Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 4 - Memories and rejections

“I may not be as old as your mature girlfriends, but that doesn’t mean you have to be a piece of shit and humiliate me in front of Mike! That was a really crappy thing to do James! What have I ever done to you? I have been nothing but nice to you and since yesterday you’ve been nothing but mean!” Cathy slams the door open to our room and comes in shouting at me. God, I wish the Alpha would allow us to lock the doors around here. At first I only hear her voice, because she woke me up, I was tired after my time spent in the woods and had laid down to rest a little, of course I fell asleep. When my eyes are open and I see clearly, I no longer hear her, she continues to scream but her words do not reach me.

“Cathy..” I try to make her stop but she won’t have it

“CATHY!” Finally I have her attention.


“What the fuck are you wearing???” She was wearing a pair of shorts that were both too short and too low-cut. A short tight tank top that showed she was developing early for her age. Damn, the alpha blood! Her hair is in a high ponytail and what the she wearing makeup?

“It’s clothes..maybe you forgot what it feels like to wear them after running around in the woods?” She points to my body and I become aware that I’m only wearing boxers.

“And that paint on your face? Why are you wearing that?”

“It’s just a little makeup and if you must know I’m going to see Mike and his friends play volleyball.

“You are not going out like that!” I could feel Argus at the surface.

“You are not the boss of me! You are not my big brother! You’re not Callum!”

“Maybe not but if he’s half the guy I’ve heard, he’d be embarrassed if his twelve-year-old sister showed up dressed as a..”

“That's enough James, thank you.” The alpha is stepping into the room and I lower my eyes in respect.

“Princess, you look beautiful, but James is right, I want you to go and at least put a cardigan on before you go.”

“But dad..” she stomps her feet

“A cardigan or you stay in, that is my offer.”

“Ghaaa!!!” Cathy storms out and I hear her keep on stomping in the stairs up to her room.

“Girls was different with Callum..easier.. Thank you, James, thank you for looking after her..Oh..and Kevin is spending the night at Leos place, game night he said.” He gives me a small nod before he leaves the room.

I bury my face in the pillow and growl. Why should I even care what she does? She’s a kid! Sure, a well-developed kid and my future mate but still, a kid! And she obviously doesn’t feel anything for me because she’s drawn to Mike. I try to ignore the thoughts of her by thinking a few hours back instead. I pull my knees up and pull the covers over me and create my own little private tent before pulling down my boxers and taking my dick in my hand and closing my eyes.

I’m chasing Krissy through the woods, we lost the others a while ago, they’ve probably already turned back. Krissy’s wolf is a beautiful maroon wolf and Argus is not completely uninterested. She is fast and really good at hiding. I stop in an opening in the woods to locate her scent, it’s all around me which means she’s been running in circles to mislead me, smart girl. Now I just need to find the point where it is a little stronger.

“Hrm..this way..” I look up from the ground and just a few feet away she is leaning against a tree, completely naked. I stand frozen and take in what I see. She has a mischievous smile as she gently bites her lip. Her hair is draped over her shoulder and almost covers one of her breasts..but the other..the other is on full display. Round and firm it points right at me with the nipple visibly stiff. I’ve seen naked girls before..but never this close. Sure, I’ve fooled around and flirted a bit but it’s been pretty innocent and always very dressed.

“Do you want to taste?” She asks when she notices that I can’t take my eyes off her breasts. I know I have to shift but I hesitate a little...I will be rock hard and my hard-on impossible to hide..but should I worry about it? She should see my reaction to her as a compliment right?

I shift and approach her slowly. Her gaze wanders over me and I see her tongue lick her lips.

“ you’re not even fully grown yet..your future mate will be a lucky girl..”

“I don’t give a fuck about a future mate..not with a beauty as yourself in front of me” I’m surprised at how brave and cocky I sound and it makes my nervousness go away. Two more steps and I’m in front of her. Close enough for my cock to feel her skin. I take her face in one hand and tilt it up with my thumb under her chin.

“I’m not going to fuck you against a tree in the woods Krissy...but I’m going to make you scream my name.” Then I kiss her. Wow! Where did this boldness come from, I feel like a fucking king feeling her responding to my kiss and hearing the moans from her lips. Thank Goddess for the alpha blood! I hold her chin firmly so I can control our kisses, they are hot and almost desperate. My other hand wanders up and down the side of her body a couple of times before I take her breast. Round, heavy and warm. I caress her nipple with my thumb before gently pinching it, and her moans get louder causing my cock to twitch and I smile into her mouth. I leave her lips and kiss her jaw and neck, finding her other breast with my now free hand. One is fine, but having both in my hands is awesome, like scooping up your favorite candy. I continue down and suck a nipple into my mouth, damn it tastes good!

She takes one of my hands and pushes it down, I have to say it feels empty after her full breasts but I understand what she wants. I stand up and kiss her again while sliding my hand between her legs. I massage her a bit before separating her folds with my fingers. She is so warm and slick and it cannot be avoided sliding into her. A loud moan leaves her lips, showing that I am doing the right thing. I wince when she grabs my cock and starts stroking it, fuck it feels good. I add another finger and pump in and out in sync with her movements. I feel her nob against my palm and press a little to increase the friction.

“Yes James, yes, yes, yes” She screams and I pump a little harder, feeling I am about to come.


“James!” I open my eyes and see her standing there, looking down at me with an annoyed expression, cute as hell.

“Cathy?” Her name leaves my lips in a shaky whisper as I feel myself come over my stomach under the covers.

“What is wrong with you? Are you sick? You are completely flushed and out of breath..youre you want another blanket?” I see concern on her face and for a moment old Cathy is back. But it’s not the time, I’m still rock-hard under the covers and having her here isn’t helping.

“Cathy, can you just leave me alone? I don’t want you here!” I see the flash of hurt in her eyes but then it's gone.

“I’m going to go, I just want to say something first..or a couple of things and show that I’ve put on a cardigan which actually isn’t such a bad idea, it makes me not look so childish and it will be a little chilly tonight so it will come in handy.”

“Cathy! Please leave!”

“I will...I just came up with one thing..when I was in my room. I thought of if I did something to you to make you angry..then I realized that maybe it’s not you, maybe it’s Argus… James, what if you’re my mate and Argus knows about it and doesn’t like it. I thought about it for a while and I don’t want you as a mate, I want if I reject you before I get my wolf, maybe the Moon Goddess will give me him instead...”

“Cathy stop!” I feel the panic rising inside me, what is she doing?

“No James, it’s perfect! Argus will be calm and kind again and I have a chance with Mike! She stands smiling with a straight back.”

“Cathy don’t...please stop!”

“I Cathy Wright, Daughter of Alpha Wright of the Great Falls pack reject you James Barrett, son of the late Alpha Barrett of the Sunset pack, heir to the same, as my destined mate chosen by the Moon Goddess. As I do so, I expect acceptance from you as soon as my wolf has matured.” She stands still with a satisfied smile and a shiny film in her eyes. I clench my jaws not to show how strongly I feel the pain in my chest or how Argus’ howls cut into my brain like a knife through butter on a warm day.

“See! All better!”




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