
The witches first mark
Past and Present collide
Rites and Rituals
What are you….
Tears, scenting, fury, and The Thing
Teenage angst and boy problems
Be careful who you trust!
The morning after
Problems this way come
Two faced snake
Rumours and bullies and His true colours
Secret plans
Girl time
Bad feelings over burgers
Blocked roads and revenge plans
Becoming the luna
The Doctor
The Luna’s Second Mark
My Princess
Ain’t no stupid Human
Lesson Learnt?
The Past… It’s a killer
She will be our Luna
What happened to my marks?
Thwarted Machiavellian elders
Arguing Alphas
Curiosity doesn’t kill wolves
Two steps forward…right back to the beginning
Just wait till my mates get you
She’s gone!
Please find me…
The witches have the Luna
My Mate
Home at last
Reliving the past
I kissed a girl… and I liked it!
The grumpy old man… who isn’t really a man
Lazarus Taxon
The wolf pile
Do the thing
Dextra’s tramp stamps
The twins revenge
An angry Alpha in his boxers
Questions, boxes and presents
Laying down the law for the Alpha
Waiting for the prince
The Alpha in the dragon’s tower
Moving on and growing up
Going Home?
I’m back!

Zoom out

Zoom in

Read with Bonus
By this point, the food was gone. Seph was crying, angry, furious tears. Her body shook as she curled into a tighter ball between Kayla and Theo. Dextra had settled over Theo’s shoulder and onto Seph’s. She refused to not be touching Theo if it was an option. The twins could feel the pain Seph was experiencing telling them her story; her exhaustion was too apparent.
“Seph… I’m… I don’t know what to say,” Kayla began, her own eyes full of tears. Seph simply shook her head. There wasn’t really much that could be said. What had happened had happened, and no one could change the past.
“No one will hurt you like this again, definitely not while you have this pack and us. That I can promise you,” Theo told Seph, holding onto her tighter.
A blanket of dark had settled around them while Seph spoke. The only light was coming from the fire she had conjured to keep them warm. The trio decided to pack up; Seph was cold, even if she wouldn’t admit it. They had missed tea already, and pretty soon, someone would come looking for them all.
Once they were back at the pack house, Seph headed straight back up to her room; Dextra settled herself on the radiator. Being a fire elemental, she needed the heat. Seph kicked off her shoes and climbed into bed fully dressed, tears sliding down her face silently as the memories continued to flash across her mind. She didn’t even know how to tell the twins about the next few years of her life or if she could. She couldn’t bear it if they rejected her because of what she had done to herself. Seph didn’t know quite when they had become so important to her, she didn’t feel the mate bond like they did, but she couldn’t deny that the thought of being cast out by them was beyond painful. She knew she wouldn’t survive it.
Downstairs, Theo pushed the door to his father’s office open, Kayla only moments behind her, having convinced one of the Omega’s in the kitchen to clean up their picnic things for her. Both had thrown their clothes on roughly and looked somewhat dishevelled, and clearly, hell must have frozen over because they seemed to be in agreement about something. “Father!” Theo barked, “we need to talk to you, now. About our mate”, he continued as he and Kayla made their way into Lorcan’s office. Standing shoulder to shoulder, well, Kayla’s shoulder to Theo’s upper arm, but who’s really measuring? It was the united front that they needed right now. Kayla was too angry to trust herself to speak, so she let her brother take the lead for once. “You will never suggest that she meets with another witch again. You will tell the coven that Persephone is not here. I,” Theo looked down at Kayla for her agreement before continuing. Knowing she would know exactly what he was planning without being told, they were twins, after all. “we will not have those people near her again”, Theo commanded. His powers had already strengthened, even though Seph and he had yet to complete the mating rituals. Lorcan knew that the witch wore his daughter’s mark but not his son’s. Lorcan thought that this could be further evidence of the witch’s deception.
“They are her people, and they will help her in ways we cannot”, Lorcan tried to reason with his children. “Plus, they may be able to get us the answers we need-”
“They will traumatise her further and reject her again because she does not fit into their narrow-minded boxes! If you continue with this plan and your assertions that my mate is somehow trying to trick me, you will leave us no choice but to leave the pack with her. She is terrified. Her coven treated her appallingly if her being here on her own didn’t give that away already,” Kayla cut over her father to announce before turning and flouncing away.
Lorcan stared at the still open door after his daughter. He didn’t quite know how to respond to that threat. “The girl needs to learn about her magic,” Lorcan said weakly.
“Find another way. Unless she asks for a witch to help her, I will not have my mate subjected to this again, and you will respect our wishes,” Theo finished before leaving the room, slamming the door shut behind him and heading upstairs; his voice may have been calm, but that was all Theo raged on the inside. He had been able to catch some of Seph’s distress, and he could hear Dextra chattering incessantly in his head. He had to try and help her, to go to her, even though he knew she might not want him.
When Theo knocked on the door, Kayla had already gotten to Seph’s room. “Wait there”, Kayla called out. Theo figured that Seph mustn’t have been decent. Kayla was closer to Seph than he was. Theo knew that Seph struggled to be too intimate with him; she wasn’t ready for him to mark her or take their relationship further than cuddling and the odd kiss. Theo was sure there was an explanation; if he wanted to hear it was another matter, he was just trying to be as patient as possible with her and let her set the pace. He did seem to spend an increasing amount of time sparring and running now.
Theo stood in the hallway for about 5 minutes before Seph opened the door for him. Her eyes were red and puffy; clearly, she had been crying. Her hair was messed up, and she had changed for bed already, wearing an oversized shirt of his that she “borrowed” on one of her early sleepovers before she moved in. Somehow, it had never been returned, but Theo didn’t mind. He knew it annoyed Kayla when Seph wore his clothes, Kayla didn’t like his scent on her mate, but Seph seemed to take more comfort from his scent than Kayla’s, which confused Theo a little because Seph seemed to be so much closer to Kayla. She fell against his chest, her hands against his shoulders. Physical contact always seemed to enhance their bond. Now Theo could feel her pain and distress clearly. Scooping her into his arms and carrying her to the bed. “It’s all going to be ok, my little butterfly; everything will be fine. We aren’t going to be going anywhere.” Seph snuggled closer into Theo’s chest as Kayla pulled off her jewellery and climbed into the bed on Seph’s other side, tugging Seph back into her embrace so that Theo could empty his pockets and take off his shoes and shirt.
Half asleep barely half an hour later, with Theo still whispering comfortingly in her ear while Kayla had wrapped her in a blanket and laid wrapped around her back, Seph waved her hand at the door. The twins saw the familiar light spring up over the room’s door and windows; they knew that the wards wouldn’t hurt them, but no one else could pass through them without permission. As Seph had said, in a house full of werewolves, a lock on a door was pointless. Everyone could break the lock with minimal effort, but they couldn’t avoid her magic.
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