Chapter 9
I must have spent at least 5 hours going over the photographs and checking each one carefully as I transcribed each one. Once I had done this I used my phone to search each phrase and number combination I had found. All in all I came to the conclusion mick was correct and the person in the room had been a nutter. Every phrase and number related to the bible and the rapture, a supposed rise of the chosen into heaven and the rise of the antichrist. During this time their will be a war on earth that will be decided by Jesus fighting the antichrist. As I explained I am not religious so all of this seemed a bit far fetched to me which in turn led me to believe that the person was indeed crazy. This conclusion was only driven home further by the fact that they had also scrawled their own versions of prophecies over the walls as well. All linked to certain dates and all telling of the rise of the anti Christ and the fall of the world. I went to sleep that night with little ease all of these things playing on my mind all though realistically it shouldn’t have bothered me.
That night I awoke from my sleep again covered in sweat from the same dream that had become all to familiar for me. This time however someone had been calling my name at the end of the dream, it was a voice I did not recognise a male probably no older than myself from how they sounded. All they said was my name over and over and then I woke with the searing pain in my back and the dull throb in my wrist. I spent another hour reading my book of the transcribed photos and found another sentence that stuck out as it was not from the bible and did not seem to be a prophecy it read
“ the mark is burning the summoning has begun”
I looked online and eventually decided to give in and go back to bed. I again woke up on the next morning feeling like I hadn’t slept and the fuzzy images from the dream still clouding my mind. I got myself ready as per my usual routine once undressed I checked that I was indeed myself and nothing had changed. I was relieved that I was as normal as I had been previously. No symbols or marks appearing in my reflection. I chalked it down to feeling sleep deprived due to it not happening again.
I decided that I would put this out of my mind for the time being and instead concentrate on the task of setting up and running my normal D&D session. I was the Dungeon master so I ran the story and campaign while a few of my friends played with me as characters. Today I was going to be throwing a new cave system at them along with a couple of monsters and hopefully abbey was going to be joining. This meant I had to bring my a game. If I could impress her with my masterful DMing then maybe I would have a better chance with her. I needed to plan and draw up the dungeon and also set up the table for the session.
Unfortunately my house wasn’t big enough for us to play so we used to go to micks as his mum let him use the full dining room table to play. This meant we could set up properly and have our entire scenes laid out before us. I headed to micks after about 2 hours of planning the dungeon once I arrived and was greeted at the door we headed into the dining room to set up the game. I laid out the basic outline of the caves that my players would face as mick got some snacks ready for the party to have. Once I was set up we waited for the others to arrive it didn’t take long before all of us were together. Their was myself and mick, josh who was slightly smaller than the rest of us and wore glasses his off blonde hair was messy and never seemed to sit right for his face. Then their was brett who was a very timid and shy person, they often wore clothes that were to big or baggy for them. And finally Elizabeth who was a very stout girl that often was heard before she was seen. As everyone arrived and got themselves comfy and ready to play I waited with baited breath to se if abbey would be joining us. After a 10 minute wait she showed up and apologised saying she ahd lost track of the time, she sat herself next to me and then whispered
“I have played this before but im still pretty new do you think you could help me”