Chapter 10 Eric
I was sitting in my luxurious office, smoking a Cuban cigar and sipping on fine whiskey when my advisor, Josef, entered. He carried a brown envelope in his hands.
"What do you have there, Josef?" I asked, knowing I could always trust him.
"It's the dossier you requested on Ariele, your niece's new nanny," he replied, handing me the envelope. "It seems you're quite obsessed with her, Eric."
I shrugged, not wanting to admit the truth. Ariele was unlike any woman I had ever met. I had decided that for now, nothing would separate me from her, and her attempts to escape would be futile, just like her call to the police. The phones were wiretapped by technology developed for the family; every cell phone was on that list, traitors existed everywhere.
She was sweet, kind, and innocent, but there was something about her appearance that drew me in like a magnet.
I opened the envelope and began reading the report. Ariele had been born in a hospital in rural Italy, but her parents were unknown. Josef had investigated and discovered that it seemed to have been a well-planned birth, as if her parents didn't want to be found.
"This only piques my curiosity further," I told Josef as I folded the report and placed it in my pocket.
"I want to know everything about Ariele. I want to find them and discover who her parents are."
Josef agreed with me, knowing I would never give up on finding what I wanted.
Later, I had a meeting with Josef, my trusted man, for an important appointment involving arms and narcotics.
We got into my black car and began driving through the city streets, carefully observing our surroundings. Josef had a smile on his face and seemed excited, but I knew he was aware of the risks involved in this kind of business.
We arrived at the agreed-upon location, an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of the city. There, we met some of our suppliers, all looking suspicious and armed to the teeth. I knew I couldn't show any weakness, so I stared them down firmly, showing them I was the boss.
The negotiation was tense, but we eventually reached an agreement. The shipment of weapons and drugs would be delivered in a week, and in return, we would provide protection and cover in case of trouble.
Josef and I left the warehouse, relieved that we had struck a good deal but also worried about what could happen if things got out of control. It was a risk we were willing to take; after all, this was our life.
Later, I had some scores to settle. I was the most powerful man in the territory, but that didn't mean I would let a debt go unpaid. One of my lieutenants, responsible for a significant part of my operation, had spent more than he could pay and owed me money.
I called him for a meeting, making it clear that this was a debt collection. He knew he had messed up, but instead of apologizing, he tried to argue and convince me that he could pay later.
I didn't tolerate disrespect and disloyalty, so I warned him that it wasn't an option. Since he was one of my men, I couldn't just kill him, but I needed to teach him a lesson.
I began beating him, punch after punch, until he was on the ground, bleeding and begging for mercy. I gave him a clear warning that if he didn't pay the debt, the next time would be his last.
He got up, staggering, and walked away with a new scar on his face and the certainty that he couldn't disappoint me anymore.
I knew this was an extreme measure, but in the world I lived in, there was no room for weakness or hesitation. That's how things worked, and I wasn't willing to change them.
I was tired and exhausted after a long day's work. I was looking forward to returning home and resting. When I entered the living room, I found Ariele folding some clothes in the room. It was a task that didn't belong to her; she was just my niece Toni's nanny. I was irritated and frustrated by the scene.
"Stop that, Ariele," I said angrily, not caring about my harsh tone.
She quickly turned to me, clearly frightened by my reaction. I could see in her eyes that she didn't understand what she had done wrong.
"But sir, I was just helping," she said.
"It's not your job!" I interrupted, raising my voice even more. "You're just Toni's nanny. Your only responsibility is to take care of her, nothing else. I don't want to see you doing household chores here again."
I was indignant. Ariele was a beautiful woman, and I desired her fervently. I didn't want to see her doing manual labor. She was not a housemaid.
"But Mr. Greco, the clothes belonged to your sister-in-law, Cassandra," she said apologetically. "I thought..."
"Cassandra?" I interrupted again. "Why would Cassandra need your help folding her clothes? She has maids to do that."
I knew my sister-in-law had no idea what was going on, but I needed to clarify the situation for her. I didn't want Ariele to be treated like a housemaid. I picked up the phone and dialed Cassandra's number.
"Eric, what's going on?" she asked, sounding confused.
"Cassandra, I need to talk to you," I said seriously. "Ariele was folding your clothes today."
Cassandra fell silent for a moment.
"Eric, I had no idea," she finally said. "I didn't ask her to do that."
I knew she was lying. Cassandra wasn't the kind of person to disguise how cynical she was, a princess of the Irish mafia, still unfamiliar with what a 'no' meant. But I would make sure Ariele wouldn't be treated that way again. Cassandra knew my warning had been given.
"Alright, Cassandra. I understand you had no idea what was happening," I said, my voice dripping with reluctance. "But I want to make sure Ariele is not used as a housemaid again. She's important to me, and I don't want her to be treated this way."
"I understand, Eric," Cassandra said with a grudging voice. "I'll make sure it doesn't happen again. I'm sorry."
I hung up the phone and turned to Ariele, her cheeks showing how uncomfortable she was with the situation.
I approached Ariele with a gentle smile on my lips, trying to convey calm and confidence.
"Do you need anything, Ariele? Are they treating you well here?" I asked in a gentle tone.
Ariele blushed slightly and replied with a nod, unable to say anything in the presence that intimidated her so much. Her shyness only made my attraction grow even stronger within me.
Taking advantage of our solitude, I sat down next to Ariele on the couch, pushing aside the clothes that she shouldn't have been folding. I was freshly showered and clean, always prepared for bloodshed. Even though I knew this might frighten her, my body craved it, needed a dose of Ariele.
I felt Ariele's warm skin beneath my hands as I pulled her closer to me on the couch. Those soft, full lips were so close to mine that I could hardly contain myself. I gazed deeply into her eyes and saw desire burning within her as well. Unable to resist any longer, I leaned forward, enveloping her mouth with mine in a passionate kiss.
My tongue ventured into her mouth, exploring every corner as my hands roamed her body, caressing her breasts and pulling her hips closer to mine. Ariele responded with a soft moan, and it only fueled my desire for her.