honestly say I've had enough waiting. He holds her hands hoping she understands why he waited.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. The wolf I seen that night is William, and it wasn't a dream it was real. I'm trying to decide if I'm dreaming now or not so I pinch myself to make sure. "Nope very much awake. So where does that leave us now? Does mom and dad know? oh goddess.... " a horrifying look came across her face thinking about the family and what they say.

"Now don't worry about them mom and dad know I told dad a couple years later after I had been at University. It was an interesting conversation, one I didn't expect to have, but Dad made sure that this wasn't something to run from. I told dad the same thing I told you and he agreed that it would be too difficult for you to adjust at such a young age. Plus the mystery of your origins was another thing, but you have more than proven yourself to the people as far as loyalty and worth is concerned," I said looking at her proudly.

8 years earlier---

Two years after she finished high school Kai asked our parents if she could travel. She spoke of several reasons, but the two that seem to matter the most to our parents was finding out about her origins and showing she was an individual who worked through the hard times even with it's difficult challenges. They gave their blessing of course and said they had a bank account ready for her to use for her travels. She simply said, "No thank you I have saved up my own for traveling, I just wished to have your blessing so there was no misunderstandings." My mom still handed her the card as a "just in case" situation came up, but in the 5 years she traveled she never used the account, not once. My father expected one or two times for her to use it because she didn't call for 6 months at a time.

Come to find out she was traveling across Asia stopping in a village high up in the Himalayan Mountains studying under a witch doctor. Apparently she had heard of a child similar to her, who just dropped out of no where with no family and no idea where they became from just a name. The child left never to return, but always dropping the occasional gift for the village. Kai continued learning under the witch doctor for another year and a half before coming home.

She was more controlled and less prone to going on long trips. She made the suggestion of starting a botanicals bath/ body shop where she might sell some of the body oils and remedies she learned about while in Asia. Mom and dad both like the idea and wanted to help her, but as usual Kai wanted to handle it herself.

"Look I appreciate you wanting to help me, but I'm a big girl I'm sure I can handle this,"she said pleading with our parents.

"Fine the only thing we ask is to let us help with the down payment no exceptions," Jakob said trying not to sound controlling.

"Only if I can pay it back," Kai said crossing her arms over her chest. she was firm on what she would allow, and having a place that was completely her own was something she needed to not only prove to herself but certain elders that had their doubts about her and her abilities.

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