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Chapter 005 The Beautiful Class Monitor

Auntie had no objection to Brandon's argument.

Thanks to Brandon's influence, they didn't have to wait in line amidst the crowd.

Luke and Jack quickly prepared breakfast as well.

Seeing the nearly full restaurant, they felt a bit lost. "The business here is really booming. There aren't even any seats left for breakfast now."

Brandon couldn't help but show a bitter smile.

"Brandon, over here!" Just as they were worrying about finding seats, a voice suddenly caught their attention.

Not far from the three of them, an attractive figure waved at them with a smile on her face.

"Aurora? What a coincidence, are you having breakfast here too?"

This person was Aurora Garcia, Brandon's class monitor.

With a tall and pure appearance, she stood at 1.7 meters, with a graceful figure. Aurora wore a white shirt on her upper body and black jeans on the lower half, presenting a casual yet vibrant look.

Aurora sweetly said, "It's rare to bump into each other here. Looks like we're truly meant to be!"

A mischievous smile involuntarily appeared at the corner of Luke's mouth as he winked at Brandon.

"I guess it has nothing to do with fate. Looks like she comes here every day for breakfast, just waiting for this chance encounter," Jack couldn't help but find it amusing and analyzed the situation.

"Okay, why do you guys have so many useless things to say? Let's go and sit down. How good does it feel to stand here holding a plate and be watched like idiots?" Brandon ignored their baseless speculations.

The three of them walked over slowly.

The table where Aurora was seated was quite big, enough for four people.

"Brandon, you're finally back! The teacher asks me every day where you are when you don't come to class. It's really driving me crazy. Can you please let me know in advance where you're going or at least request for time off next time?"

As the class monitor, she was in charge of maintaining discipline and attendance during regular classes.

Everyone in the class cooperated except Brandon, who seemed to disappear every now and then, causing her a lot of trouble.

"No problem, I will fully cooperate with our class monitor."

Brandon didn't expect Aurora to take her job so seriously, and he had indeed caused her a lot of trouble.

Breakfast didn't last long, at most fifteen minutes.

During that time, Aurora couldn't help but glance in Brandon's direction from time to time.

In college, there were poems and distant places, dreams and fields, and the most beautiful love stories.

Many people develop feelings for the opposite sex during this time.

Aurora considered herself not to be infatuated or superficially focused on appearances.

But after spending some time with Brandon, who was kind and emotionally intelligent, chatting with him became effortless, as if he had a good understanding of every topic. Gradually, Aurora couldn't help but pay more attention to Brandon. It could be considered as developing feelings, although she never showed it. Now, gazing at Brandon from such a close distance, a faint smile unconsciously appeared on Aurora's lips.

"Luke, did you see that? Our class monitor was actually looking at Brandon with that kind of gaze. Do you dare to say that she has no thoughts in her mind?" Jack lightly tapped Luke's foot under the table, leaning towards him and whispering.

"Come on, don't you know who Brandon is? He's like the master of all men, famously emotionally intelligent and sharp. I've known him for so long, but I still haven't seen any woman who can catch his eye."

Luke and Brandon often hung out together. Brandon has been seen with many beautiful women, but none of them ever captivated his heart. Like a flower in a garden, he remains unaffected among countless admirers.

Perhaps it's because he has high standards, or maybe he just hasn't met the right one. Brandon remains proudly single, but he exerts a great appeal to his female friends. Standing at 6'3" tall, he has an attractive appearance, resembling a international celebrity. With delicate facial features and a humble personality, being around him is truly comfortable.

He also comes from a wealthy family and conducts himself with modesty.

Such a man possesses an irresistible charm to women.

"Indeed, we've known Brandon for two years now, and we've never heard any rumors about him and any woman, especially in our New York University, where attractive women are plentiful. It's quite unbelievable, don't you think?"

"Enough, I know what you're thinking. Don't suspect Brandon's sexual orientation. I personally believe that he just doesn't want to be a player. Whenever he encounters a beautiful woman, he doesn't simply pursue her, but rather tests the waters one by one. Otherwise, in our school, if he even just beckoned with his finger, there would be countless women scrambling to be his girlfriend."

Luke glared at Jack, who seemed to have such a low opinion of Brandon.

"Yeah, we, as two single individuals, don't have to worry about Brandon's happiness. He chooses not to look, while we want to find someone but can't. The difference between people is just too great."

Jack expressed a sense of sadness as he sighed repeatedly.

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you something. This weekend, our class is planning to have a gathering at Sandy Cove, and the whole class is expected to attend. You can't miss it, alright?" Aurora said.

This semester has just begun, and there are still many activities left.

Like before, Brandon sometimes didn't participate in class gatherings because he didn't receive the notifications or he was taken out to play by someone.

Now, when Aurora, the class representative, brought it up, it made Brandon feel curious.

"Yes, Brandon, you have to come. Not only our class, but also the buddies from the neighboring class will be there. It will definitely be lively," said Aurora.

Jack rarely came across such a good opportunity. It is said that in college, people generally don't date their classmates. As the saying goes, distance creates beauty. For his plan to find a partner, Jack decided to start with the neighboring class.

"Sure, I'm free lately, so why not go," Jack said.

Brandon shrugged indifferently and treated it as his agreement.

"Yes, Brandon agreed to go. Once I spread this news to the other girls, I'll have to book a few buses and will be able to sell tickets with higher profit. With Brandon's influence, it will definitely be in high demand. I estimate I can make a few thousand dollars easily this month" Luke said.

Although Luke's emotional intelligence was not high, he was definitely top-notch in financial intelligence. By using the affection of girls from other colleges towards Brandon, they planed to organize a series of events to raise funds. It was definitely a safe and profitable deal.

Besides, it's not the first time they had done this.

"With so many high-quality girls, if by any chance they overlook Brandon and become interested in me, Jack, wouldn't that be great?" Luke asked.

"Come on, go back and quickly look at the mirror. See how big the gap between you and Brandon is. They are here for someone like Brandon. At the very least, I should be the second choice. How could it even be your turn? Stop dreaming!" Jack said.

Luke disdainfully rolled his eyes.

What a pair of funny guys, they were having a heated argument! Brandon, witnessing this peculiar roommate of his, had long become familiar to it and couldn't stop laughing.

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