Chapter 5

Mick replied very bluntly

“About a day ago her mum looked a bit shaken and Abbey seemed shy. It was my mum who said I should go and offer a cup of tea to them. Next thing I know they are sitting in my front room drinking tea with my mum talking about how they needed to move due to Abby's mum leaving a really well paid job to start her own firm or something.”

I sat and smiled to myself as I thought I had gotten away with the casual feel of the question when my thoughts were interrupted by mick

“anyway why you wanna know you fancy her or something”

I immediately blushed and started shouting about how I didn’t fancy her. I barely knew her and how he was a knob for saying it. I tried to distract him again with video games and everything seemed fine. We played for another hour or so before he had to go home. On his way out he jokingly turned to me and started making kissing noises as he said

“ I'll let abbey know you asked about her”

I once again started calling him a knob and pushed the door shut in his face. My mum had heard the commotion and immediately scolded me for using such language in her house. She dealt out her usual punishment for such things which was to wash the dishes after tea. She then told both me and my sister to sit at the table for tea. As we sat around the table my mum told my sister off as she was sitting on her phone as always. She begrudgingly put the device back into her pocket as my mum handed the plates out. Tonight we had chicken and veg with Yorkshire pudding and gravy. As my mum sat down we all began to eat as my mother made her usual attempt at making small talk over dinner. We started with the usual, how was your day at school? Did anything interesting happen? Have you done your homework? All of these were normally met with a response of non engagement usually as short of an answer as you could give. My mother was caught of guard when my usual response was changed I replied

“ we had a new student join today she seems nice “

My sister immediately leapt on this by further explaining

“yeah chris has a crush on her, I saw him today showing her round and following her like a little puppy he wants her”

My mum cut this sentence of by turning to me and asking

“Do you like her ? if so maybe you should invite her round”

I paused as I thought this over for a second. I came to the conclusion that although I would like to bring her over at some point in the future, now was probably not the best time to bring her over.I turned back to my mum and said.

“I will ask her if she wants to come over but not just yet as I don’t wanna seem creepy or anything “

My mum chuckled to herself as she began grabbing the plates from our finished meal. I stood and made my way to the kitchen as my sister headed to her bedroom. I began by running the water to fill the sink as I waited for it to fill my mind drifted to the events of the day and abbey and things to do with dungeons and dragons. I turned the tap off and then began washing the bowls and plates that had been used throughout the day. It was a menial task and didn’t take up much of my concentration so I usually let my mind wander and see what things I can dream up. I again found myself thinking of Abbey and her deep purple eyes. My mind continued to wander and I imagined kissing her soft lips and their gentle feel on my own. It was at this point I finished the washing up and decided to head upstairs to read.

I sat in the almost darkness reading. It was a book based in a fantasy realm where dwarves and elves were at war. It was the same sort of fantasy stuff that I always read. It was my escape, my way of being somewhere that it didn’t matter that I didn’t fit in. my way of just being at peace. I got to the next chapter in my book and decided that was a good place to stop. I set my alarm clock and placed my book on the bedside table as I then switched on my tv for background noise. I got myself undressed and put on my pyjama shorts. I switched my light off and got myself comfy. I felt myself begin to fall asleep.

My mind drifted again to the abbey and those eyes that mesmerised my thoughts as I did I felt myself floating.

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