Chapter 6

I could feel myself floating in nothingness when suddenly I felt a sharp pain as the darkness began to morph in front of me. I see a battlefield strewn with blood and body parts, feathers and weapons coated with a thick layer of deep crimson lay about my feet. The battle scene plays out neither side is winning however both sides appear to have wings on their armour. The fight rages for a while before the scene slowly morphs again. This time I am kneeling before someone who I cannot see they speak clearly

“ you have violated one of the ten laws given to you by your creator you shall now receive your punishment”

As the voice finished speaking I felt a sharp pain running down my back followed by the feeling of a liquid running down my back and again I felt a sharp pain on my wrist. I begin falling endlessly until I start myself awake in my bed drenched in sweat. I try to remember the dream but only parts of it come back. A vague image of wings, a feeling of pain and a voice. I sit for another hour or so before falling asleep again. This time sleep does not come as easily and when it does it doesn’t seem to replenish me as sleep normally would. I eventually must have fallen asleep as I was woken by the sound of my alarm clock going off. I slowly pulled myself out of bed and got my t- shirt on as I got myself ready yet again for the mad morning rush that came.

Today was Friday at least so once today was over I could hang out with friends on the weekend. I did everything as I always would, however something felt different like something was missing or wrong but I couldn’t place my finger on it. We made our usual walk to school and bumped into mic on the way I casually asked

“No abbey today?”

He replied rather monotone

“ nah I knocked on her but no reply”

We continued the walk in silence as we got closer to the school gates I mentally prepared myself for the day that was to come. This time I wouldn’t have breaks with Abbey so I didn’t really feel like I had anything to look forward to. The day dragged out longer than it should have and the last hour felt like it would take forever to pass. As I made my way to the school gates and was getting ready to leave I thought I heard someone call my name. I looked around confused as to who would be calling me only to find that no one had. I walked home with Mick and explained to him about my weird dream. He laughed it off and said it must just have been a nightmare from too many video games or comics.

I laughed it off with him but noticed that for a moment he had a look of worry cross his face. The rest of the walk we talked about video games and plans for the weekend. I suggested we could try and see if the abbey was about and if she fancied joining our weekly Sunday game of dungeons and dragons.Mick laughed as he then started teasing me about the abbey. I quickly shushed him and shoved him playfully as I said

“ I just thought it would be nice to help her make friends it sounds like she has had it pretty rough since moving”

Mick nodded in agreement as he continued to tease me. We made it to the estate and waved each other off. My evening consisted of a very regular routine. I did my homework which took about 2 hours. We then had tea and after that if we didn’t need to wash up as mum had decided to do, we would either sit in our rooms and watch tv or sit downstairs as a family. Tonight I opted to sit in my bedroom. I used my phone internet to look up dreams and what they could mean. I found a lot of different opinions and in the end came to the conclusion that what I could remember of my dream it means my life is going through a change, amusingly this was not wrong but also not very helpful. After a few hours of trying to recall the dream fully I gave up and decided to get ready for bed. I had an early morning as both me and Mick had decided that we were going to explore some estates near the park as we had heard there were some abandoned buildings that we could get into.

I fell asleep quickly and was again floating in total blackness. I felt a sharp pain on my wrist and when I looked down there was a symbol that had appeared. It glowed softly with a golden white light. As I was looking at the symbol trying to figure out what it was, the blackness slowly faded and I was again created by the battle scene. This time I wasn’t just watching, I was in the midst of the battle swords flying close to me on both the left and the right. My body moved of its own accord like it had carried out these actions before. I felt my sword strike down into someone and felt their body cut in two like butter. This scene continued for what felt like an age before the scene slowly changed again. again I was kneeling this time I could make out that I was in some form of wooden restraint around my arms and my legs. The voice spoke again and as soon as it ended I felt the pain on my back where my shoulder blades sit. I screamed out this time it was a much more intense pain. I woke up yet again covered in sweat panting. I could still feel the pain running down my back, not as extreme as it was in the dream but definitely there. My wrist also had a dull throb to it where the mark had appeared in the dream.

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