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Part 24

The door opened sightty roughiy, revealing Delta Jio rushing onto Alcan's study. He immediately took a place on the left side of Gamma Zano who was standing with Beta Pandi nght in front of Akan's table, at that time the Alpha and his Beta and Gamma were discussing the situation of the Pack.

Jio greeted by bowing his head for a moment, "I'm sorry Alpha, | entered without prior permission,"he said.

“What is it?”Shoot Alcan directiy.

Delta Jio looked at Pandi and Gamma in turn, then sad. "Alpha Ben is gone, Alpha."

Alcan suddenty stood up from where he was, his eyes widened perfectiy. Likewise with Pandi and Zano who were surprised to hear the news.


“Yes Alpha, a herald from the Redmins Pack has artived at the border, he reported that their Alpha was found floating in his private pool.”

“Floating?” Zano asked in astonishment.

Jio nodded. "Floating with several wounds on his body. An omega on duty Cleaning the swimming pool found his body.”

"That means someone has killed Alpha Alcan,” conctuded Pandi.

“It's definitely Beta. Someone killed Alpha Ben secretty. It was concluded that Alpha Ben and his killer were involved in a fight and in the end..." Jio was unable to finish his sentence because he heard Akcan's growi.

The three of them could guess how Alcan was feeling right now. Alpha Ben is 7 years different from Alcan, but he is Ike a teacher and the older brother he never had. Ben always shared knowledge and guided Alcan in his youth. It could be said that Alcan made this man his role model. And now Ben is gone, he left ina tragic way. It was something completety unexpected and thus is what made Alcan feel angry.

“Tien how is Redmins currentty doing?” Pandk asked

“Beta Galuh begins to investigate Alpha Ben's death, Gamma Enros prepares a funeral procession, and the security of the Redmins Pack begins to be tightened.”

"Alpha Ben is gone," said Zano.

“The Luna also died several years ago, she doesn't even have children yet. So who will replace her?"

The four of them fell silent. The fact that Alpha Ben has been killed is tragic enough and this time the Redmins Pack must be faced with the fact that the leadership of the Redmins Pack mugit be given to someone else who is not related to Alpha Ben.

Alcan sat frozen in his work chair, his knuckles white from continuing to Clench to hold back the anger he coukdn't yet release. He wanted to scream, Gestroy everything in front of him, vent his anger and sadness about Ben's Geparture. But doing all that would only feel pointless, Ben is gone and the killer is still roaming freely out there.

"Jlo, Tell Dad and Mom about this sad news!" Akcan gave an order. "Okay Alpha,"said Jio.

“Zano, send all the help that the Redmins Pack needs right now. Don't forget to send condolence flowers on behaif of the Puerdem Pack.”

"As Alpha orders," said Zano. “Pandi, get readyi We're going to Redmins right now."

“okay Alpha."

The sun's circle was not visible, but the sky remained clear without clouds that afbernoon, in sharp contrast to the cloudy faces of the mourners at the luxurious residence of an Alpha who had been found dead. The mourners wore black mourning clothes, several pack leaders and their family members were also present to pay tiveir last respects to the famous smiling Alpha.

It can be said that Alpha Ben is an Alpha that is guite famous among Werewolves. He took the leadership baton of the Redmins Pack at the young age of 12. Alpha Ben's parents both died in a secret mission whose source is unknown until now, so Ben inevrtably holds his Alpha trtte before tve is old enough to lead a Pack. Even so, Ben never complained, he camried out his role as a young Alpha very well, always smiling and friendly to every member Of his Pack.

Even after Luna's death from wolfsbane poisoning, Ben accepted his fate patientiy and gracefulty. Beooming an Alpha at a young age has shaped Ben's merennalitu ta ha ctranc andi tanoh Who bnar eh Fata Mannordriac hat.

personality to be strong and tough. Who knows what fate Moongoddes has Gdecided for him, Ben is gone, his death is even more tragxc than tihe death of his parents and Luna.

Alcan has been standing with a straight face right in front of Ben's coffin for 20 minutes, behind him there is Pandi who is farthifulty warting for Alpha. Not far from them, Daynen, Mulan, Mayia, Kalila, and Aldnd were present wearing black mourning clothes. Several times Mulan and Mayia were seen wiping the corners of their watery eyes, feeling like they were missing Ben, who had been s0 close to the Cinillo family.

"Alpha Alcani" Greetings Galuh, Beta Redmins Pack.

"I'm sorry Ijust got to greet you.”

Alcan stretched out his hand, shakang Galuh's hand.

“It's okay, how are the preparations going, is everything ready?"

"Just a little longer, Enros is still taking care of all the cremation preparations."

"And regarding the rumor of Alpha Ben's death. Is it all true?”

Galuh nodded weaniy. “That's right Alpha, Alpha Ben has been killed.”

Alcan clenched his fists again, the anger he had been trying to control seemed to be pressing to come out. Dhan had even been cursing harsiiy in there.

"The murderer must be found, Galuh. If necessary, I will provide assistance.”

"Yes Alpha, thank you, we have started the investigation. We have started Interrogating every witness since this morning. We will not miss a single loophole to find our Alpha koller”

"Good, then... How about Alpha Ben's successor?"

"The elders are still talking about it. It's just that Alpha Ben seems to have prepared everything”Alcan's brow furrowed, "Alpha Ben?"

"Yes Alpha. Umm... We'd better talk about this somewhere else. Before leaving, Alpha Ben told me to keep this under wraps. And just in case, if #0mething were to happen to him, he wanted me to tell you about this.”

“What's going on?"

“Come with me Alpha, we'll talk alone.”

Alcan and Galuh stepped out of Ben's casket. However, their steps stopped suddenly when the two of them damaged an aura that entered the residence of the Alpha Redmins pack, they turned around and were sitghtiy surprised to see a vampire wearing black mournng clothes present wrth a woman dressed in white, attracting the attention of several people who were mourring.

The couple is none other than Maxel and Serena.

"Vampire," Galuh spontaneousty glared at Maxel, feeling Manel's strong, threatening aura.

Several warawolves who were present there also growied disapprovingty, this was the first time a vampire- who in fact was their enem- had come to Alpha werewolf's funeral . The Cirillo family is also surpnised by the presence Of the two of them, because nertiher of them told Serena or Maxel about Mpha Ben's death. They thought telling him about it would also be useless, Serena was new, she and Alpha Ben didn't know each other.

“How dare a vampire enter the Redmis Pack's terntory,"Galuh immediately blocked Maxel and Serena who wanted to approach Ben's coffin.

Maxel raised one eyebrow, while Serena watched Galuh carefulty.

"How did you come into Our Pack territory? Vampires are not welcome here,"Galuh's voice slowiy rose, attracting tire attention of so many mourners.

Galuh's voice slowty rose, attracting the attention of so many mourners. "What are you doing here?" Alcan stepped closer.

"You know them Alpha?" Ask Galuh.

“This woman is my guest and this vampire is her soulmate," answered Akcan.

“Soulmates?" Galuh was now skilled at looking at Serena, the woman smiled gentty at him. "Y-you, a werewolf?" Galuh asked a little nervousiy, for some reason he fett something different when he looked at Serena.

"Yes, Brother Beta Galuh. Can't Brother Galuh differentiate between 2 werewolfand not a werewotf?" he asked ina sweet tone.

"Y-you know my name?" Alcan was also surprised when Serena mentioned Galuh's name and title,

Serena stretched out her hand in front of Galuh. “Ms. Flory told me to shake Alpha Ben's hand when I met her. But it's a shame he's gone. Instead, I'lI shake Betanya's hand. Namety, Galuh himsetf,"

Atfirst Galuh fett confused. He glanced at Maxel, the man still had a calm face like when he first appeared, as if he wasn't bothered by the disapprowng looks of the werewotvesaround him. Then he tooked back at Serena's hand which was still extended to him, with a little hesitation, Galuh returned the outstretched hand.

The next second he gasped, his eyes widened completety when the skin of his hand touched Serena's skin.

"Y-you...?" Galuh couldn't say anytihing. He coukdn't even believe what he had just experienced.

“Brother Galuh, ask permission to see Alpha Ben's body, is that okay?" Serena said softly.

"Of course Miss, forgive my Insolence for not knowing you," Galuh said as he gave way to Serena, but she held Maxel's am.

"I won't let you near our Alpha's casket," he said. "He's Serena's fiancg, sis. Maxel isn't dangerous."

"Even s0, your fianog is still a vampire, | don't want any trouble at our Alpha's funeral just because of a vampire."

Serena and Maxel looked at each otiver. The man sgueezed Serena's hand for moment then nodded his head.

"Okay, Brother Maxel wait here.”

Then Serena walked in ignoring Akan. Alcan himsetf could see the mocking smile on Maxel's lips as Serena ignored his presence.

Near the coffin, Serena could see how Alpha Ben's handsome face had turned pale from his death, but the man looked as if he was sleeping peacefully. Alpha Ben has rested in peace, he has done the best in his isfe, he has struggled for the survival of his Pack and now his task as Alpha has been completed.

" May Moongoddes give him the best place ," Ariel said inside.

Serena didn't reply, she just closed her eyes and prayed silentiy for the peace Of Alpha Ben's soul. Every pair of eyes continued to pay attention to the only woman who was wearing different colored ciothres, she was standing so gracefully near Alpha Ben's coffin, malang several people wonder who the beautiful woman who was closing her eyes was? Why did he come with 3 vampire? And how did Beta Galuh know him?

As the minutes passed, Serena was still farthfulty standing by Ben's coffin, Staring at the Alpha's corpse without caring about the Cinlto family who were standing not far from her. Hana and Maxel were also not far from Serena, allowing the woman to continue to be there, not tryang to interfere with Serena's current activities.

Serena's current activities,

"Erm... Master, you will continue to let Miss stand there?" Hana who was right beside Maxel asked in a low voice,

"Just let it be, even if reminded, Serena will still stand there," Maxel replied calmiy, his gaze never leaving Serena, as if the center of the man's world was oniy in Serena.

Making Hana a little jealous and desappointed. Jealous because a vampire loves his fianok of a different gender s0 much and disappointed because he hopes that Serena is Seline, his Alpha souirnate who leit secretty 3 years ago.

"Why is that?" Hana asked again.

The corners of Maxel's lips lifted, laughing at something that had crossed Iis mind,

"Compared to my little sister who is a little rebellious, Serena is my mother's second daughter who is obedient and sweet. She will always obey My mother's reguests and wishes, without asking the reasons or trying to be curlous."

Hana's forehead wrinkled, looking confused by Maxel's words. a Maxelis an expert at seeing it. Added an explanation to it. "Serena did all this because of my mother's orders. Gueen Flory.”

So... A confusing scene finally occurred.

A man wearing all white entered the Alpha's residence. The tapping of his shoes was audible in rhyttim with his regular footsteps. The man's attention Once again attracted all the mourners' attention, including Alcan and Galuh who had just left Alpha Ben's office after talking together. The man had honey brown irises, thick eyebrows with a firm jaw, he kept walking until he took a position right beside Serena.

Instantiy his presence startled Serena, the woman immediately tuned to look at the man, then made Serena freeze.

The man who was initialty tooking at Alpha Ben's corpse also tuned around because he felt he was being watched. His and Serena's eyes met, making them both silent, motionless as if they had just discovered something surprising.

Then unexpectedIy, both Serena and the man... They both gave each other happy smiles, smiles that slowty tumed into laughter, laughter that made both of their eyes produce tears, happy tears.

Yes. They both cried, cried while laughing. Soon the two of them hugged each other, as if they had just met after several decades.

"Finally..." The man said, the sound of laughter and crying continues. Meanwhile, Serena's cries had turned into sobbing sounds.

"Finally..." The man said again, he tightened his embrace on Serena while stroking her black hair.

"Finally..." The man now looked at Alpha Ben's corpse tying stiffty in his coffin, then said. "Finally i found it Sis.”

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