I'm sorry Aurora
Aurora POV:
It was a busy morning, I was engrossed in the work I was doing. I was collating the number of calves brought to life yesterday and cross-checking with the spreadsheet to make sure there was no error. I still had quite a lot to do, Yet my mind strayed back to my ex-boss. Throughout the night, it was he who was running a course through my mind. I was having mixed feelings, I was so proud of myself, I finally stood up to him and didn't allow him to do me as he please. Yet, there was a subtle melancholic feeling in my heart, I knew I was sad, and I was yet to figure out the cause of it.
I felt a cold hand on my skin, I jolted violently with fear out of my skin.
“Calm down Mrs. Hardy”
I turned around to see my taciturn boss, who looked shaken as much as I was.
“You scared me” I squeaked
“I'm sorry, Mrs. Hardy” He replied, “You did the same with your jerking movement”
“I didn't hear see you nor hear you come in”
“Because you totally zoned out. I called out to you a few times, you didn't react in the slightest bit. I thought you were angry at me.”
“Angry at my boss? Am I allowed to do that?” I scoffed
He smiled broadly, “You bemuse me, Mrs. Hardy.”
“And what possibly reason do you think I would be angry at you," I asked, genuinely curious. I couldn't think of any reason.
He slipped his two hands into his back pocket.
“You know, making you run errands in the rain” he said, his eyes genuinely sorry he made me do it. “I was so worried, you'd catch a cold,"
I had a laugh but was quick to stiffen it. “That?” I asked wide-eyed, my face unable to hide my bemusement.
I had no idea which shocked him more, the stiffened laugh or my undisturbed expression. But he looks a bit flustered.
“What? Did I say anything bemusing?” He asked, “I actually had no idea it would rain so hard yesterday evening, believe I wouldn't have allowed you to go.”
I stared at his innocent face and wondered if this was the same man accused of making his workers cry. Certainly not, the man I am currently working for, he doesn't seem capable of such atrocities, but who would spread such horrible rumors about him.
“My ex-boss wouldn't care less, come rain come hail,” I said
“Micheal is not a human, he is a dinosaur.” He replied
“You will be surprised to find out you have been compared to him on several occasions.” I said lightheartedly.
“I am inclined to say I'm offended to be compared to Micheal, but I know better. I've fired a couple of people over the years for one reason or the other, which I presumed weren't so happy about it” He replied
Yeah, I guess that sums it up. I wondered what the 'one reason or the other' were.
“I believe you could be the judge of that, you've worked for both sides.”
“I'm obliged to say you are the better boss”
“Because you are currently working for me?” He asked with an arched eyebrow
“Technically yes” I said, smiling through my teeth
“Smart and fair enough” he replied “But what about if you aren't compelled or obligated to make a certain decision” He said with a serious and stern face.
I hadn't anticipated him being so serious about it. I was taken aback, why would he care so much about my opinion of him
"You are not only the better boss Mr. Jordan, you are a far better human” I replied with an equally straight face “Taking Mr. Angelo over would not only be inexplicable, it would be farcical. You have been so good, helped me settle down quickly and adapted more than any of my co-workers did.”
His stern broke into a beaming smile. “I'm sorry you've been traumatized by Mr. Angelo, but you will find out it's the most normal and humane act for Bosses to care for their workers.”
For some reason, I doubted, but smiled nonetheless.
“You know what, enough of Micheal for a day. It's starting to make my stomach turn” He said with a bitter tone enough to take down a pit viper.
“How?” I asked bemused.
“Giving you an hour off work to take a look at the new calves birthed today”
“Really, may I?” I exclaimed
“Offcourse, unless you don't want to”
“I'd be delighted to” I replied “But may I take a few minutes to quickly finish compiling the spreadsheet before joining you”
“Offcourse take your time”
I thought he would proceed to leave, but felt his warm breath on my neck as he watched the screen from behind me. I could feel his body touching mine. I fidgeted nervously as my fingers refused to obey, I prayed he doesn't see the goose bumps I was sure were popping out violently on my nape.
I knew it would take me forever to work under this condition. I've always boasted of my ability to work under pressure, but never this type of pressure. My heart was pounding vehemently, as my fingers vibrated.
He leaned in even closer, his cheeks a hair breadth away from touching mine.
“Is it me, or you are not doing anything” He asked
His fresh morning mint breath enveloped me, I didn't dare to breathe.
“On a second thought, I think I can do it later” I said standing up
“Really? Is my presence impeding your focus?”
“No sir, not at all”
He stared at me for a second too long and caught him staring. He didn't flinch nor look in any way disturbed.
“Did you lose weight?” He asked solemnly
I flushed red, taken aback by his question.
“Yes, I've been gyming and dieting” I replied quietly
“Don't lose anymore, you look gorgeous this way.”
I gasped for breath under his intent gaze. My gut clenched and tightened as I felt my throat dried like a drop of water in the Sahara.
“Thank You sir” I finally managed to voice out.
I gestured to me to walk first ahead of him, I tried to but was oblivious to my leg that had turned to jelly. I tripped and fell as they refused to obey me. In a split second, he caught me before I fell face flat on the ground. A hand of his on my back and the other draped over my breast.
He carefully raised me to my feet before both our gazes went to his hand. He quickly removed it, he didn't look as flustered as I did, which made it even more awkward for me”
“Careful Miss Hardy” He said
“I'm sorry” I said
“There's nothing to be sorry about you tripped” He replied “But you should watch where you walk and be careful not to get hurt”
I nodded “I will”
“Are you still interested in watching the calves?" He asked
I wonder which would be more awkward in this context, with our recent episode, refusing what I'd already agreed to would be straight out weird and spending a second longer with him would be just as awkward, I couldn't trust my hands and feet to behave themselves while I was with him.
“Offcourse sir” I replied
“Let's go then” he said “should I hold you this time so you don't fall” He said jokingly, a way to ease the tense atmosphere, but it only made me more nervous.
I walked anxiously and carefully watching my every step like a wrong step will make me fall into a pit of fire.