Nobody can forget their first kiss.

Even if you were only 6 years old.

Especially when the person who kissed you was your older brother's best friend.

Well, on second thought, I don't think anybody would be able to forget it if Aiden Carter Chambers ever kissed them.

There's a few things you need to know about the three of us; my brother, his bestfriend, and I. We've known each other since we were born. Our parents had been friends since they've moved next door to each other back in their earlier days.

Blake and Aiden are a year older than me. When I came along, they were interested in me for awhile but then as we got older, that's when pranks, jokes, and 'let's-all-pull-Blair's-hair' games started.

Even through all the bullying, I sucked it up and continued to be around their company. It's not like I had a choice. Since Aiden was an only child, I had no one else to play with except for him and my brother.

Let's get back to the story of my first kiss.

It all started when my brother, Blake, got sick. Our mother had told him that he had to sleep as much as possible and increase his intake of fluids so his flu would disperse faster.

Since Blake was on bed rest, he couldn't play outside with Aiden. That's the reason why I was sitting on my porch watching Aiden show off flips and tricks with his new skateboard. "Watch this one, Blairbear!" Aiden yelled. At his starting point, 7 year old Aiden ran with his skateboard. Halfway through his run, he dropped it, jumped on and did a kick flip.

My 6 year old mind was completely amazed by this trick. Jumping up, I clapped my hands and beamed at him. Aiden held his skateboard, smiled, and then bowed.

"Do another one!" I yelled and he nodded. He was clearly proud of his hobby and I didn't mind that he was showing off, I enjoyed being around him and seeing him happy.

Sitting back down, I watched as Aiden placed a small wooden ramp in the middle of our drive way. He ran back a few feet from it and put his board under his right feet. He took a deep breath and dragged off.

I watched closely as everything started to move in slow motion. Aiden jumped the ramp smoothly but then the skateboard seemed to disappear from under him when he was floating in the air. He yelped. I stood up, no sound coming out of my open mouth. I heard a crack as I saw him fall.

I vaguely remember what happened after. All I knew was when I saw the pain in Aiden's face, I couldn't stop screaming. I had ran inside to get Blake who in turn, got our mom. 911 was called and when the ambulance arrived, Aiden was rushed to the hospital.

Later, we had found out from our father that Aiden had landed on his right ankle. It had twisted to the point where it broke. Sickening as it is, he took it like a champ and managed to go through the whole system without crying.

The day he was released, I sat on their front porch and was anxiously waiting for their car to roll up their drive way. Blake was at home, probably still napping due to the fact that he was still a little sick.

Finally, their SUV appeared. Aaron and Ellen Chambers walked out of the car, followed by their son who had a cast on his right foot and crutches under his arms. They all smiled when they saw me.

"Why don't you two catch up. The Bradley's have been very worried about you, Aiden." Mrs Chambers said. Her and her husband hugged me as they passed and walked through their front door.

Limping over, Aiden sat down next to me. "I brought something with me." I said. I took a permanent marker out of my pocket and held it up. "My mom told me you had a cast and I thought I'd be the first to sign it."

Aiden smiled immediately. "Of course, Blairbear." He lifted up his foot and I wrote: 'I love you Aiden! Please get better soon'.

After, I just looked at his cast. "Does it hurt?" I whispered.

He shrugged in response. "Ehhh, a little. But I can handle it." He always put up a strong front about everthing. It was like he was invincible.

Without thinking, I leaned down and kissed the cast then straightened and looked at him. "Does it still hurt now?" My mother had told me that kissing a boo-boo will make it feel better.

Aiden just stared, his mouth slightly open as if in shock. That expression quickly faded, followed by a smirk. "You're suppose to kiss my lips, Blair. Not my cast." he laughed.

My eyebrows came together in confusion. "Are you sure?" I asked. He nodded all to quickly.

Slowly, I leaned over. His face was so close to mine. His scent had surrounded me. Aiden smelled like mint. My brown eyes were wide open and was staring straight at his gray ones. They seemed to get darker as I got closer.

Finally, my lips pressed on his.

A second after that, there was a slam, footsteps, pause, then a loud scream.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" Blake yelled as he lifted up his fist and punched Aiden straight in the face.

5 years later ~

My mother's hysterics echoed in her empty bedroom. We can hear her loud crying and glasses shattering from the figurines she was throwing at the walls.

11 year old me and 12 year old Blake sat outside my parents' room, his arm around me, comforting me like a big brother should. I watched him in the corner of my eye. He's trying not to cry, I can tell. He's trying to be strong while me and our mother just let all of our emotions out.

Our father, Sargent Robert Bradley of the United States Navy has died due to a bombing of their shelter deep in Iraq.

A military man had announced it when he visited us earlier that day. Once my mother had revived from fainting at the news, she hadn't stopped crying.

The officer had letters from our father. It was required that everyone who was to join the armed forces had to write a letter to anyone they please as an emergency precaution. Smart man that my dad was, he wrote three. One for me, Blake, and our Mom.

Our mother was reading her letter. Hence, all the chaos that was going on in her room. Though it was understandable, it would've been better if we handled it together.

My letter consists of him saying how much he loved his little BumbleB, his only princess. He had written memories from when I was born all the way to age 10, the year he left.

What he had said in Blake's letter is the reason why he's holding back his tears. "Be strong." it said, you could practically hear our father say it. "You're the man of the house when I'm not there. Take care of our precious ladies. They're the most important thing in our lives, son. I trust that you keep them away from harm. I'm so proud of you, Blake. So proud. I love you, son."

Blake's gripped tightened around my shoulder as I buried my head in his chest, soaking his shirt with my tears.


It was 3 in the morning.

We were still sitting outside my parents' room. We waited had waited till my mother's cries softened and she had fallen asleep. With sore eyes, I told Blake that I wanted to go to sleep too.

"Will you be okay sleeping on your own?" he said. He stood up and held out a hand for me.

"Don't worry about me." I replied. "Go to sleep, Blake. We can all talk about it in the morning."

He studied me for a minuet but I knew from the look in his eyes that he was tired. It's been an exhausting day for all of us. He nodded and squeezed my hand before letting go then walked towards his room. "Goodnight." he said.

I tried to go to sleep, it was the only to escape reality. Or maybe this was all a dream and I just wanted to wake up.

Still wide awake, I climb out of bed and tiptoed down the stairs, out the back door, and into our backyard.

Barefooted, I walked towards the center of the yard and sat down on the wet grass. I laid down with my eyes closed, not caring as I felt the dew dampen my clothes.

I wanted to cry. Or scream. Or just do something to fill this huge emptiness that I'm feeling in the middle of my chest. I had trouble breathing as if there was an elephant sitting on top of me.

If someone you love, someone you were so close to die before, then you know that the feeling is indescribable. You couldn't believe it, you refuse to. You couldn't believe that life could be so cruel that it would take that person away from you.

I should be afraid right now, laying alone outside in the middle of the night. But I wasn't. I didn't care about anything at the moment. All I cared about is that the person who was there every second of every day for 11 years, is just now gone.

It was dead silent outside. No crickets, no buzzing, no sounds from distant cars or traffic. Nothing. Just silence.

And that's how I knew that someone was standing over me.

"Blake, I told you to go to sleep already." I said. I opened my eyes and gasped. "Aiden? What the-- What are you doing here? Why are you awake?" I quickly sat up.

Aiden just stood there, also barefooted and wearing sweats. He stared at me with concerned eyes. I've never seen Aiden like this. He usually had a smirk plastered to his face, stringing along rude comments and making fun of me. He watched me, his expression looked like he was trying to solve a difficult puzzle.

Finally, he spoke. "Your brother called before he went to sleep and told me what happened." He sat down next to me. "I was still on the phone with him when I saw you walk outside. Don't worry though, I didn't tell him you were out here."

We sat in silence for I don't know how long. It was comfortable.

Without knowing it, I started crying. One I started, the tears wouldn't stop falling. I let it all out. I feel the weight lifting off my shoulders with every fat tear that flowed down.

Aiden put his arms around me and I leaned into his chest. My shoulders were shaking, I was whimpering. I cried and cried. He didn't say anything. It was like he already understood and just wanted to comfort me.

I felt my heart breaking again. The first time waswhen I heard the news of my father's death. This time, realizing there was nothing else to do but live on without him.

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