Nothing happened

Weeks went by, and I was still at Fabian's place. He wouldn't allow me to leave until my injuries were completely healed. Most of the bruises had already faded, except for my wrists and ankles, which still had deep cuts, and a small cut on my lips that refused to heal.

One day, while Fabian was out for what he called "important work matters" (he rarely left the house during the day, only at night, and not for long), I decided to check the internet for any news about my disappearance. It had been weeks since I had communicated with anyone or informed the university about my absence. I thought that even if some people disliked me, someone would eventually notice and contact the police, reporting me as missing. But, I found nothing.

I logged into the university website and attempted to access my student account, but I couldn't. It was as if my existence had been completely erased. I couldn't comprehend what was going on. How could they just accept my disappearance without even asking where I might be or why I had disappeared?

I felt that emptiness overwhelming me once more, the sensation of being invisible, of not mattering to anyone to the extent that they didn't care about my well-being. When Fabian returned, he noticed me using my phone, gently took it from my hand, turned it off, and put it on the shelf. Then, he held my hand and guided me back to the bedroom, where he tended to the remaining wounds with the same care as before.

I was plagued by doubt about what was happening, feeling like nobody cared about my disappearance, and there was no response at all. I glanced at Fabian, who was concentrating on applying medication to my wrist.

"Fabian," I called, and he looked up and smiled.

"You can speak, my Butterfly." I had already gotten used to the nickname he had given me, and I smiled, but soon that momentary happiness faded.

"When you go out, did you happen to hear anything?" I said, a growing fear inside me.

"I hear many things; you'll need to be a bit more specific, Butterfly," Fabian said, not stopping his care of my wrists.

"I mean, something about me, about me disappearing." My voice trembled a bit, a small thread of hope still clinging to my heart. Fabian kissed my wrist after dressing it, as he had been doing all along, and stood up.

"How about we take a walk tomorrow?" His sudden invitation left me disoriented for a moment.

"A walk?" I asked, confused. Fabian leaned in and tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear, running his fingers gently across my face.

"You've been locked in this apartment for weeks; it'll do you good to get some sun." Fabian was smiling in a relaxed manner, but my heart was beating in a not-so-good way.

I covered my injured wrist with my hand, embarrassed by the wounds I had. I knew those injuries weren't my fault, yet I felt ashamed to have them and didn't want other people to see them. But if I went into town, everyone would look at me strangely, judging and pointing at me. Fabian covered my hand with him, and I looked at him. His deep, dark eyes conveyed such a profound peace that all my anxieties vanished.

"Don't be afraid, my Butterfly," he said, caressing my hand with his thumb. "As long as you're with me, no one will look at you or say anything at all." Fabian planted a brief and gentle kiss on my forehead. "Now rest, tomorrow will be a busy day for you."

I could barely sleep due to so much anxiety. The next morning, we had breakfast as usual, and Fabian brought me some of his clothes since there was nothing of mine to wear in the apartment. A hoodie, which I used the hood to cover my head, and loose pants. Anyone who saw me wouldn't recognize me in those oversized clothes. When the time to go out came, I froze, unable to take a single step outside the building. Gently, Fabian extended his hand, offering his support once again, and I accepted it.

Downtown was calm, with some musicians and people walking or biking around. As it was early, some shops remained closed. I began to relax, enjoying the warmth of the sun on my face and the gentle breeze as a friendly touch. But, when I looked ahead, I noticed them.

A bunch of students from my college, including the girls I saw at that strange party house, approached. I had come to realize that it was a trap, considering everything that had happened. Fabian held my hand firmly and continued walking towards the group. I hesitated; if they recognized me, they might insult me in front of Fabian. I didn't want to reveal this troubled and gloomy side of myself. But, as we got closer, I overheard their conversation.

"Seriously, guys," said one of the girls, I think her name is Michaella. "I don't know if it was innocence, stupidity, or if she believed they were friends. You should have seen her face when we left; I should have taken a picture."

"Man, they could have invited us to join," another guy said, but I didn't recognize him. "That little mouse had a nice body."

My legs froze, and I couldn't breathe. All I wanted was to curl up and cover my ears. They were talking about me, laughing and treating the horrors I had endured as if it were a joke. I felt insignificant like my life had no meaning. I had never harmed anyone, always focused on my studies, and dreamt of a different life. Yet, I became a victim of people like them. I released Fabian's hand and hurried back. I'm not sure how I found my way back to the building, considering it was my first time out with Fabian, but I did. I climbed the stairs and sat by the door, waiting for Fabian, who didn't take long to arrive.

We entered in silence, Fabian just watched me as I hastily took off his clothes, as if they were tainted with the words spoken by those people. The anger that consumed me seemed to drain all the energy from my body, a desire to attack them was growing inside me. Why did I have to suffer so much? I looked at Fabian one more time and stood before him, wearing nothing but a tight T-shirt and panties.

"You're a sorcerer." Fabian looked at me seriously and didn't say anything. "I'll pay you whatever it takes, just do a job for me," I said, trying to sound firm, but my whole body was trembling.

I promised to pay him, but I was broke. The small amount I had managed to save was in my room, in the college dorm that should have been cleared out by now. I suspected that my few valuable belongings had been stolen. Fabian stood up, getting closer, and his imposing presence surrounded me. His fingers moved from my hands, up my arms, and to my shoulders.

"That's not how it works, Butterfly," his voice was low and ominous, sending shivers down my spine, and then his hand gently held my face. "You shouldn't make decisions so impulsively."

"So, is that it?" I asked, feeling sadness replacing the anger. "They're just going to get away with no punishment, saying those awful things about me."

"I didn't say that." I looked at Fabian, and a strange purple glow appeared in his eyes. "They must pay, but you need to plan carefully what you're going to do, and I'll be by your side every step of the way."

"I know I said I would pay you, but..." Fabian rested his forehead against mine, making me quiet.

"Don't worry about that now," he said, his warm and sweet breath blowing in my face. "We'll have plenty of time to discuss that later."

"There's no reason for you to help me." My voice came out low, sleepy, as Fabian continued to caress my face.

"Let's just say that this kind of human irritates me far beyond limits." One of Fabian's hands held my waist and pulled me closer. It was strange how I couldn't resist him and didn't feel uncomfortable with his touch. "My payment would be to see those bastards who dared to touch you suffering hell on earth firsthand."

"So, you'll help me?" My voice was getting lower, and my body relaxed and limp. I had to hold onto Fabian's shoulders not to fall.

"Of course, I'll help you, but unfortunately, I can only do so much for now." Fabian leaned in closer, his arm around my waist lifting me slightly and bringing our faces together. "At the right moment, all of them, every one of them, will kneel before you. But first, you need to heal completely."

Fabian's lips lightly brushed against mine, and I wrapped my arms around his neck, completely leaning on him. My heart was beating frantically in my chest, my breath was fast, and all I could think about was Fabian's body pressed against mine in that way. Every muscle of his body was touching mine, making me feel warm and excited, longing for him to touch me more intimately.

"I have no more injuries on my body," I said, rubbing my body against Fabian's, hoping he understood my intentions.

"I know, but it's not those injuries that need to be healed." Fabian ran his thumb over my lower lip. "But until that moment arrives, I'll be by your side."

Fabian slowly brought his face closer to mine, his eyes locked onto mine until he kissed me gently. A simple touch of our lips made my body react as if my clothes were on fire, and I needed to get rid of them as quickly as possible. Then, as fast as the kiss began, it ended. Fabian continued to look at me and smiled.

"For today, that's enough," he said, stroking my hair, picking up a strand and kissing it. "I don't think you're ready for something more intense yet, but we have plenty of time to practice. Now," he placed a kiss on my forehead and pulled away. "Rest, my butterfly."

Suddenly, I felt my body heavy, and my mind blank. My eyes closed, and I fell asleep in Fabian's arms, with the image of his beautiful eyes watching me and the warmth of his lips on mine.

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