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Chapter 1 Seduced by Wife's Best Friend

In the evening, at the Thomas family mansion.

Ethan Wilson was kneeling on the ground, cleaning the floor.

Although he was the husband of the Thomas family's daughter, Sharon Thomas, he was doing dirty work like a servant, looking quite miserable.

Because he was the son-in-law of the Thomas family and had no money, the people of the Thomas family looked down on him and treated him like a servant.

At that moment, a woman in a very short skirt, looking glamorous, walked towards Ethan with a wicked smile on her face.

This woman was Flora Smith, the best friend of Ethan's wife, Sharon, who was visiting their home today.

Flora was a famous runway model, not only well-endowed but also with a very curvy figure, long legs, incredibly sexy and charming.

She had dated many wealthy young men, and her romantic experiences were quite rich.

With her long legs, Flora walked up to Ethan.

As Flora was wearing a very short skirt and Ethan was kneeling on the ground, he lifted his head and happened to see her underwear!

He almost had a nosebleed.

White underwear!

Flora's underwear was lacy and semi-transparent!

Ethan could even see her pubic hair and private parts through the semi-transparent lace underwear!

Flora demanded, "What are you looking at?"

Ethan quickly averted his gaze and said, "Nothing."

Flora said to Ethan in a commanding tone, "Ethan, stop cleaning the floor for now and come with me, I need your help!"

"Alright!" Ethan immediately stopped cleaning the floor and followed Flora.

Flora and Sharon's relationship was particularly good, so Ethan dared not offend Flora and could only obey her.

Flora led Ethan to the bedroom and then said to him, "I have a pimple on my back, can you help me apply some ointment?"

As soon as they entered the room, Flora grabbed Ethan's arm and pulled him onto the bed.

Ethan was happy to help with this small favor.

But soon, he realized something was wrong because as soon as he got on the bed, she hugged him!

Whispering in his ear, Flora seductively said, "You've been married to Sharon for three years and haven't had sex with her. You must be desperate, right? I'm feeling horny, do you want to have sex with me?"

Ethan was stunned!

Flora was trying to seduce him!

However, one thing Flora said was true: he had been married to Sharon for three years without any intimate relations, and he was indeed eager for physical intimacy.

But he was a principled person; he wouldn't cheat with his wife's best friend!

Just as Ethan was about to push Flora away, the bedroom door suddenly swung open!

Sharon walked in, saw Ethan and Flora hugging, and immediately got angry. She started filming with her phone and sternly shouted, "Ethan, you scumbag! How dare you cheat with my best friend!"

Ethan hurriedly got up to explain, "Honey, it's not what you think. We weren't cheating. Flora, please explain to my wife!"

However, Flora suddenly changed her tune and pretended to be innocent, saying to Sharon, "Sharon, your husband is a beast. He lured me into the bedroom and tried to rape me!"

Ethan widened his eyes, looking at Flora in disbelief, "Flora, you're lying. It was you who lured me into the bedroom and hugged me, wanting to have sex with me!"

Before Ethan could finish speaking, Sharon stepped forward, slapped him hard, and said, "The liar here is you! Flora is not the person you described. How dare you slander my best friend!"

Ethan, holding his face, felt very heartbroken.

His wife, Sharon, didn't believe him!

Flora, seeing Ethan being slapped, had a hint of a smug smile on her face.

Sharon and Flora exchanged a glance, a knowing look passing between them.

Sharon and Flora had conspired in advance!

Sharon wanted to divorce Ethan but didn't want to give him any of her assets. So she had Flora seduce Ethan to catch him in the act of infidelity on video, ensuring that Ethan would leave with nothing!

Flora looked at Ethan and said, "Ethan, because you cheated in the marriage, I want a divorce, leaving you with nothing!"

Ethan, seeing Sharon and Flora exchanging glances, suddenly realized something.

These two women had clearly conspired in advance!

They were teaming up to frame him for infidelity in the marriage, all to leave him with nothing!

Realizing this, Ethan felt deeply disappointed in his wife, Sharon.

He had been very good to Sharon, working tirelessly like a servant to take care of her.

He never expected that Sharon would resort to such despicable means to falsely accuse him of infidelity and leave him with nothing!

It was truly a case of biting the hand that feeds you!

Ethan looked at Sharon with a face full of disappointment, saying, "If you want a divorce and want me to leave with nothing, just say so. There's no need to resort to such despicable means to accuse me of infidelity!"

"Sharon, I've had enough of you! I will do as you wish. Tomorrow, I will go and file for divorce, and rest assured, I won't take a penny from the house!"

With that, Ethan turned around and prepared to leave.

Sharon was somewhat surprised; she had thought Ethan wouldn't agree to the divorce so easily and would continue to entangle her.

But she hadn't expected Ethan to agree to the divorce so readily and without asking for any money!

What Sharon didn't know was that Ethan was not lacking in money at all.

Ethan was actually a wealthy heir!

His family had assets worth billions of dollars!

Three years ago, Ethan had been ostracized by his family members and sent to Lindwood City to manage a company called the Cloud Group, where he became the chairman.

By a stroke of luck, Ethan got lost on the streets and met Sharon, who kindly helped him.

Ethan was very grateful to Sharon and fell in love with her at first sight.

Since then, the two fell in love and got married.

Through his excellent management skills, Ethan had developed the Cloud Group, a small company at the time, into a billion-dollar enterprise in just three years!

However, he had been keeping his identity a secret and hadn't told Sharon about it because he was afraid she would be intimidated by his status. He just wanted to be with Sharon as an ordinary person.

Among the Thomas family members, only Sharon's father knew Ethan's true identity, but unfortunately, Sharon's father had passed away.

So, neither Sharon nor Sharon's mother, Gabriella, knew Ethan's true identity.

To help Sharon, Ethan had the Cloud Group company collaborate with Sharon's company, bringing significant benefits to Sharon's company.

Sharon had no idea that her company's collaboration with a big company like the Cloud Group was all thanks to Ethan's help behind the scenes!

Sharon treated Ethan as a good-for-nothing and looked down on him.

Gabriella looked down on him even more and often humiliated him.

Originally, Ethan had planned to find the right time to reveal his true identity to Sharon and transfer half of the Cloud Group company's shares to her.

With those shares, Sharon would immediately become a billionaire!

But today, Sharon and Flora conspired to frame him and leave him with nothing!

Ethan was deeply disappointed in Sharon!

He decided to change his mind!

Just as Ethan was about to leave, Gabriella appeared and blocked his way!

Gabriella was a money-minded person and very harsh.

She said to Ethan coldly, "Do you want to leave just like that? You still owe us, first pay up before you can leave!"

He was very puzzled. "When did I owe you money?"

Gabriella said coldly, "You've been eating and living in our house for three years; you owe us a food bill. You have to pay us before you can leave!"

He was very angry.

He had helped Sharon's company behind the scenes, making a lot of money for Sharon!

Not only that, for three years, he had served Sharon and Gabriella like a servant, without asking for a penny.

And now, these two women not only wanted to leave him with nothing but also demanded money from him!

It was truly despicable!

Ethan said angrily, "Money! Money! All you care about is money, you love money, right? Fine, I'll give it to you!"

Ethan, in anger, went to his bedroom and took out a gift box.

In front of Sharon and Gabriella, Ethan opened the gift box.

Inside the box were many sparkling pieces of jewelry!

Ethan looked at Sharon, saying, "Sharon, these are gifts I prepared for you!"

He introduced, "This bracelet is worth fifty thousand dollars!"

"This ring was designed by an internationally renowned designer, worth eighty thousand dollars!"

"And this necklace, I bought it at a high price from a foreign collector, worth one hundred and seventy thousand dollars!"


There were seven or eight pieces of jewelry in the gift box, totaling five to six million dollars!

These were gifts Ethan had prepared for Sharon, originally intended to be given to her.

Unexpectedly, now they were being used to settle a debt.

Ethan said, "These pieces of jewelry are worth five to six million dollars. I'll give them to you, and then I won't owe you anything!"

Sharon and Gabriella were both stunned.

Were these pieces of jewelry worth five to six million dollars?

Was it true or fake?

Gabriella quickly made a judgment; she said to Ethan, "You're lying! How could a poor guy like you have such valuable jewelry?"

"So, these pieces of jewelry must all be fake!" Gabriella asserted.

Sharon looked at Ethan angrily. "You're using fake items to deceive us!"

Sharon, despite being Ethan's wife, never believed his words, which left Ethan feeling very disheartened.

Instead of explaining, Ethan said angrily, "If you think these pieces of jewelry are fake, then just throw them away!"

"Tomorrow, we'll go through with the divorce!"

With that, Ethan left the Thomas family mansion without looking back.

Watching Ethan leave, Sharon felt a mix of emotions.

She had wanted to divorce Ethan, but now that he had readily agreed, she felt a hint of regret.

After all, he had been very good to her over the years.

Apart from being poor, he seemed to have no other faults.

Meanwhile, Gabriella was very pleased. She said to Sharon, "Sharon, after you complete the divorce proceedings tomorrow, I'll arrange for you to meet several wealthy heirs! They are all richer than Ethan, and marrying them will surely make you happier than being with Ethan!"

"If you can marry into a wealthy family, I can also benefit and become a wealthy lady too."

Sharon remained silent, but in reality, she already had someone she liked.

The person she liked was the chairman of the Cloud Group!

Although she had never met this mysterious chairman, she had heard that the chairman of the Cloud Group was very capable, having developed the company into a large enterprise in just a few years!

A man with such capabilities, who wouldn't love him?

The reason she was divorcing Ethan had a lot to do with her falling for the mysterious chairman of the Cloud Group.

Compared to the chairman of the Cloud Group, Ethan was simply a waste and not worthy of her!

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