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Part 26

Since earlier, his heart had been heated with his jaw clenched to hold back the anger that had been suppressed for days. Especially when he saw that man, the man who atways preceded him, he seemed to catch the woman's hand and then took her away from the crowd of people attending the new Coronation of the damn Alpha who had apparentiy been tuding herself.

Nothing has gone according to plan so far. The woman he had been after since the first time he saw her that night, left Puerdem Pack suddeniy without his knowledge, she disappeared without a word, making hirn annoyed to death. Then unexpectediy, his identity was discovered by the late Alpha Ben that day, s0 he decided to end his life. He thought that even though Alpha Ben's death was not his plan, at least he had achieved one goal of taking on the members of the Redmins Pack, because he had succeeded in persuading several elders and important members of thbe Pack to side with him. But it's really bad luck, even though he's gone... Alpha Ben has prepared another plan s0 he can't take the Redmins Pack member. And now, Brayan is the one who oocupies that position.



Exploding all his emotions and anger, he threw all the things that were on the table, kicked the chairs and hut the windows. The anger that burned hus chest, especially when he saw that woman was back around Alpha Alcan.

That woman...

With hair as black as night...

Snow-white skin...

And the irises of his eyes that make him fall enchanted... That woman...

Incarnation of the Moon Goddess.

The incarnation of the Goddess Selene.

He even still remembess the first time he saw Dewi Selene that night with his younger brother, prince Endion. Even after centuries have passed, even after her death... "He will still fall back in awe of the figure of the Goddess who is now incarnated in human form, Alzeita Seline.”

Almost every night he went through just dreamung of Seline's naked body in bed and he was right above her, controllng her body, satisfying her lust. Before he almost gotit, even though he used someone else's body - 2 little later he got Seline. But the damn Alpha who was his soulmate caught him in the act. He got raw tears all over his face, feeling the pamn cf the blow from Alpha who went berserk when he saw his mate's betrayal. If onty he hadn't used someone else's body that night, perhaps all his plans and identity Would have been revealed that very night.

The news about Seline's departure from Puerdem Pack made him happy to death, Without waiting any longer, he immediately ordered hes followers to look for Seline in all corners of the Puerdem Pack area, includeng tive Dasos forest which was famous for being wide and dark. But strangety, Sekne couldn't be found at all, and the woman didn't even leave any traces.

Couldn t be tound at all, and the woman didn't even leave any traces.

If he had to choose, would he prefer to gain the power he had always wanted or to have the Incarnated Goddess in his bed? Of course, he would rather want the woman to be oompletety his, no matter that she is his sowmate someone else'sThe power he can get later, he has gathered so many followers and support from several defectors from several Packs throughout the country.

But getting Alzeita Seline is like looking for a small, precious diamond in a Pile of pebbles. It's not as easy as one might imagine. Because he had noticed, Alzerta Seline was not an ordinary woman. There is something special about him.

Hana lifted two bags of fertilizer at once and placed them near Serena's feet, who was planting blue roses that the head maid of the Blue Argentum palace had sent several days ago. Since this morning, the two women have been spending time together in the mimi garden which is rigft under one of Serena's bedroom windows.

Serena maintains this mini flower garden regulariy and of course Hana always faithfully accompanies her. Apart from taking care of the min garden, Serena sometimes helps some of the omegas in the lutchen and spends her time playing wrth some of the Isttie warrior chikiren in tive training arena.

Serena did all these simple activities when Alcan was not at the mansion. Of Course the Curillo family knows what the woman does on a darly basis.

Serena does have a metal disability, the way she speaks, her gaze, and her behavior are like a 10 year old duld, but her mindset is like a mature woman. Sometimes some people are amazed by the mindset of this mentally handicapped woman, Serena is too smart, full of confidence, and firm in very opinion she issues. Every young maid, omega, bodyguard, and warrior who knew Serena showed interest in her. Every day tihey talked about how smart and caring she was for other people, they also talked about how Serena greeted everyone, smited at everyone, and laughed at every kttle thung that made her heart happy. Even Mulan and Mayla, who had always shown their dislike of Serena from the start, would now only be silent watching everything that woman did, didn't reprimand or mock her like at the beginning of Serena's appearance at thts mansion. Serena seemed to be the center of their attention.

And this made Kalila's face turn red due to holding back anger and annoyance. She used to get that attention, although not as much attention as Serena gets now, at least most people cared about her. But the reality that is happening now makes Kalila clench her fists too often, they only greet Serena politety, look at Serena with sparkiing eyes, talk to Serena in a cheerful tone, bow respectfully to Serena, everything about Serena, while who is a candidate for the Luna Pack this is him. Kakla Ardhiani! Not Luna Serena!

The only thing that Kalila was grateful for was that Alcan did not show any interest in Serena. She often noticed how Alcan just stared sentty at Serena's every behavior, how he sometimes glared at her when Serena Opposed almost every word he sard, and how Alcan ignored Serena when the woman was already acting like a silly girl.

Kalila was just about to cause trouble by warning Serena of her limits when an omega walked over with a man Kalila recognized as Serena's fiance. Maxel Alexander.

The man walked following the omega who showed Serena's current location. When he arrived there, Maxel was silent, leaning against one of the pillars and observing Serena who was busy planting blue flowers given to her by her mother, helped by Hana and an omega.

Feeling cared for, Serena finally Isfted her head and immediatety smiled broadiy. He took off his gloves and immediately ran small to hug Maxel.

"Hey Cara!" Greetings Maxel gentiy stroked Serena's head.

“Brother Maxel, why have you just arrived?"

"Why? Miss you yet?"

"Emm. I don'trealty miss it, but Serena needs someone handsome to serve as a maid,” Serena chuckled while glanng musciwevousiy at her.

"Water?" Maxel rubbed his chin. "Haven't you been Serena's servant for a longtime?"

“Oh really? Why did Serena just find out? Hehehe..."

“You naughty boy,"Maxel pinched hzs nose.

“Stop joking, I've come to talk to Ariel."

Serena giggled and hugged. “Does Maxel love Serena or Arsel more?"

Maxel once again poked his nose. “Don't start Rena, there are important things you have to talk to Areel about.”

“What's important? Why can't Serena know? Ariel and Serena are the same."


“Yeah, yeah... Serena is sbll small, s0 Serena shouldn't know what adults are talking about,” he said whule stomping his feet, Maxel just smiled a little as he followed Serena's steps as she walked towards her room.

“Hana,” Serena tuned to look at Hana who always followed her. “Just wart for Serena and Sis Maxel downstairs, okay, you don't have to comel OK?”

“Yes Miss,"Hana nodded obedientty.

Serena closed the door when Maxel entered her room.

"Tie room is not bad," commented Maxel looking around the room.

“Yes, Serena chose the room. Humm... Should Serena sit or Ise down?”Maxel took a place on the edge of the bed, "Just sit down.”

Then from behind the jacket he was wearing, he took out a small purple bottle, a special bottle containing Aura's potion.

"Iuuubh...” Serena's face frowned, "Serena doesn't like the smeli of that potion.”

“The smell is unpleasant but at least it still tastes good on the tongue." Maxel handed him the bottie.

"Yeah, luckily it tastes almost like grape juice."

Before drinking the potion, Serena stared at Maxel for a moment. "Serena really can't know what Sis Maxel talked to Ariel about?"

Maxel ran a hand through Serena's long black hair. "You know that everything we do is for your own good." He said softiy. Serena nodded.

“Brother knows you are curious. But this is not the time yet. One day, you will know the purpose of all this.”

"Yes right, Serena just go with it.”


The sound of the bottle cap was heard, while drinking tfve contents of the potion, Serena pinched her nase. One gulp, the contents of the bottle empty instantiy.

Then slowly, Serena's eyes closed tightiy with regular breaths. Maxel waited 2 few moments, until Serena's eyes opened again, what was visible were the wotf's silver irises . n Agrin formed at the corner of his lips. "Hi Mr. Maxel!"

Marcel retumned the grin. "Hi Cara.”

Ariel folded her legs, sitting gracefully on the bed like 3 growm woman. "Tck, you're not my fiance Maxel. Don't call me that.”

“But this body is rny fiance's body. So it's onty natural that I call him by my pet nickname."

Ariel rolled her eyes. "Tsk, you cheesy vampire. Straight away, why did you call me out? Oh wait, you can't smell my scent, nght?”

"No, never underestimate Aunt Aura's potion, you still smell the same as Serena's"

I know Aunt Aura is skilled at potions. But don't forget that we're currently

in wenewoff termitory , their sense of smell is very sharp. Have you forgotten what would happen if I switched shifts with Serena?”

“Your real soent will be smelled, espeaally by-"

“Shhsssttt..." Serena immediately covered Maxel's mouth. "Don't be loud, even if this room is soundproof, Alcan's sharp ears might still be tistening. tt's a good thing he's.not in the mansion at the moment.”

Maxel nodded. "Let's get straight to it Mom told me to remind you, 15 days is the timewill arrive," that sentence made Ariel freeze.

"Aunt Aura toki you, Gidn't you? You and Serena make it through twice, every year. This year is the third time and..."

Maxel's words stopped when he saw the movement of Ariel's hand touching the right side of his neck, as if he was rubbing something there.

"Ariel, you might not be able to hold it this year." Said MaxeL

“| haven't found Maxel's way yet. Also, I can already imagine what will happen to Serena when that day comes," Ariel took Maxel's hand and sgueezed it.

"Maxel, you know what will happen, right? I probabiy remember everything. But Serena..."

"Serena asked for all this, she was the one who agreed to my mother's plans for her.”

“But he did it to relieve the pain. You didn't see him when he entered the room for the first time. He didn't know why the tightness overtook him.”

"Then what? You guys are already here. That's the main goal, right?" Maxel returned Ariel's hand.

"Serena doesn't know, but you know everything, you were there for her from the start. Your and Serena's lives will be threatened if you can't get through the next 15 days."

"And Alcan must know the truth,” he continued. "Three years have passed, are you going to let everything be the same as 3 years ago?”

Ariel shook her head slowly.

"You're not alone Ariel, there's me, my mother, my father, aunt Aura, all members of the Blue Argentum Kingdom and also Alpha Brayan. What's more, what you will face is not only the fake Luna candudate, but she whois the main cause of all this."

"But Rena-"

“Rena doesn't know about him. We never tell him, we protect him by not telling him anything. But anyway Rena has to know everything. Nol She has to remember everything It's about her survival, your lives."

"Fine, i agree. But i haven't figured out how to hit Alcan and the woman yet.”

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