Read with BonusRead with Bonus


“Are you sure about this boss?” Stacy asked as she put the SUV into park.

“I don't see what choice I have Stacy, besides, I own the damned place.” Dominic replied as he exited the vehicle and looked up at the thirty two floor building in front of him, the logo above the door of the complex was a silhouette of a howling wolf with two crossed assault rifles, this building and the company that it belonged to was Predtech, a high tech private security company made up of preternatural creatures, specialising in advanced non lethal weaponry and bio science, and yes it's Dominic's company, a fortune 5oo scientific research division that was founded long before the day of enlightenment but not public until after the fact.

Dominic walked into the lobby with Stacy following close behind, the lobby was like you would expect of a Fortune 500 company, marble walls and floors, lots of open space with a large reception desk again marble, the host looked up from his station and instantly recognised the man approaching.

“Mr Kane, I wasn't informed of your visit”

Valor was a vampire and a well-known one at that, the massacre that took Captain Custer at Little Bighorn? That was him, and his coven of course, he was a Native American, tanned skin and long pitch black hair tied in a plait and draped over his shoulder. He had a good build for someone who had technically been dead for three hundred and fifty years, the only thing that made him look out of place in human society was his eyes, blood red irises but other than that, he looked like an average native American man in his thirties, he could even go out in the daylight, the whole night walker thing was a myth created by vampires thousands of years ago so that they would blend with society, as was the not eating normal food, Valor loved normal food though he technically didn’t require it and vampires only require blood when they are injured as part of the healing process.

“Valor, old friend, how is my favourite vampire?” Dominic asked while embracing his oldest friend.

“Dominic, I am well, I hear through the grapevine that you have finally found a mate? Is she as beautiful as a wolf can be?”

Obviously Valor had not heard everything.

“She is indeed, thank you, is Mal in?”

Valor's expression changed from happy to see his long-time friend to a state of worry.

“The builder? Of course, Should I let him know you are coming?”

“No! I want to surprise our Demon prince.” Dominic replied before heading for the elevator.

Mal wasn't exactly a builder, or a demon prince, he was in fact a greater demon of hell who took a liking to building great structures and strongholds, he is the head of the buildings security division at Predtech and like all demons an egotistical asshole most of the time, but Dominic couldn't hold that against him, it's his nature.

Stacy exited the elevator first, leading the way to Mal's office, Dominic followed behind, everyone that they passed in the hall began whispering, mostly little quips about how Dominic was back to rule his kingdom, which just made him want this over and done with, he may have created Predtech, that doesn't mean he wants any part of it, in his mind, they lost their way when they established government contracts to build holding facilities for preternatural, that's a nice word for prisons, admittedly with a few key members replaced the company could be turned around and returned to what it was made to do, help preternatural find cures for their faults, every species has one, for wolves its lymphoma, Vampires it's Gorham's disease which essentially destroys their bones making them brittle, dragons have a heart condition, demons have severe psychological issues, Predtech was working on ways to combat these issues and even got as far as medications for vamps and dragons but then the government became majority shareholders giving them more control than anyone thought.

The wolves reached the office door just as Mal exited bumping into Stacy and dropping his papers.

“Shit! Sorry Mal.” She said as she bent down to help him collect the scattered paperwork.

“Stacy?” he asked before noticing Dominic,


nobody called him Dom.

“Mal, good to see you,” Dominic replied.

“We both know that isn't true, the only reason you would come to see me is if there is a problem.”

He couldn't be more right, Mal and Dominic while friends only ever talked during times of strife, Stacy on the other hand took every chance she got to see Mal, though she would never admit it she kind of loved him, he helped her when she was still young and their connection became stronger when she turned eighteen.

“We need you to come to Riverside,” Dominic added.

“Your pack house? Why what's wrong?”

The demon actually seemed concerned, which in itself wasn't all that odd, Mal did have a compassionate side but it only extended so far.

“I can explain on the way.” Stacy interjected before gripping Mal's wrist and leading him to the elevators.

“Hey Stacy wait, I need my meds from my office, unless you and your pack want a rabid demon prince roaming around?”

“I'll get them, still keep them in an Altoids tin?” Dominic asked, to which he received a curt nod and the three were quickly on their way back to the pack house.

“So, the cross species bond theory is true, I always thought it was the case but could never prove it, now that I have proof it is in jeopardy because of bigoted bloody panthers”

Mal blurted, his tone becoming more angered with each word, he was so passionate about the work he originally started, he was a lead geneticist working on the theory that every species would eventually evolve to breed outside of its species, the logical way for this to happen is for the True Mate bond to transcend between species.

Stacy admired Mal, not just because he looked like a Greek god in human form, he was not like any demon she had ever met, most demons were self-obsessed, egotistical and greedy creatures, Mal wasn't like that, he only ever thought about others, it was his idea for preternatural to come out of the closet, he spent thirty years convincing, packs and prides, covens of witches and vampires, he even travelled to the dragon's keep meeting with Aerilon, Queen of the ice dragons to convince her, and it bloody worked, the only species he couldn't convince was the angels, well, humans would call them angels, they were closer to Valkyries really, winged warrior women, their counterparts were actually demons, all demons are male all Valkyries were female, they didn't breed often but they do live for millions of years so procreation isn't high on the priority list, occasionally one would find their mate but they didn't go looking for them like with the earthbound species who actively sought out their soul mates.

“That about sums it up yeah,”

Stacy replied as she brought the SUV to a halt outside the parking Garage at the pack house compound,

“We're here, c'mon Mal, I'll sort you out a room.”

“For a minute there I thought I was going to share yours again.” he smiled widely, he did enjoy spending time with Stacy.

“I thought after last time...” Stacy's words trailed off as Mal began to speak,

“Last time I didn't have my meds, I am in control again and I would never hurt you, you know that right?”

Stacy nodded before exiting the vehicle and leading Mal into the complex, Dominic saw his mate laying in the sun down by the river, he couldn't help but smile every time he saw her, he had known her less than a week and was already connected to her in a way he never thought possible, she must have sensed him through the bond because she turned to face him and smiled back, he made his way down through the gardens towards her and greeted her by lifting her into his arms and planting a deep possessive kiss.

“I missed you Val.”

Valaria smiled at his words,

“I missed you too, did you find him?”

Dominic lay her back down on the river bank and sat next to her,

“We did, he is settling in and will be meeting with Tyrone to work out the security, there's something else.” he added, Valaria gestured to hear more,

“Mal used to be a geneticist, he specialised in cross species mating, he had a theory that eventually the mating bond would cross species.”

“He thinks that is what has happened?” Valaria asked,

“Natural evolution?” Dominic nodded, “He thinks it is nature's way of preserving species, we all know there has never been a mixed breed child, they either have the traits of one parent or another, but some species are dying out due to lack of suitable mates, nature found a way to keep us alive.”

“I'm glad it did, I couldn't imagine life without you now.”

“I received a message on the way back, the council still wants the meeting.” Dominic showed his mate the text from Michail,

“It has to be a trap right?” Valaria asked.

“That is why I agreed to it, All of our enforcers will be on alert and I am putting in some extra security protocols.”

“Protocols?” Valaria parroted confused.

“Vampires, ten of them from the Predtech security team, they will be our standing guard for the day of the meeting.”

“So we have twenty-four hours to prepare everything, I better get started with Amber.”

“OK my love, I'll find you later.”

As the pair parted Dominic couldn't help but watch her walk away, her ass was perfect and he had never noticed, what an ass.

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