I wake up with my head spinning, my eyes blurred as I gaze at the luxurious ceiling above me. My mind struggles to acclimate as if emerging from a deep nightmare. My eyes blink for a second, attempting to understand where exactly I am.
I try to get up, but my arms are weak, unable to grip the soft bed that envelops me. A sense of fragility washes over me, the vulnerability of being in an unfamiliar place taking hold. My breathing starts to quicken, and I feel my heart pounding in my chest, hammering with fear.
"Where am I?" I whisper, the question echoing in the silent room. "Where did those men take me?"
Desperation continues to spread through me, my mind clouded by confusion and fear of the unknown. I make a desperate attempt to get up again, but my muscles seem to betray my will. Curiosity about my whereabouts mixes with anxiety, creating a whirlwind of emotions that leaves me even more lost and apprehensive.
The sound of a doorknob turning makes me jump out of bed, my survival instinct screaming to find an escape. I run towards the window, but the height of the place makes me make a misstep. I'm in a tall tower, surrounded by a dense forest.
"Miss?" says a soft and calm voice, interrupting my frenzy. I turn abruptly and find an older woman, serene and imposing. She wears a long dark blue dress, her hands resting on it with a tranquil elegance.
My heart still beats erratically, but her presence exudes a calmness that begins to soothe me. I ask with a trembling voice.
"Who are you? Where am I?" My curiosity starts to rival my fear as I watch her attentively.
"Miss, you are in Lord Blackwood's castle. I will be your governess from now on." She curtsies before me, a respectful gesture that leaves me perplexed.
"I'm sorry. But who is this Lord Blackwood, that you all speak of so much?" I ask as I take a few steps towards her, trying to sound gentle with my questions. My curiosity is insatiable, a voracious hunger for answers that can help me understand why I'm here and the reason he went after my sister.
"Miss, we cannot talk about Lord Blackwood and the sacrifices," she approaches me, her fingers gently holding my hand. Her brown eyes meet mine, conveying momentary tranquility that makes me sigh with relief.
But this calmness only lasts for a few seconds, disappearing quickly when her words echo in my mind.
"Sacrifice... does that mean I'm going to die?" Desperation envelops me like a shadow. My heart beats harder, and my eyes fill with tears that threaten to roll down my face. I can't believe what I'm hearing.
I try to pull away from her, my body trembling, my legs threatening to give way.
"No, this can't be true. I can't die here!" My voice trembles with the panic that threatens to engulf me. "I need to get out of here. Please, help me escape."
"Would you like something special to eat? I believe you haven't been eating properly, Miss." But she simply ignored me, as if I hadn't said anything. Her voice sounds calm as she retrieves a cart full of food from the door, pushing it in my direction.
How can she think I want to eat something when the only thing I desire is to get out of this terrifying place? My anguish increases as she insists that I eat.
"I don't want to eat... I want to get out of here!" My fingers tangle in my hair as I scream in desperation.
"What should I call you?" her voice sounding calm as before. She steps away from the cart, coming towards me with slow steps.
"Nyra... my name is Nyra." My voice trembles, but the simple act of saying my name seems to bring a different feeling inside me. My hands fall by my sides as if I'm about to lose my strength and fall over.
Her hands touch my face, lifting it gently so that my eyes meet hers. I can't explain it, but her gaze calms me in a way I've never felt before. It's as if, even amid this torment, there's hope.
"Nyra, stay calm. Nothing will happen to you. If you don't want to eat, just let me dress you, alright?" I nod weakly, allowing her to guide me, as if I'm being led down an irreversible path. As much as I try to calm myself, something inside me screams that she's lying, just to keep me calm.
"You're lying to me. If I'm to be sacrificed, it means I'll be delivered to death, at what cost?" My voice, though weak, carries a tone of challenge. Despite wanting to believe the comforting words of the governess, a sense of unease persists within me, like a shadow that cannot be dispelled.
She removes her hands from my face, her brown eyes maintaining contact with mine. There's a fleeting sadness in her gaze as if she carries a burden she cannot share. "Nyra, I can't answer those questions right now. All I can do is be by your side and take care of you. Please, allow me to help you the best way I can."
Her response only deepens my anguish, leaving me with more questions than answers. But for now, I allow her to assist me, extending a white dress made entirely of sheer tulle.
"Why do I have to wear this?" I hold the dress between my hands, staring at it, my mind becoming increasingly muddled by so much unrelated information. If I'm going to a sacrifice, why dress in something that will leave me completely exposed?
"Just put it on, Nyra. I assure you, you'll feel safer. The bathroom is right there, dear." She points towards the door, which I hadn't noticed until now. I take a deep breath, reluctantly taking slow and disheartening steps towards the bathroom.
I open the door and look around, perplexed by the black and gold decoration of the bathroom, a huge mirror that reflects my frightened and worn face, overwhelmed by so many events. I stand in front of the black marble countertop, tears in my eyes, remembering the moment I decided to be in my sister's place.
If I hadn't taken her place, she would be here about to be sacrificed for nothing. As I remove my simple dress, I let the tears fall onto my face, sliding down my chin and onto my chest. I'm left in just my underwear because the dress displays a defined bust, shaping my breasts flawlessly and attractively, the tulle draping over my body, causing a strange shiver. When I look at myself in the mirror again, I see how vulnerable I am, even though I'm dressed; I seem to be naked with such transparency.
My breath falters, I turn my body toward the door, gripping the doorknob. But my hand doesn't turn it; my fingers start to sweat, my body trembles, and a cold yet hot sensation runs up my neck. My eyes search for someone but find nothing, leaving only the feeling of someone being close to me.
Knocks sound through the door, snapping me out of the trance I just experienced.
"Nyra, are you okay?" Her voice sounds muffled through the closed door. An unusual strength takes over me, and I open the door abruptly, startling both me and her.
"Yes... I'm fine. I'm ready for death." My voice sounds sarcastic, but the fear becomes overwhelming. How can I say I'm ready to die? I'm so young, I have so much to live for, to accompany and teach my sister, but I'm in this for her.
"Great, dear, then let's go. He's already waiting for you." My eyes blink a few times, trying to process her words.
"He? Lord Blackwood?" I swallow my saliva with some difficulty; my throat is very dry. I hug my body in an attempt to protect myself when her hands try to touch my arm to lead me out.
"Could you tell me about him, since I'm going to, you know, die soon, I want to know what to expect." I search her eyes as a plea for answers. She hesitates for a brief moment. Her lips part as if she's about to give up on saying anything. But she surprised me by starting to speak.
"All right, just avoid eye contact with him. He has a reputation for being persuasive when someone stares at him." This should be enough to keep my mind focused on not looking at him.
As I follow her toward the location, I keep my eyes fixed on the governess's back, which helps me stay balanced even though my legs feel weak, making it difficult to walk.
"Here she is, you can open the door." I squeeze my hands on the sides of the dress, my fingers start to tremble as I hear the creaking of the massive dark wooden doors.
The governess's hand touches my waist, giving me a slight push towards the entrance. A cold wind subtly touches my arms, sending a complete shiver through me and leaving a tingling sensation in my neck.
When I raise my gaze, my eyes meet his, locking in a way that transforms my body from cold to hot in a matter of seconds. Meanwhile, a malicious smile forms on his lips.