Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 9


I strode out into the hallway, cock threatening to break in half, brain hazy, fingers aching to grab Brooke’s hand and lead her over to the desk, all from one simple kiss.

A hell of a kiss.

But also just that.

No heavy petting, no getting to second base, or even first for that matter.

Just her mouth on mine, her tongue against mine.

And it was the best fucking ever.

Which is probably why I didn’t see who was standing with Brent at the door that led into the back room until I was mere feet away.


Fucking hell.

Brent was right. I was the only one who had ever been able to contain Tabitha, and that was on the rare occasion that she allowed me to do so. She was a bitch, plain and simple. High maintenance, rude to every other being on the planet, and beautiful, if a man liked an ice princess.

I had liked an ice princess. Once. When the memories had gotten to be too much, when I’d had two too many shots of whiskey and decided to risk frostbite on my dick. The sex had been exactly what I’d thought it would be when I was sober.

Selfish on her part. And cold. Almost mechanical.

I’d been her sex toy.

Which wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. I could do sex toy, loved being that to a woman. But when I was just that, just a hard cock engaged to get her off, then I didn’t like it.

I wanted to mean something to someone.

Look at me with all the feelings.

I closed the distance between us and nodded at Brent. “Man the bar.”

He nodded and clapped a hand on my shoulder, muttering, “Good luck.”

I waited a beat for him to leave then turned to Tabitha. “If you’re here for a drink, get one, sit your ass on a stool, and then get the fuck out. If you’re here to stir shit up, then skip all that and just get the fuck out.”

Her outraged breath was loud, her green eyes narrowed. “You—” But her words cut off, calculation coming into her expression. I watched her brightly painted lips press flat before she flicked her ponytail forward over her breasts, a move designed to draw attention to the serious cleavage she was flashing.

A nice view.

But because they belonged to Tabitha, they did absolutely nothing for me.

That move had ended when she’d shown up to the bar “pregnant” just a few days after we’d boned and way too early for me to be the father.

Beautiful, she might be. Calculating, definitely. Mathematically and biologically inclined, not so much.

“Well?” I asked when she didn’t say anything further. “If you’re pregnant again, I’d suggest you double-check your addition and avoid alcohol in the meantime.”

“You’ve always been such an asshole,” she snapped. “I don’t know what I thought I saw in you—”

“I do,” he muttered.

A man to be led around by his dick and cater to her every whim.

“Excuse me.”

Brooke’s soft voice slid down my spine, warming my back, and it was such a different sensation from what was in front of me that it was almost comical.

“Staying for one more, babe?” I asked softly, brushing my knuckles along her jaw.

Her cheeks went pink, and she nibbled on the corner of her mouth. I’d seen her do that a few times when she was working, had barely resisted the urge to lean over the bar top and take a nibble myself. Seeing her doing it right in front of me? Fucking irresistible.

I bent, pressed my lips to hers for a short, hard kiss that was the second best of my life.

And only second best because it didn’t have tongue. Oh, and also because Tabitha was there, frosting us out.

“Seriously?” she snapped as I pulled back. “You’re with that?”

Brooke stiffened and made as though she were going to rush by us, running again, though this time, I totally understood the need. But this time, it wasn’t going to happen. I wouldn’t let Tabitha make Brooke feel like shit, just because she was a fucking bitch.

“She’s fat and ug—”


Tabitha blinked. “Excuse me?”

Two women. Same words. So totally fucking different.

That was the moment I decided I was going to keep sweet little Brooke.

I snaked an arm around Brooke’s waist, tugged her to my side, and did something I really hated. I repeated myself. “Out,” I said again, though this time I gestured for Tommy, who’d poked his head into the hall. “You can escort this one out.”

“I’m not leaving!” Tabitha snapped.

“Or you can call Ben from the PD to come pick her up.”

“This is a public—”

“Actually, no,” I said. “This is a private business, and we have the right to refuse service to anyone, but most especially to assholes.”

Tabitha’s lips parted, but before she got out any further venom, I stage-whispered, “It’s you, Tabitha. You’re the asshole.”

“I’ve never—”

“Save it,” I said and nodded to Tommy, who took her arm. “And do yourself a favor. Don’t come back.”

“I’m not leaving!”

I pulled out my phone, hit the number I had on speed dial because Ben worked graveyards. “Hey, it’s me. I’ve got trouble at Bobby’s.”

“Give me five, and I’m there,” Ben said.

“Thanks.” I hung up, glanced at Tommy. “Five minutes.”

He nodded.

“What’s five minutes?”

I didn’t bother to answer Tabitha, just nudged Brooke in the direction of the back room and to her stool. Then I poured her a fresh rum and Coke, deliberately keeping my gaze off what was happening in the hall.

I could still hear though.

In escalating volume.

Brooke’s fingers trembled when she picked up her glass. “Does she come here often?” she asked quietly.

Laughter bubbled up in my throat, and I couldn’t stop myself from pressing a smiling kiss to her mouth. “Babe,” I said, loving that she hadn’t given me shit about the endearment all night, that she was letting me in enough to call her that. “You’re fucking hilarious.”

Pink on her cheeks, blue eyes dropping to the bar.

Quiet again. Shy again.

Damn, I liked her.

But what I would like a lot more would be if she could accept a compliment without getting all embarrassed on me.

Still, I’d nudged up a corner of that shy, had slid in the barest inch. I could get her there.

Could get deeper.

She glanced up at me, nibbled on her mouth again. “I like your laugh.”

Yes, I was going to get deep.

Deep enough that I wasn’t going to let her go.

Her effect was remarkable enough, unnerving enough that none of those thoughts had struck me as the least bit dirty until she stroked one finger down the back of my hand and smiled up at me shyly. “Thanks for sticking up for me.”

“She’s a bitch.”

Brooke shrugged. “It’s a common affliction.”

“Also, you’re beautiful, babe.”

Her blush darkened and she shifted on her stool, crossing and re-crossing her legs.

Yeah, I was going to get deep in there, too.

Deep in her mind, her heart, and deep between her thighs.

But first I had to get my customers settled, tell Brent to back off, and then I was going to keep pushing my way past those walls until I got to the sweet, soft center of Brooke.

Then I was never leaving.

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