Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Part 30

"I'm sorry Alpha, I hope you retum to the Pack soon.”

Zano's voice sounded in his mind. Alcan, who was dsiving the car, increased his speed. His knuckles looked whute from gripping the car steering wheel too tightiy.

“What's wrong Zano?" Akan replied calmiy, in contrast to whiat he was feeling.

"Alpha, Miss Serena is nowhere to be found. She has disappeared since an hour ago. And also...”

A moment of silence. "What happened? Why don't you continue your sentence?"

"Something strange has happened. Some of the he-wolvesin the pack look like they can't control themselves."

"What do you mean Zano? Say it more cleartyi"

“Some hewofvessay they kiss..."Zano sounded hesitant to say it. "Smelling Miss Seline's scent."

Alcan's heart was beating strongiy.

" Ah! You're looking for your soulmate, where do you think hhe is right now?” "Don't play riddles damn vampire, tell me where he is nowi."

"Why? Don't you hate it?"


Alcan punched the car door right on the right side of Maxet's head. He tried to Ihold back his pent up anger because he just found out that ali this time his mate was with the vampire,

“Damn it! Ori'l take your heart out by force!” The threat.

Maxel laughed, looking happy to see Alcan's expression. "You are the Stupidest Alpha I've ever known. Tell me, you regret it, don't you?"

Alcan was silent, his teeth grinding together and his jaw clenched.

"Even though Ididn't say It, I know you're sorry. Tok.isk..tsk.. 3 years you wasted him. And even when he was dose to you, you couldn't even recognize him properiy. | doubt that you really her souimate.”

Aican loosened his grip on Maxel's coat.

"What... You mean? All this time... Seline was near me?"

"He doesn't have a twin, where do you think he is now?”

“Ifonty you had given him 8 chance 3 years ago to explain, H only you had believed Seline 3 years ago. You would have known a lot about him.”

Aican looked at Mare! in confusion.

“Itoniy takes a littia potion from our kingdom 's greatest fairy, then her scent Can be manipulated, Not only that, her entire memory can also be changed, S0 she wil! live with a new identity.”

“SERENA!" Dhan exclained suddeniy. Joited Alcan's consciousness.

“You resily are the stupidest Alpha I've ever known. And I'm willing to replace your position as the onty man In her life, to be her fiance. Aizeita Seline'

"Fance, Ah, wrong, to be more precise, Luna Serena's fianck."


The conversation between him and Maxel earlier rang in his mind. From the start... He should have followed his instincts, that woman was not Luna Serena, but his soulmate, he should have followed it from the start...

"Hoaniy you had given her the chance 3 years ago to explsin, if only you had trusted Seline 3 years ago. You would have known & lot about her."

“You hate our marriage that much?”


"then let's peta divorce."

Alcan cursed while hitting the steering wheel repeatedIy.

He should have trusted Seline from the start. She was Moongoddes'destined soulmate for him. He shoulda't have doubted "Moongoddes"destiny fate.

"Alpha, are you still listening?" Zano's voice came again. "Find him Zanol Find Lunaku see youl" Akan repkied, “Luna Alpha? What do you mean? Isn't Miss Kalila-"

"He's not Lunaku! Find Seline now!"


"Serena Zanol Serena is Seline, my mate and our Luna Pack! Search and find her as guickly as possible! If you are unable to find her, then Iwill punish you and all the warriors involved in the search.”

Alcan broke his mindlink .Wncreases the speed of the car so'it can get tothe Pack as soon as possible. He didn't want to lose anymore. He's been doing Pack as soon as possible. He didn't want to lose anymore. He's been doing Stupid things for 3 years already, Maxel is right, he'sa stupid Alpha and he won't repeat the same mistake again!

He will return to find his soutmate. Whatever happens, Seline will be his again!

Alcan arrived In the same state.

He still ha/Keransforms with Ohan, letting the wolftake control of some of him. The aura he carries is capable of makang some werewolves @oosebumps, no one knaws what caused the Alpha to heel bad.

Alcan kept walking, ignoring every gaze that looked at him curiously. He sbepped guickly into the onty room where the soul mate was.

Alcan's feelings became erratic when he saw that the contents of the room were empty, there was no sign of the woman's presence there.

“Zano? Hana? Where are you guys?"

In a matter of minutes, Zano and Hana were in front of their Alpha, they were standing with their bodbes tense and thesr heads down.

"Where is he?"Alcan asked directly.

"We haven't found him yet, Alpha,"Zano dared to answer.

"What were you guys doing all alongi? How come you can't find a woman?" "We're sorry Alpha, we've searched the entire mansion, but Mtss Serena-"

"Selinel She's Selmel”Alcan's error.

“She's not Serena, she's your Luna."

Hana raised her head, looked at Alcan in disbelief, as if she had just hada hearing loss.

"Look for Seline in every corner of the Packi I don't want to know. She must be found as guickly as possible, if necessary-"

"Found Alpha," Zano interrupted.

"Luna has been found, Delta Jio just said it via mindlink."

"Where is he? Bring him here immediately. No, Il pick him up mysett.”

"Pandi, have you put the snake woman in her place?” Mindlink Alcan.

"Yes Alpha, | have locked him up."

" Good, cone here soon! We will pick up my Luna."

"Yes Alpha."

Alcan kept walking, folowed by Zano and Hana behind him.

“Say Zano, where is my mate now?"

“In the Dasos Alpha Forest,"Zano answered, making Alcan's feet stop and he immediately turned to look at him.

“What are you saying?"

"Yes Alpha, Luna is in the Dasos forest right now and Delta Jio is guarding the area where Luna is currentiy.”

"What is Seline doing there? And what do you mean by looking after her?"

"We don't know what Luna is doing there. However, Jic is trying to guard Luna's surroundings because... because... As | said before, Luna gives off a scent that attracts almost every he-woff."

"Be clearer Zano!"Alcan demanded.

"Luna Serena... I mean Luna Seline gave off her pheromone scenit and it madethe he-wolves-"

can didn't wait for Zano to continue his words, he turned around again and immediately sped towards the Dasos forest. The rain was still falling heavily, wetting his entire body, but he didn't care. The only thing on his mind right now was to find out guickty As souimate and protect him from the he - olves who were excited by the scent of the pheremons.

" Damn Alcan." Damn Dhan.

"You can't passibly forget how the he-wolves were lured by the scent of those pheromones, right?"

started running, straining his nose to find the scent of his mate that had tong been ingrained in hts brain's memory. "I will make you regrat It even more, H thase he-wolves dare to touch our mate, Human,"Dhan threatened him, but Alcan ignored him, he continued running, running towards the Dasos forest which is to the south of Puerdem Pack.

Unbeknownst to him, Aldrid, Mayta, Daynen and Mulan were following Alcan Tight behind him. The entire Cinllo family already knows what happened, were even shocked when they accidentally heard Alcan's words about Serena's real identity, which was actualty Seline. In order to find out what $ currentiy happening in their pack, the Cirillo family decided to follow secretiy, Zano and Hana also followed right behind them.

Jio, position?" Mindlink Alcan.

" I'm near the waterfall, Alpha,"replied Jio guickly.

"Current state?"

"Miss Serena Is standing on the edge of the lake near the waterfali. I have calied Mr. Eghar to restrain the warriors who were provoked by the scent of miss Serena's pheromones..”

"Shit, faster Human!"Dhan ordered.

It took 15 minutes to find the waterfall in the dark Dasos forest. And Alcan Could see him, he was standing there, a few meters in front of him with his back to Alcan.

He was standing on the left side of the waterfall right on the edge of the lake. The woman's long black hair hung straight down to her waist, she was wearing a white nightgown with no shoes. A gentle breeze blew the wornan's hair, her figure tooked s0 elegant and mysterious, plus the scent of pheromones was s0 ttuck. Alcan froze in place.



"MY MATE!!!"

Dhan shouted loudly, shouting his mate loudly. Tire woffwas completety hooked by the woman's pheromone scent.

"Oh shit.."

"Good griet."

Even now, Alcan could hear the growis of the he-wolves around the lake, they were taking cover to avoid the strong scent of the woman's pheromones, stronger than 3 years ago.

“Mate?” Alcan tried to call him, but he did not geta response.

"Mate?" Once again Alcan called him.


“I..” Seline vokced, but her voice sounded a little different. Slowty he turned his body, facing directly at Alcan.



Alcan's eyes widened perfectiy. He saw something he never expected. Setine's irises changed, they were silver with blue streaks around the edges. And a tattooadoms the cook of Seline's right neck, the same tattoo Akan dreamed of A tattoo that indicates that the woman has been marked.

“How could that be?" Alcan muttered.

Selena smiled crookedIy. "I'm sory Alpha," he bagan. "I shoukdn't have let you tag me that night,"he said.

"You... That... That wasn'ta dream?" U are dreaming, a dream for you but a reality for me.

"How did you do that?"

"Just like what I've been doing all this time, using the Fairy Aura potion,"he mitted,

"Alpha Alcan?"

I could see how Seline's gaze was s0 different. This wasn't Seline's gaze 3 years ago and it wasn't Seline's gaze who claimed to be Serena. It's so different, it's as if there's another side of Seline inside in-"

Alcan was stunned, as if he had just realized something he had forgotten. Serena isa wenewol/and Serena is Seline hersetf. How could Seline become 2 werewoif?

“You, who are you?"Alcan asked warily.

"Who am I? Who do you think I am Alpha? Serena... Or Seline?”

Seline showed a smirk, she looked like an antagonistic female character in a manga. "Serena calls me Ariel, while Seline... She knows me as Oriel In other words, i am-"

"You are the woff,”concluded Akan.

"That's right Alpha, you are very smart. But stupid in recognizing us and also easily fooled by cunning women like your future Luna,"he guipped directly.

“How do you?"

"4 won't explain further, I'm the laziest at telling stories, and my Human knows that. I onty have a short time until the full moon is at its peak.”

“Before that, I want to do something that this woman won't be able to do,” he pointed at himself. "Back then, you almost did it, 3 years ago you woukl have."

Alcan continved to stare at him, not understanding.

“Tapi hal itu tidak terjadi karena Ibu Flory datang menyelamatkan kami. Sekarang, aku sendiri yang akan menyelesaskannya,"

"what are you do-"

"I... Alzerta Seline...”

“I Alcander Cirillo..."

" NO!"Dhan shouted, while Alcan froze.

“Refusing you Alcander Cirilo..."

" Reject you Alzeita Seline..."

"Stop him Human!”Dhan says frustrated

“Asa soul—"



Seline or rather Oriel stopped her sentence.

“Don't Seline, | beg you don't do that.”

“Why! I'm just trying to finish what 3 years.ago you wanted to do to me." "No, please. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. | misunderstood you at that time.”

"Seline already told you that you misunderstood. But you didn't believe it."

"Yeah, it was my fault. ladmut it. Please, don't break our matebond i covid break If you do."

"It could be cleariy seen how panicked and frustrated Akan was begang ine.

fou can punish me Seline, i mean Ariel. No, Oriel. Whatever it is, i will accept ur punishment. But please don't reject met"

Fine, | won't. But you have to do something for me."

“What? What should | do? Say itt in do it!”


"Promise darling. Say it!”Seline smiled happily.

"Swear, in front of the Cirillo family and the people who are watching us right now. Swear that you will onty be loyal to one woman, namety me, Alzerta Seline and Oriel, the other side of him. Wil Continue to be by his side and will always trust him.”

"I swear, you and Oriel will be my women for the rest of my ife!"Dhan swore firmly in there.

"Alcander Cirillol"Alcan exclaimed loudiy.

“Mpha Puerdem Pack swears, will only make Alzeita Seline as the only woman in my life, my only Luna, swear for the rest of my life and will continue to take care and trust her until the end of my lifel."

"Swear to be Alzeita Seline's love slave forever,”continved the woman with a sweet smile.

Without hesitation Akcan comptied. "Swear that Lam willing to be a slave to the love ofmy onty soulmate, Alzeita Seline,"

“Congratulations Sis,"Aldrid said in a nasal vosce because he was still Covering his nose.

"You've become a real bucin now."

That was loneliness, but Alcan didn't care, what he wanted right now was to embrace his beautiful mate's body.

Alcan was just about to take a step, when suddenty Seline jumped into the lake, surpnsing several people there, Then the lake water showed irregular cipples, as if something was moving uncertainty in there.

The moon was at its peak. And that time has come...

For a few moments the sound of gurgiing water was heard followed by the appearance of 4 strong legs from the lake, foliowed by wet silvery feathers, a long tail that touched the ground, then two silver irises with blue hues Complementing the beautiful appearance in front of him, don't forget the moon sign. on his forehead and bluish tendrits adorning his back.

Oriel revealed her true form, revealing a beautiful and charming wow, those who stared at the transformation couid only freeze and shoot, while Aican... His heart was beating so loudly that he could even hear its own heartbeat.

Alcan fell to his knees, he was unable to resist the charm of his wolf' sowmate , and neither did Dhan in thare, his four legs were folded and his tongue was sticking out without him realizing it.

Oriel started walking, stamping all four feet atternatety, his steps were regular Oriel started walking, stamping all four feet akternately, his steps were regular and graceful, making Alcan's Adam's apple move wiidiy seeing how sexy ia walked. But Oriel didn't walk towards him, he passed Alcan and headed towards Maxel who had been there for some time.

"Hi bro!" Say hi Oriel. He uses his special ability to communicate telepathy ith other supernatural creatures. elcome back Oriel," replied Maxel, he stretched out his arms to hg Oriel.

suddeniy clenched his fists, feeling jealous of Oriel and Maxei's loseness. He is Seline and Oriel's soufmate, but even though he never ugged Seline and Onel in wolf form form. his is dangerous Ariel,"why are you leading Serena to the Dasos forest? This is very dark. What if something happens?"Maxel said using Oriel's udonym, Serena was too stubborn, she tried to hold me down,

"That's why I brought to this forest. The time is almost here Sis, I need Sis Maxel.”

"Are you sure? I don't think I'm what you need right now, but your mate."


“Sis Maxel has taken care of Kalita,"he said.

“Is it true?”

“Yeah, | told you, didn't I? That's what your fianc is for with you,”Maxel looked up at the sky.

"Just a moment Ariel. Are you sure you can hold it? It would be different if Alcan helped you rather than me.”

Oriel turned to look at Alkan who was still staring at the two of them. “Whatever, | just hope to get through this easity."

“This will be easy if you let Alcan help you.”

Right after saying that, Oriel's four legs weakened and suddeniy collapsed on the ground. Maxel held his head whole Alcan immediately approached him.

"What happened?"Alcan asked panicked.

"What did you do to my mate?"he accused,

“Hey, | didn't do anything, it's just the effect. The time has come.”

"What time?”

Oriel's body trembled and soon he changed shifts with Selme. Akan and Maxel immediately took off their shirts, covering Seline's naked body with the twoshirts.

“Seline open your eyes,"Alcan took Seline's body by embracing her. He didn't let Maxel see Seline's beautiful, innocent body without a single thread. Then..."

"Hot..."Seline muttered in a state of closed eyes.


"Ahhh... It's hot, it's hot..."Seline's body sguirmed in his arms, making Alcan's whole body immediatety tense.

Slowly... The tattoo on Seline's neck glowed, sending a feeling of heat that was so strong, accompanied by tie soent of the pheromones that smelled even more fragrant.

The ha- wolves went out of control. Aldrid roared passionately, he wanted to approach Seline but Mayia immediately did a half-transform with Ayla then held Aldrid as hard as he could. Then, there was Daynen who tried to hold herself back by kissing Mutan fiercely, she even tore Mulan's front dress and then dragged her to one behind a tree.

Pandi also did the same thing, he immediatety attacked Greya's lips who was with him, then there was Hana who held Zano by trying to punch and kick him. Meanwhile, Eghar and Jio-who were better able to withstand the scent jt pheromones- were trying to keep the other he-wotves away from Seline.

Woman who was still in Alcan's arms. No one could resist it, their passion was ked. The only thing on their minds is to fulfill their desire for Seline, tive rce of the pheromone.

"Hot... Please.. shhtt... Ahhh... Hot..."Seline continued to sigh and sguirm, her body rubbing against Alcan's body, ng the Alpha's long-held desire.

Unable to hold itin any longer, Alcan immedhatety kissed Seline, a deep kiss at made Seline sigh.

The he-wolves'roars grow louder, feeling displeased when they saw Alcan ing the chance.

He is expertencing heat,"said Maxel. What?" Alcan pulled away from the kiss and gave him a blank Wook.

Fool, didn't you see it property? Every she-woffthat has been marked will defimitely feel haat. Why do you think Seline emits a pheromone smeli that is s0 fragrant and sharp? That's because she expenenced heat after you marked her several years ago. And hearcan onty be solved with-"

" Mating,"Dhan continued.

Alcan immediately stood up and lifted Selire with both arm muscies. He preferred not to listen to Maxel's contnued sentence. There were more important things to acoomplish with his mate and that invotved bed and sweat,

"Pandi, finish what needs to be done! And don't bother me for the next while,”thought Alcan.

" Ashh... OK Alpha,"Pandi answered with a sigh.

"Anyone can guess what Pandi and Greya are doing behind one of the trees in the Dasos forest. Alcan didn't care, he also tried not to care when he accidentalty found his parents on the other side behind the tree he had justpassed,"

Let them ba with their partner and Alcan will also spend time with his partner, He will claim mate right Alcan arrived at the mansion in a short time, he growled severai times in annoyance at the he-wolfwho saw him with Selane, he-wolfwho was tured by the intoxicating aroma of his mate,

can slammed the door loudIy, immediately locked it and then put Seline's body on the bed. He took off the rest of his clothes in a hurry and took off the two shirts that covered Seline's body. He stared at that beautiful innocent body closety, feeling his Ibido soar when he saw Seline sguirming restlessly on the bed with a sigh.

“Mzeita Seline,"Alcan said right above Seline's body.

"You are mine!"

"Alcander Cirillo's!"

Ncan locked the promise by pressing his lips against the soul mate's lips. And that night...

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