Chapter 10
Around midnight while I was sleeping, the sound of grumbling woke me up. At first I opened my sleepy eyes and stared at Estevan, who was sweating and turning his face away as he shouted words of death.
I got up quickly and touched his worried face, his skin seemed to be burning with heat.
"Estevan, wake up!" I asked and Estevan slowly opened his eyes and then closed them.
"They're going to get me, don't let them kill me!"
"What are you talking about?" I asked and shook him lightly, Estevan rolled his eyes and I realized he couldn't keep them open.
He was burning up, so I shook him a little more.
"Estevan, listen to me, you need to stay awake!" I asked in the hope that he would listen, Estevan was delirious, which was not a good sign.
"I'm going to cut all their heads off!" Estevan said and I got up quickly, looked around and realized that I didn't know anything in that room.
I opened the door to find a guard in the corridor.
"Get a doctor, now!" I shouted and he nodded and left.
I closed the door again and went into the bathroom, turned on the tap and looked around, there was no cloth so I tore off a piece of my sweater and wet it, twisted the cloth and after folding it I put it on Estevan's forehead to cool him down.
"They killed her" Estevan's voice changed dramatically, was he crying? I went towards him as he shouted the name "Esmeralda" and tapped him on the face, it was painful to see him so badly.
"Estevan, listen to me, it's me!" I said worriedly and wiped his face "Who is Esmeralda?"
My question wasn't answered, instead Estevan began to shake more and I tried to mobilize his arms, he seemed frightened, exasperated as he shouted words of death, anger, despair.
I put my arms around him and was almost thrown away. The door opened and the man, apparently in his fifties, entered the room and ran into Estevan.
"Move away, princess," he ordered, and I let go of Estevan. He held Estevan tightly, but he was shaking, and with the help of the guard in the corridor, the doctor was able to open his eyes.
"That's not good."
"What?" I asked, already nervous, and pulled the hobby together over my body as if to shrink away from the worst, hoping it wasn't what I was thinking.
"Was he like this before?" The doctor asked.
"No, he was fine.
"Turn him on his stomach," the doctor asked the guard.
"He's been..." I didn't have to finish, I knew from the look on the doctor's face that Estevan had been poisoned.
"He needs to vomit or he won't survive." The doctor stuck his finger down Estevan's throat, but nothing happened.
My eyes watered at the sight, the doctor stuck his finger back into his throat and nothing happened.
"Prepare a mixture of water and salt or raw egg, we'll make him vomit!" The doctor said firmly, putting his finger back into Estevan's mouth and this time he bit it.
The doctor screamed and stood up, shaking his hand; the marks from the bite were embedded in his skin. I almost threw him against the wall and bent down over Estevan, placed my closed palm against his chest and began to make a strong chest passage, which I had learned for a moment like this, where it might be necessary to save Princess Charlotte's life. I knew a thousand and one ways to unstick a person or make them vomit.
Just when I thought Estevan was going to throw up, he seemed to recover. Although my arm was burning, I pushed even harder, desperate to save him. Seeing that he was already turning pale, I pushed even harder, only stopping when he threw up on the floor in front of me, causing relief to flood through my body.
my body.
"What are you still doing here?" The doctor asked the guard, "Prepare a cold bath, we need to bring down the prince's fever."
The guard hurried out of the room and the doctor bent down.
"I don't know how you learned to do this, but we can do it in a few minutes."
"A few minutes?" I widened my eyes, getting nervous again - So he's still at risk.
"The Prince of Olimper is delirious with fever, his heart is racing, his face is almost colorless and his body is trembling. If his fever rises another degree, he could die."
"Let's get him to the bathroom," I said, standing up quickly and the doctor looked at me surprised for a moment as I pulled Estevan by the arm, he put Estevan's arm on his shoulder and helped me carry him to the bathroom, I put him over the bath and took off his shirt, suddenly the bathroom was filled with guards, bags and bags of ice were brought in.
I took the ice and applied it to his face. Estevan opened his eyes and looked at me for a moment, his breath panting, his face as white as paper.
"Hang in there, my love," I asked in a low voice, watching him tremble, so vulnerable.
Everything around became a noise, all my focus was on him, but then I felt myself being pulled away "Get the princess out of here" it was Acácio's voice ordering one of the guards, I tried uselessly to stay in the room and felt the hot tears on my face as I was led out.
"Get a grip!" Said the queen harshly "I know you're nervous, but no more than I am!"
"Why aren't you there then?" I asked her pointedly, the queen seemed cold, she seemed surprised by my words, I was expecting the worst, but it didn't come.
"Listen to me, Charlotte, we're women and we don't have many rights."
"Can't you come into the room?" I asked in astonishment and she nodded.
"How is he?" She asked, her expression softening as she seemed to plead with me with her eyes.
Of all the words I could have said, I chose the least worst.
"He'll be fine!"
The queen shook her head and the sound of a loud roar rang through the castle, I looked up and the queen let go of my arms.
"He's here."
"He? Estevan's dragon?"
"That's it." The queen looked down the corridor and hurried out, opening one of the doors and walking towards the window. I stopped next to her and saw a dragon as big as the one I'd come across in the courtyard, but its skin was greenish.
It had sharp teeth and claws, two pointed bones seemed to come out of the folds of its wings, for a second I could have sworn it had seen us and I feared the proportion of its size, but it wasn't paying attention to us, it seemed to be looking around the castle as if it were searching for something.
He was looking for Estevan.
"He sensed..." I said ecstatically, "I didn't know the dragons' connection could be so great."
"Only a few," said the queen, seeming not to care much about the subject.
The dragon landed where it was closest to the room, as if it sensed Estevan or even his scent it let out a roar again, as if in pain, but I only saw one dragon.
"He seems agitated, if Estevan dies..." I looked at the queen who seemed to grow somber.
"I don't know, Estevan is the only one who can calm him down."