Chapter 2

It was a standard secondary school most of my friends had gone to due to the fact that they accepted anyone within the local catchment area. This was great as it meant my friends were in most of my classes, however, it also sucked because it meant my sister went to the same school, luckily we weren’t in the same year, so the only time I had to put up with her was when we either had assembly or lunch.

As soon as we arrived at the gate I waved goodbye to my mum, she would be heading to work: my mum worked part-time as a receptionist at the local travelodge. It wasn’t great pay but it kept food in our mouths and a roof over our heads. My sister, as usual, headed to the lockers where she and all the other 13-year-old girls would congregate to discuss the gossip from the night before. I never really understood this as they all had phones and would be texting each other constantly anyway surely they must have run out of things to discuss, especially as the discussion usually revolved around fit boys and celebs and who said what to who. It was a trivial drama to me and I am sure there were other things they discussed, but I never really cared to find out.

I as usual headed to the one room I knew was safe, it was a classroom that the teacher kindly left open for me and my friends. We weren’t exactly the most liked group in the school. We were the strange kids who stuck out. We did our homework and often extra work, I suppose the word geek or nerds comes to mind. We enjoyed playing games like DND and other roleplay games. Simply enough because for all of us it was an escape. We could be whoever we wanted and not be bullied for being a bit strange. As I entered the classroom something seemed different. It wasn’t until I looked around that I noticed a new girl. She was about 5 foot 3 maybe with hair as black as night and eyes that were such a deep purple I almost felt myself floating in the expanse of space. As I stared at her pale skin and enticing gaze, she approached me and introduced herself

“ Hi my name is Abbey I am new here but I know Mick, we are in the same block of flats. I just moved from the all-girls grammar school. sorry if I seem a bit forward I am just hoping to find friends and mick said that this group would be my best bet”

She smiled as she finished this sentence, and all I could concentrate on was the soft curves of her lips as she smiled and those dimples that formed so perfectly on her face. My mind went blank as all I could think was, how has Mick not mentioned or introduced us before?

How had I not bumped into her in the flats? I spent a lot of time with mice playing dungeons and dragons.i must have been standing almost blank faced for a few seconds too long as Abbey just giggled a bit and then held out a hand. I took the hand and again was shocked how soft and smooth her skin felt. It was almost like porcelain, cool yet soothing and soft. I stammered as I spoke, something which I had never done before.

“H…Hi my name is Chris, I am also friends with Mick”

She smiled and nodded as she let go of my hand, my first impression was clearly not the smoothest and I spent most of the morning kicking myself. The first bell went, meaning it was time to head to our form group. I didn’t mind forming a group as normally my teacher would let me sit and read while they did the intended activity with the rest of the group. My form was made up of 4 children from each year group. We had 3 year 7s as one had left at the start of the year, and the usual 4 year 8,9,10 and year 11s they tended to keep to themselves however most of the other students would join in with the form activity. Today was different, as I walked through the door of the art room that also served as our form room I noticed her instantly there she was. Abbey was sitting in the seat that was normally empty, I was shocked she seemed so much older than a year 7. As I took my usual seat our form tutor Mrs Kilter began the session by explaining that abbey was a transfer student from the all girls grammar school and would be joining some of our classes so we should make her feel welcome as its difficult to change schools never mind towards the end of a year and at year 10. I almost heard the sigh of relief as I exhaled. I might have a shot with this girl if I could recover from the first encounter. I sat thinking how best to try and talk to this girl. I spent the rest of the form trying to calculate the best way to approach the situation. I was not the smoothest or experienced person when it came to expressing how I felt for someone and more often than not I jumped the gun and told people I liked them before getting to know them. I needed to think and actually approach this reasonably for once.

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