Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Part 32

The door to Foederis' room was wide open. Alcan stepped in with the Charisma of an Alpha that he always had. But there was somettung a little different about that man, his body odor and the aura he emitted. Making several people who had gathered in the room frowned in surprise at the sight.

"Sis?" Called Aldnd shortty after Alcan took a seat in his oversized chair. Alcan just raised an eyebrow.

"Brother Alcan?" Aldrid once again called him.

"What is it?" Alcan answered flatty.

"You are okay?”

“I'm fine, why do you ask?"

"Mmm... You look different."


"Yes, body odor and umum..." Aldrid looked hesitant to continue.

Seeing this. Eghar who also attended took the conversation expert. "How do you feel Alpha?"

"Why ask like that Uncle?"

“Just like Aldrid said, you are a little different, you smell different than usual and you also emut 3 different aura, an aura that seems to complement all the elements of power that exist within you. You must have felt the difference in your body, Alpha.

"Alcan nodded faintty. "! don't deny that, Uncie Eghar, when I woke up earlier... | did feel something different in my body, but I thought it was an effect because I had perfected the matebondwith my soulmate. Is the difference you saw something positive?"

Eghar smiled while nodding firmty. “No wonder Alpha. Perfecting the matebond by mating will provide positive things, especially for the he-wolf."

"Talk about matebond,"Daynen said.

“You haven't forgotten, what is the main purpose of our gathering here?"

It wasn't just Alcan and the main Cirillo famity who were in the room. Pandi, Greya, Zano, Hana, along with the elders consisting of 5 former top leaders of the previous Puerdem Pack also gathered, plus Eghar who was specially Called and Maxel. Then someone with green irises had also been there a long time ago, a beautiful woman who had been a loyal follower of the Gueen of the Blue Angentum Kingdom and the leader of the protective fairies, Fairy Aura.

Asa former Alpha Puerdem Pack, and also the father of Alcan, Daynen had gathered all the important people to discuss a fact that had just been Tevealed, Facts about Kalila's actions 3 years ago and also about Luna Serena's identity, who is Alzeita Seline,

"Dad asked you to explain Alcan, the reason you ordered Pandi to drag Kalila who isa Luna Pack candidate to the lower zone prison.”

Alcan snorted at the mention of the woman's name. While Dhan was mocking him in there, mocking Alcan's stupidity who had just realized Kalila's true attitude.

"How could Kalila do that? She should have learned from the events of 3 years ago, especially as she isa Luna candidate,”

"That's why | put her'in the lower zone prison,"Alcan said, his gaze and tone sounded even, but it was clear how his hands were tightty clenched, "That kind of woman, deserves to be there.”

"That's not fair Sis, | admit that Kalila betrayed me, for whatever reason. But Seline also did tlve same thing. She-"

"Watch your words Mayla!" Alcan cut in, his voice rising an octave. Mayia fell silent for 3 moment, she was guite surprised when Alcan spoke a httie high to her. Alcan may look cold, stift, fimm and a bit grumpy, but he has never once been rude to his family members.

"She is my soulmate and my future Lunat You have no right to judge Seline like thati Not after what we have done to her.”

"Dad doesn't understand. What's going on? Don't say anything in a roundabout way. We all want to know what we don't know, and what happened last night in the Dasos forest was guite confusing."

"Serena is Seline, Dad,"said Alcan.

"All this time she has changed her identity. What and how she did it, don't know for sure. The incident 3 years ago, all of that was planned by Kalila herself. She manipulated Seline's mind with magic, s0 Seline thought that the man accompanying her in the room at that time was I."


"Yes Dad, he was enchanted. I don't know how, and it was stupid of me who didn't trust Seline and didn't give her a chance to explain or defend hersetf," can rubbed his face, lines of frustration clearty visible there. Frustrated and regretful about the impulsive actions he took. "I almost rejected him at that time,

Meanwhile, others were stunned by the new facts they heard. On the one hand, Daynen, Aldrid, Pandi, Greya, and Hana feel grateful that Seline is not a bad woman like the rumors that have been spreading around the pack. On the other hand, Mulan, Mayia, and the 5 elders felt bad about every bad thought they had towards Seline. Mulan and Mayla even felt embarrassed by their harsh and cold attitude towards Seline while she was using Serena's identity. They even supported Alcan's engagement plan wrth Kalila, who was the mastermind behind the incident 3 years ago.

“Thank my mother, Alpha Alcan. Because of her, you don't reject me your soulmate," said Maxel.

can glanced at the man who had been standing leaning against the wall of the room accompanied by Aura.

"You bloody vampire,"Alcan cursed, Alpha tone already showing.

"You owe me an explanation!"

Maxel smiled mockingty. "Yes, I'm a vampire and Alpha tone doesn't affect me. So lower your tone if you want to know the truth.”

MMcan could only snort harshiy while holding backhisannoyance at Maxell-

Maxel and Aura glanced at each other, then he gave the woman a code to start.

"To be honest, I'm not very good at explaining things," Aura began to say, she stepped closer to the group of important members of the Puerdem Pack. "My main skill is concocting potions. Isn't that right, Mr. Eghar?"

Eghar smiled faintiy. "It's a pleasure to meet such a great fairy from the Blue Argentum Kingdom. Your skill in concoctions is unguestionable."

"Thank you for the compliment Mister Eghar. And I have used some potions on Miss Seline as well as Kalla.”

On Miss Seline as wellas Kalla.”

"You bewitched my soulmate?"Alcan got up from his spot, he stared fiercely at Aura,

The atmosphere immediately felt tense, without realizing it, Alcan released an aura that was able to make every werawoffin the room unable to move because they fett stiff and a Iritte creeped out.

Eghar even thought that the matrng effect of the Alpha and his soutmate was truly extraordinary, he had never feit like this, even when Alpha Daynen and Luna Mulan had finished mating their kowcould say that. "But i did that with the permission of Gueen Flory and IMiss Seline herseif."

"Seline herself?"

"Yes Alpha. On the night of the incident 3 years ago, Her Majesty Gueen Flory hersetfopened a portalito Miss Seline's room and then pulled hes into the dimension where our Kingdom is located.”

Alcan gasped, suddeniy he remembered the blue light that suddenty 'appeared to fill the room that night, the blue light that disappeared by itself along with Seline's disappearance.

"So that..."

"It was our Empress, she who saved Miss Seline, saved her from the risk of being rejected by a souimate,"he sneered.

"But why?" Asked Septian as one of tive ekders. “Why is ueen Flory helping Miss Seline who obviously doesn't have anything to do with her.”

"Not related?" One eyebrow was raised and his arms were folded in front of his chest. "Mr. Eghar, as a figari Pack," Aura looked directiy at Eghar.

"You didn't explain anything to this important member of the Pack?"

"Explain what?" Aldrid asked curiously.

“Uncde is Indung something?"

Eghar sighed and nodded stowty. "Alpha Alcan, do you remember when I said that Miss Seline was not an ordinary human?"

"Yes, that was when Seline had just entered the Puerdem Pack,” Mulan answered, replaang Alcan.

"As long as Miss Seline lived in the Pack, IL always paid attention to her and | found some guite surprising facts. Miss Seline, is basically a werawol.”

That fact shocked those who were listening, their eyes widened, even Aldrid Tubbed his ears, as if he had heard wrong.

" Werewolf? How come?" Septian couldn't stop himsetf from asking,

Aura moved her hands gracefully, making gestures in the empty air and like some magic, suddenly a white bound book appeared in front of them all. "Does anyone recognize this book?”

"Itu... Bukannya buku Descendants of tie Moon Goddess?"said Mulan, "what book is that Mom?" Aldrid and Mulan asked at the same time.

"Descendants of the Moon Goddess. That's a genuine legend book wntten only in Greek."

"Isn'tthat a book that telis about the Origins of Werewolves ? Since taking basic werewoffeducation, the first thing I leamed about the history of our nation, | may not like hestory lessons but! really memorize how our nation was created because of the Moon Goddess's mustake,"explained Aldrid.

"Everything about werewolves is explained in the book,"continved Mayla. "But what does Seline have to do with this book?"

Eghar gasped, a sudden thought Nashed through his mind.

“Don't tell me that..."

Aura smiled sweetty, while Maxel grinned wtule watching tihe mteractions of everyone in this room.

"Miss Selineis His descendant," concluded Eghar.

"Just like Gueen Flory, the soul of the blue moon that resides in her body is a “distant relative of the Moon Goddess. In other words, Miss Seline is her niece, ishe is also part of the Blue Argentum Royal family."

"Extraordinary!" Eghar erclaimed happily.

"Bless the Puerdem Pack!"

"What are you talking about?" Alcan asked, not understanding. "Don't speak ina language that only you understand."

"You're such a stupid Alpha," sneered Maxel.

"Aunt Aura, you should explain jin language that Alpha can understand, his brain is too slow to digest every You say."


“Seline is a descendant of the Moon Goddess told in this book," said Aura irectly.


again they were all taken aback, really surprised that their hearts stopped for a few seconds.

"How could Seline be...?"

"He is the fetus belonging to the Moon Goddess who was forcibly separated by God Triutama," Aura explained agam.

“Not only is she the daughter of the Moon Goddess, Miss Seline is also the granddaughter of the Tnutama God. Because of her mother's mistake, Miss Seline was forced to bear this mistake by surviving alone in the human dimension. S0, basicalty, Miss Seline is a merewolf."

"Then how come we couldn't recognize him as a werewolf in the first place from the start?"

“Because Miss Seline's birth was different from the birth of other werewofves. The biood flowing in her body was half the blood of a Goddess and half human blood. To protect her, Dewa Triutama put the soul of tive white woff belonging to the Goddess of the Moon into Seline's body at the right time, s0 that she Obtaining all of the pure wolf 's power. Wolf soul awakening soul was too late to kriow, it all happened because of the miang of its blood, even Miss Seline also didn't realze the existence of her woffin the first place because of the mixing of blood, all this time she thought that she was a human normal."

“And Gueen Flory was only doing her duty as a relative of the Moon Goddess by helping Miss Seline, giving her shelter, protection, as well as training in using her powers. wolf's power powers which were late in awakening,”

"Then why did you guys change the identity?” Ask Alkan.

"We are just suggesting, Miss Seline hersetf decides. Do you think a woman like Miss Seline can bear every pain of her soulmate's distrust of her?"

Alcan immediately fell silent.

“You refused to listen to his explanation, didn't believe him, even almost Fejected him. Do you think he can endure ali the pain you've given him?"

There was a lump of pain in Alcan's chest when he heard Aura's words.

"Iused a potion, where all of Miss Seline's memories changed, changing her identity, family and the people around her. Tive poton even changed Mess Seline's personality so that she behaved like a mentally disabled woman."

Aura looked at the people in the room one by one who listened to each of his explanations.

"MI that's left is the woff. Miss Seline probably doesn't remember anything. Allher memones were altered then we filled thern with new memories and All her memories were altered then we filled them with new memories and memories. But her wofnamed Oriel remembers everything. The potion can't change the Woff's memory."

"Besides memory, the potion also changed his body's scent, so neither you nor the wolves can recognize Miss Seline who changed her name to Serena. Plus, | also used a special potion that made Miss Seline and her soul mate experience a dream that felt real. The dream that Alpha Alcan eventually marked Miss Seline."

"By marking her, the matebond between Alpha and Miss Seline began to form, it also changed Miss Seline's physical appearance. Her hair color, skin, and body shape, all changed. All this time, Miss Seline only needed to be Imarked by her soulmate to form The original that has been shackled all this am can come out."

Everyone listened carefulty, some even gaped, amazed, as if they couldn't imagine that s0 many things had been overlooked and they didn't know about the fact of Seline's true identity.

Indeed, this was truly surprising, as if the story of “Descendant of the Moon Goddess" jumped out of the book into real life. In fact, they never thought v. the descendant of the Goddess was the soul mate of Alpha Alcan, the Luna Puerdem Pack Candidate.

"| think I have answered almost everything that is still hanging in your minds and explained very well. Do you still have guestions?" Aura said with a bd smile.

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