Chapter 4
Evan yelled at Crystal when she saw the man on the ground holding his chest. Crystal quickly rushed over and helped the man to sit on one of the couches in the room.
"What happened to you, son?"Crystal asked with a worried look on her face.
"I don't know Mom, my body really hurts a lot. Arghht,"Crystal rounded her eyes at the sight of Evan screaming in pain. She didn't see any injuries on her son's body, but how could she be in so much pain?
The sound of Evan's screams startled the entire palace, especially Lord Xavier, who was inside and immediately rushed to the source of the sound. Not long after that, Crystal saw her husband coming towards her with a worried look on his face.
"What happened, Queen?"Crystal raised her head as she heard her husband's voice.
"I don't know God, all of a sudden our son is moaning in pain,"Crystal said with a worried and panicked look on her face.
"Call William!"Lord Xavier ordered Steve who had just arrived.
"Oh my God,"Steve said and hurried to the room where Willlam was.
Crystal looked worriedly at Evan who continued to moan in pain. This had never happened before and she was afraid that something would happen to her son. Soon William and the others came into the room and bowed their heads respectfully.
"Let me examine you, Lord,"William said and Evan immediately nodded in agreement.
After a few minutes, William had finished turning on the electricity to ease the pain in Evan's body. Crystal breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that her son's face was no longer as pale as it had been,
"What happened to my son?"Lord Xavier asked.
"It doesn't matter, Your Majesty. Lord Evan only feels what his death felt,"William said, making them all roll their eyes.
"You mean my son's friend feels the pain my son feels?"Crystal asked rounding her eyes.
"Perhaps more than that, Your Majesty,"William said, surprising her again.
Evan was silent as he heard William's words. The man's mind began to echo the man's words.
"How can i feel what my eyes feel? Especially since we've never met. Then what happened to her to make me feel this terrible pain? Evan's mind raced with questions."
"Something must have happened to your eye, my son. You need to look for it right away,"Crystal said, making Evan look at his mother immediately.
"I'll try,"Evan said briefly, then got up from his seat and scurried out of the room.
Now Evan was back in his room. He stepped onto the bed and lay there looking up at the sky in the room. His mind was racing with what he had just heard.
"Dude?"Evan muttered. "Tsk, i haven't even met him yet, he's a pain!"he continued.
Evan began to close his eyes and tried to fall asleep, forgetting everything that had just happened to him. He needed to rest soon because he had a lot of work to do tomorrow.
The sun had come out and the birds were chirping happily, waking everyone in the palace from their slumber. Alissya opened her eyes as she felt the blinding sunlight. As she regained consciousness, the girl's defense tried its best to fight back her eyes as she felt the blinding sunlight. After regaining consciousness, the girl slowly tried her best to lean against the headboard.
"Ah!"Alissya screamed as she felt pain in her back. Alissya cursed herself for forgetting about the wound on her back.
Finally, Alissya decided to get out of bed to go to the bathroom. But as she lowered her legs, she grimaced at the various wounds on her legs.
"You're so horrible, Alissya,"Alissya said with a sad look on her face.
Just as Alissya was about to get out of bed, the door suddenly opened and Thezza and several servants entered the room.
"What are you doing, Alissya? You can't get out of bed alone, what if you fall?"Thezza shouted as she ran over to Alissya.
"I have to go to the bathroom Princess,"Alissya said quietly, holding back her pain. She didn't want Thezza to worry again when she saw her in pain.
"Let me help you,"Thezza said and carried Alissya to the bathroom in the room.
"Walking is very difficult,"Alissya's mind grimaced in pain as she moved her legs.
After several minutes of trying to walk and enduring all the pain, Alissya finally reached the bathroom. Thezza stepped out and gave Alissya some privacy to clean herself.
But not Alissya, who stared in amazement at the bathroom in the room. The bathroom looked very large with a very luxurious interior. It was the first time Alissya had seen such a luxurious bathroom.
"Remember Alissya, you are in the palace, of course everything here looks very luxurious,"Alissya muttered, cursing her ugliness.
Alissya finally decided to clean herself up. But at the moment she could not wash her body with air because the wounds on her body were still not dry. Alissya was forced to wipe her body slowly with a cloth.
The girl winced every time the cloth touched the surface of her skin. Alissya felt very tormented. She did not have the slightest strength to heal her own wounds, especially since so many poisons had entered her body. So she could only be patient to ease the pain throughout her body. Even though she knew it would take a long time. A few minutes later, Alissya had put on the clothes Thezza had given her. The clothes were large enough so that they would not cover her wounds.
Thezza, who was sitting on one of the couches in the room, immediately got up when she saw the bathroom door open. Thezza immediately ordered the servant to call for a healer.
"Does it still hurt?"Thezza asked and Alissya nodded.
"I'm sorry to trouble you, Princess,"Alissya said as she bowed her head.
"Hey, it doesn't matter Alissya, aren't we friends now? So let me comfort you until all your wounds heal,"Thezza said smiling sincerely at Alissya.
"Can i ask the princess something?"Alissya asked hesitantly.
Thezza, hearing her, frowned immediately. Of course, what do you want to ask? Thezza said.
"Does the princess know about my mother's news?"Alissya asked quietly. Thezza, hearing this, immediately smiled.
"My bodyguard said that was very worried because you disappeared for a week. But when my bodyguard delivered my message that you would stay here for a few days, your mother immediately breathed a sigh of relief and gave permission for you to stay for the rest of the time,"Alissya, hearing Thezza's words, understood the girl's explanation a little. It was unusual for her mother to allow her to spend the night somewhere else.
"Mom usually forbids me to sleep somewhere else, but why does she give up so easily now?"Alissya said confused.
"Maybe because you live in the palace,"Thezza said with a shrug. She hesitated with her explanation as well. Alissya, hearing this, just thought about it and went back to thinking about her mother's condition.
"How is mom? Is she okay?"Alissya's mind was worried. In fact, she was very worried that her mother would be exhausted if she replaced her at work.
Not long after, they heard a knock at the door of the carnival. The door opened to reveal a beautiful woman with her clothes hanging on the floor.
Alissya was stunned when she saw the woman's beauty. Alissya didn't even notice Thezza laughing when she saw the look on her face.
"You don't have to see my mother like that,"Thezza chuckled softly.
Alissya, realizing what she was doing, immediately commanded her head to hide her shame.
"I'm sorry, Your Highness... I... I..."Alissya stammered nervously. Suddenly, Thezza and her mother were laughing at the girl's cuteness.
"Don't be so nervous, child. Look, Thezza is very happy around you,"said Queen Nora, Thezza's mother, smiling at Alssya.
"You're so funny, Alssya, i can't help but laugh,"Thezza said, still laughing from her prayer. Alissya, hearing this, also looked down in shame with a very red face.
"How are you Alissya? I was very surprised to hear that you were so badly injured,"Queen Nora said with a sad face.
Alissya, who heard this, could only think about it. She really felt that she was suffering from this injury, but she couldn't tell them everything.