Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Part 28

It had been raining since this moming, showing no signs of stopping soon, even when the clock showed 05.30 in the afternoon. Outside, Serena could s36- from every window in her room- dark cdouds decorating the sky, along with ramwater that wet all the earth's plants.

Since this morning he had locked himself in his room, he never left there at all since he opened his eyes, he even had breakfast and lunch in his room, of Course he was not alone in that room, there was Hana who served as his loyai companion.

As the minutes passed, an anxious expression was clearty visible on his face. Serena started pacing back and forth in her room, occasionally biting her lip, sgueezing her hands, and rubbing her neck, trying to get rid of the anxiety, even though it didn't have any effect.

"Miss?" Called Hana who had been staring at the lady she had been serving all this time,

Serena didn't seem to hear.

"Miss?" Call Hana again.

"Nona Serenai?"


"What's wrong, Miss? You've looked restiess since earlier.”

"Iis Sis Maxel not here yet?” he asked back without answering Hana's guestion.

"You've asked that 5 times, and my answer is still the same miss. Mr. Maxel hasn't arrived yet.”

"Hahhh..." Serena sighed, she threw herself on the bed, staring at the high ceiling of her room.

"IfI may ask, what is it Miss? Is there something bothering you?"

"Hmm..." Serena nodded.


"What is that? Maybe | can help you," Hana tried to make hersetf useful, all this time Serena looked cheerful as if she was living without the slightest burden. And this was the first time she saw that anxious and angry @xpression On her face. Hana wanted to help her, not only in the woman's happy moments, but in every difficulty and sorrow. He had promised to serve Serena for the rest of his life,

“This is the 15th day, Hana,"he said. Hana frowned in disbeliet.

"In this year, this day has come..."

Serena turned her head, looking at how hard it was raining outside.

"And this year may be different from the previous 2 years."

Meanwhile, elsewhere...

From behind the large glass, Alcan could see how heavy the rain was falling outside, This wasn't the first time it had rained so hard and for a long time, but this was the first time Alcan had felt so uneasy about this rain.

Somehow he felt something was going to happen. "Alpha Alcander?"

Alcan was stunned, he was too engrossed in watching the rain that he forgot that he was currentfy atbending the introducbon of the first dhild and Alpha candidate from the Ecplise Pack, a Pack led by Alpha Javas.

"You seem interested in the rain,"said the man. He is Daynen's schoolmate, as well as a former Gamma, a middie-aged man who still looks as fit as Daynen. And now standing opposite Alcan wtule sipping a glass of winein tis hand.

"Nat really, | just feel like its been raining for too long today."

“Yes. And it doesn't seem to show any signs of stopping soon. By the way, it looks like it's not only the Redmins Pack who know the Blue Argentum Royal family," the man said as he looked at Alpha Javas who had just welcomed another man Alcan knew very well. Maxel Alexander.

Alcan's eyebrows rose when he saw Maxei's presence in the Ecplise Pack. Why does that guy keep popping up everywhere latety?

"I hear he's free to enter the Puerdern Pack, is that right?”said the man again.

Alcan onty nodded briefly, his eyes kept watching the interaction between Javas and Maxel. Unlike the atmosphere when Maxel was present at Alpha Ben's funeral, this time it was not as tense as it was then. The people in the Ecplise Pack didn't seem surprised to see Maxel's presence, who in fact was 2 vampire, as if the man had been there severai times. Even Javas and his wife who were holding their baby tooked friendiy talking to Maxel.

Feeling noticed, Maxel turned to him, he gave a smirk then raised his hand Casually making a gesture as if he was saying hello. Alcan onty nodded once, then looked away. Trying to ignore Maxel's presence on the show.

"1 didn't see your Luna Candidate, Alpha. Didn't she come with you cartier?” the middle-aged man asked agam.

Alcan finally realized, Ie had come to the event with Kalila and the woman had asked permission to take a drink. It's been a long time since he left, why hasn't Kalila come back yet?

"I'll look for Kalila first, excuse me,"Alcan said goodbye and immediately walked away.

" Pandi? You didn't see Kalila?”he asked Pandi who also came with them.

"Sorry Alpha, | just saw it near the drinks table,"lre replied.

“What are you doing Pandi? Why don't you pay attention to yow future Luna?"

" Forgive my carelessness Alpha. I wii immediately look for Miss Kalila,"Alcan decided the mind!ink , he immediatety looked around the hall

" Use your sense of smell, Human! Damn, that woman is just troublesome,”Ohan grumbled.

Alcan didn't pay attention to it, but he used his smell to find Kalila's whereabouts. Alcan srufted the air, trying to smell Kalila's ingering body scent while also following her.

He started walking, past several invited guests and continued to follow the scent trail of his fianoe. Alcan's forehead creased, he glanced back briefly, trying to convince himself that he didn't smell Kalila's scent wrongly.

Yes, Alcan is not wrong. But why was this scent headed for the Alpha Javas main residence?

“ Pandi, position?"Mindlink Alcan.

“I'm right behind you,"he replied guickly.

Alcan resumed his steps, he continued to walk deeper into the main residence of the Nayaka family. Alcan wondered, why did Kalila dare to enter Javas Nayaka's main residence? What is that woman doing here?

After passing the stairs that led him to tire 2nd floor, Alcan's steps stopped, right in front of a bedroom door. Alcan sniffed once again, trying to confim that Kalila's soent was indeed wafting behind the door of this room.

Just before he tumed the knob of the bedroom door...


The sound was immediately caught by his sharp hearing. You you...

Alcan's heart was pounding, aflash of pain hit him.


Alcan's hands moved away, his body immediatety felt tremble. Even Dhan was Standing firm in there.

"Mhhh... Ohhh..."

The voice sounded again, Alcan closed his eyes, the image of events 3 years ago came back to him in his mind, making him unconsciously clench hxs fists.

"Open the door!" Dhan ordered with his growling voice.

"No!"Refuse Alcan.

" Open the door Alcan!"

Alcan turned around, intending to leave that place.

" OPEN THE DOOR, STUPID ALPHAI,"Dhan roared angrily.

"You idiotl"Alkan replied harshty. "You want me to open it and see what's going on in there huh!? You want to see the same thing as 3 years ago, you stupid wolft?"

“| don't care! You have to open that door!"


" ALCANDERI! Choose now, you open, or | wili take your body and open it myself!" He threatened,


he door slammed heavity from Alcan's kick. And the shocking sight made his mind immediatety flash back to the evenits of 3 years ago, where he saw th his own eyes, Alzeita Seline making out wth another man in her room.

“Traitorlll"Alcan roared with burning anger.

he sound suddenty separated the Ilps of a man and woman who were making out intimatety. The man glared in annoyance because his activities were being disturbed, while the woman was shocked by what was standing in front of her.

"Kk-sister Alcant?"

“Alcan?" The half-naked man- who was on top of him- frowned in surprise. Alcan stepped forward guickty and threw a fist straight at the man's face.

“Brother Alcan 1!" Kalila screamed, she immediatety fixed her clothes which were half open, then got up from the bed.

Bugh... Buggghh ...

Alcan delivered blow after blow blindty, accompanied by the sound of Kalila's sCreams trying to stop Alcan.

But Alcan didn't listen, he continued to punch the man, the man who for Alcan was the same man who had touched his soulmate. As if returning to the Incident 3 years ago, Alcan vented all his anger, as if he was punching Finod, his secretary,

"I won't forgive you? I won't.”

Alcan pulled the man's body, then punched him in the stomach, pulled the man's body again and kicked him in the chest. As if not satisfled, Akan once again pulled him, forced the man to stand up and then hit his head on the wall until it bled,

“Stop Alpha."

Pandi immediatety approached, trying to restrain his Alpha's body which was Gvercome by anger,“Let go, this time I will kill you Finod! I will finish you!"

Alcan roared in his alpha tone, one iris of his eye turned silver, a sign that Dhan had taken a part of him.

Pandi continued to try to hold it back, he was very overwhelmed with Akcan's enormous strength.

"Alpha come to your senses,"Pandi was still trying,

Meanwhile, Kalila stood with her body shaking slightty. She had once seen Alcan go berserk, but at that time he was not the cause of his tantrum. And this time, when Alcan was controlled by his anger again, he was the cause of the anger. Graater anger than 3 years ago. Really, Kalila was so scared to see him.

"Mpha Alcan, he is not Findodi He is not Findodi"

Pandi's words jolted Alcan's consciousness. The aftermath of 3 years ago slonwiy faded away, Finod's face changed to that of a man Alcan didn't recognize. The tense veins on Akan's face and hands slowty relaxed, making the Alpha's chest rise and fall rapidly, making it seem like he was breathing rregularty.

'Seeing that Alpha's condition was under control, he immediately let go of Ican's body.

"Alpha, you okay?"Ask Pandi to make sure.

"What is this?"

avas voice was heard from the doorway, he was seen with his wife, Betanya, land several other people gathered there. Even Maxel atso stood among them.

"Resin?" Javas stepped in, he approached the man named Damar and was Isurprised to see his condition.

"Alpha Alcan, what did you do to Damar?" Ask Javas with his Alpha tone.

"You know him?"Alcan asked in a cold tone.

"Know you? She's my cousin, Damn it,"he cursed.

“Tonda, call Doctor Pack Immediatelyi”he ordered the Beta. Then he supported Damar's body slowty and laid him on the bed,

"You'd better come up with a plausible explanation for what you did to Darnar, Alphal I respect you as a fellow Alpha by giving you the opportunity to explain all of this."

Alcan turmed around and immediately looked at KaWla who was still standing scared in her place.

"Explain Kalilai What are you doing here?" Akan demanded.

Kalila was silent. "Do you know?"

Javas looks confused, "Kalla? Why did you ask Luna Kalila?"

Alcan ignored him. "Kalila Ardhiani, answert?" snapped Alcan.

"You traitor."

"N-no!!" His tone rose,

"I'm not a traitor, Sis!"

"Yes. You are a traitor. Just like that woman.”

“No Sis. Icouldn't possibty betray you. I'm your future Luna, not that woman,"he said, trying to defend himsetf,

"Then what is my future Luna doing with Alpha Javas' younger cousin in this room?"

"You can't deny it. | saw what you did with my owm eyes.”

“Trust me Sis,"Kalila took Alcan's hand and sgueezed it. "Ican not betray, I love you”


Those were the words said by Maxel. Everyone tumned to him.

"You area werewotf, who is destined to have a soulmate. Everyone knows that you are not Alpha Alcan's soulmate, how can you love him?" Maxel said mockingty.

“Don't listen to that vampire Sis. I really love you. Even if meet my soulmate, will still love you."

8.» Nai Several people stared in disbelief when they heard Kalila's words. How could he say that? The term sowmate, which is glorified by most werewofves, is belittled by Kalila. "Oh really?" Maxel said again.

"Then how are you going to explain your betrayal just now?"I did not betray!" Kalila screamed.

"Yes, you are a traitor!"Maxel continued to reply to Kalila's words.

“Same as Seline. She was found alone with another man in her room. You too-"

"Seline was under the influence of magic back then!"he said suddeniy.

"He s under the influence of the magic that | gave him and made him enconecious, Then he thought that the man who entered his room was Sis can,"Kalila continued to speak subconsciously.

"Just like me,"he pointed to himseff.

"I... I, I was also in an unconscious state. Earlier my head hurt a lot, then... then that man suddeniy came to pull me into this room, and everything just happened. Just like Seline. I, I thought he as is you, sis. I thought she was sis Alcan, so | coomplied. I returned all her kisses, and I-"


"Got you,"whispered Maxel. Kalila immediately let go of her hand on Alcan and stepped back, her eyes widened when she realized what she had just said.

Kalila's body suddenity shivered, especially when she saw silver irises flash sharpiy at her. "Magic? You bewitched my soulmate?"

“Sis, i can explain. All of this-"

“Darnn girl!"


Kalila's head turned to the left until it fell down.

“You, Aaarrggghhh..."Alcan screamed loudiy. It deafened tive ears of everyone who was there.

“I've said it before, Human. One day... you will regret it,"whispered Dhan.

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