Cursed Party

The days that came after were just like the ones before. I was still getting bullied by Jacob, Mason, and Benjamin. They were always around, making sure I'd go to their Mardi Gras party. I wasn't looking forward to it at all; it might just be another one of their pranks, a way to shame me for not having trendy clothes or something. But if I skipped it, things could get even worse later. I knew they were capable of doing a lot, including jeopardizing my scholarship over something as insignificant as a party.

I was in my room, trying to decide what to wear when I had a strange feeling that someone might be watching me. I went to my window, which was on the second floor of the dorms, facing the usually deserted back street, regardless of the time of day or night. I looked in all directions, but there was no one, which made me even more scared. I closed and locked the window, then went back inside, trying to focus on my clothing choice once again.

Since it was a warm night, I opted for a loose and simple dress, one of the newest ones in my closet. Benjamin sent me the party's address via message. I had assumed it would be at a bar or nightclub in the city, but it turned out to be a residential address. This worried me because no one at our university liked me, and I feared being harassed without any witnesses to support me. Shortly after, Jacob messaged me, expressing his excitement for the party and letting me know they were already waiting for me.

I booked a ride-sharing car, and the driver was very kind, but when we entered the street where the party would be, she slowed down.

"This party you're going to," she said, her voice trembling. "Will your friends be there?"

"I don't have many friends," I lied, embarrassed to admit that I was an outcast at the university. "But everyone who will be there is an acquaintance of mine. We go to the same university." The driver looked at me through the rearview mirror and didn't say anything else until we arrived.

"Here," she handed me her card over her shoulder. "Call me if you need anything; I'll be here in two minutes." I nodded in agreement and smiled at her kindness.

The house looked abandoned, not at all like a place for a university party. I looked around and didn't see any parked cars nearby. I took out my phone and checked the message with the address, then heard a voice calling me from that strange house.

"Hey, little mouse, where are you going?" Jacob emerged from inside the house, followed by Benjamin and Mason, along with some girls. Jacob came up to me and wrapped his arm around my neck, squeezing a bit too tightly. "I'm glad you made it; I thought you might run away."

"I thought I was at the wrong address; there's no one here," I said, trying to free myself from Jacob's grip.

"Yeah, the folks are running late, but they've sent messages saying they're on their way. You can relax," Jacob said as he passed by the others, and we entered the house.

The place was abandoned, with few pieces of furniture and white sheets covering others. Dust floated in the beams of light that seeped through the curtains. There was no music or any other noise inside the house that would suggest there was a party there. Jacob led me to a sofa while the others disappeared. Benjamin went into another room while Mason stood at the door with the three girls. I began to feel nervous as if something very wrong was about to happen.

The girls gave me a strange look before leaving through the front door. Mason closed the door behind them in the hallway that separated the living room from the entrance.

"Where did they go?" I asked nervously.

"They went to get more drinks, and it seems like some people got lost on the way," Mason replied with a smile.

Benjamin returned with four drinks, handing one to Mason as he passed by and bringing one for me and another for Jacob. It seemed like nothing special, just beer. I brought the glass to my lips and took a sip, making Benjamin laugh out loud.

"Relax, little mouse, it's just beer," Benjamin said, taking a big sip from his glass. "See? You can drink; there's more in the kitchen."

"Let's warm up while the others arrive," Jacob said, also taking a big gulp from his glass, so I did the same.

Benjamin brought a second and third round, and I was starting to feel more relaxed, chatting casually with those three guys who had always tormented me. Suddenly, I began to feel a great euphoria, which even led me to climb onto the table and dance to a song Mason played on his phone. Then I felt a strong dizziness, my legs gave out, and I almost fell, but Benjamin caught me just in time.

"Careful, don't hurt yourself," Benjamin said, and I felt his hand linger on my waist as he put me back on the ground.

I tried to move away, but I couldn't walk properly, stumbling over a table and knocking something over. I turned my head and vomited all the drinks I had consumed onto the floor. Everything felt strange, and then the three men surrounded me. I felt that something was wrong, but my voice wouldn't come out, and everything went completely dark.

I couldn't move; I felt pain all over my body, a weight that took my breath away. My eyes wouldn't open, and there were strange sounds around me, like heavy breathing, creaking, and laughter. I had no idea what was happening, and an overwhelming fear began to take over. The pain intensified, and it was all over my body, and I felt tears running down my face. Suddenly, everything stopped; there was no more sound, and I could breathe normally. Then I felt warm breath approaching my ear.

"You were delicious, little mouse," it seemed to be Mason's voice.

"Who would have thought she'd be so tasty, definitely worth it," Jacob sounded more distant.

"Even better, a virgin. There's nothing like a tight woman in every way," Benjamin added, and they all laughed.

What happened? What did they do to me? The pain worsened each time I was moved; I was lifted and thrown several times. Then I felt a cold breeze on my body and something wet on my back.

"Goodbye, little mouse, it was an incredible party," Jacob said, and then I heard a sound like a car driving away.

Right after that, the sounds of the Mardi Gras parade started to grow. My body felt heavy, but I managed to open my eyes a little, just to see my legs covered in bruises. I was afraid to look more and confirm what I feared the most had happened.

"Hey, miss," a dirty man was approaching, looking around nervously. "You're hurt," he said, running his hand over his mouth. I looked closely at him and realized he was aroused.

I couldn't speak; only low groans came out of my mouth. My hands wouldn't move; my eyes had barely opened at that moment, and I couldn't protect myself.

At that moment, I thought it wasn't worth protecting myself. Surviving meant continuing to suffer every day, being humiliated, hurt, and losing my identity day after day. The man approached more and more, already loosening the knot of the thin string holding his pants.

I closed my eyes, just waiting for the inevitable, but that dirty man was pulled away and thrown aside. I raised my head, and a very handsome man was in front of me; his curly brown hair partially covered his face, but his beauty was noticeable even in the dim light of that alley.

"That was close; I almost missed it," the man took off his coat and gently placed it over me. His finger touched my shoulder, and I trembled, futilely trying to move away from his sudden touch.

"I... my voice was nothing more than a whisper, my throat sore as if I had swallowed sand. "Help, please." With those words, I lost consciousness.

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