Chapter 8

“well whoever this room belonged to must have been a proper nutter”

As he spoke I looked around reading some of the words written one sentence stood out in particular

“ He threw him into the Abyss, and locked and sealed it over him, to keep him from deceiving the nations anymore until the thousand years were over. After that, he must be set free for a short time”

I pondered over why this stood out so much to me and kept coming up blank. I didn’t tell Mick about this feeling I had or the fact that I had taken the pictures, I was slightly worried if he thought the person who had done this was a nutter, what would he think of me for trying to make sense of it. I knew that once we had gone back to our own homes I would be up trying to decipher what all of this was. For the time being I wanted to continue to look around. I now felt compelled to see if there was anything else like this here. It was at that moment that both me and Mick froze. We had both very clearly heard a large bang come from upstairs and were both now worried about what this could be. In both our minds the best case scenario was that it was some other older kids who were using this place to hang out, worst case it was some killer or demon or evil ghost that we had somehow disturbed. We both slowly left the room and found makeshift weapons. I picked up a part of a metal bed frame while Mick picked up a sharp piece of glass that he wrapped a tattered sheet around.

We both slowly walked towards the stairs. There had been no noise since the bang that we had heard as we haltingly climbed the stairs, both of us holding our weapons out in front of us. We reached the top and paused as we heard footsteps. They seemed to be heading away from us but neither of us was willing to change it. We slowly edged around the doorway and stopped almost laughing at ourselves as we saw Abbey walking away from us with headphones in. she turned and jumped as she spotted us holding our weapons. We took a second and then lowered and dropped our weapons to the floor. Abbey looked less worried and eventually laughed. She walked over to us and spoke in her usual soft tone

“ for a moment there I thought you might have meant me harm “

I looked at her and as casually as possible tried to explain

“Well we decided to explore this place and found a weird room with writing all over it and then we heard a loud bang and thought… well we thought it might have been a ghost or demon or killer or something”

As I spoke the words I knew how stupid it sounded and abbey must have picked up on my change in facial expression and body language as she quickly chimed in

“well who knows what's in places like these I like old abandoned building they make me feel peaceful and like i'm in another realm almost like Dungeons and dragons”

She provided the explanation without even being questioned. I instantly felt at ease and again felt my heart flutter slightly. We checked out the rest of the floor we had met the abbey on, it turns out the bang we had heard was from the abbey knocking over part of a metal bed frame by accident. Once we had finished our exploring we headed back to our estate and hung around the bottom of Mick and abbeys block of flats for an hour. Discussing our theories and new ideas for dungeons and dragons. We eventually had to head back and I found myself back at home. Once I had eaten and finished my chores I sat in my room with a pencil and paper and began looking through the pictures in my phone.

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