Chapter six

Estella hurriedly rushed to the kitchen to take a few objects that could come in handy, she really needs to be brave and make use of the little fighting skills her father had taught her, she knew could summon her wolf but she doesn’t know how long it will take her or how much strength because she knows it’s probably in slumber. She took a paring knife and put it beside her boots, the hard sound at the door made her shudder before grabbing a frying pan, she swiftly ran out towards the back door pulling things after her to block the way. She was never giving them the pleasure of catching her weak and even if they eventually caught her, she would make sure she had gotten them exhausted and injured even if it’s going to be a little bit.

Thoughts of her previous encounter with them fueled her anger because she knows he was just hurt by ego and wants to take it out on her. She bent on instinct as a knife flew past her. Wow they must really not care if she dies because that knife could have hit her at her waist or Tommy, all depending on her movements and probably hit a vital part. Opening the door she was shocked to see the park guards there too. How did they know about this side of the house? Their smirks retrieved her from her one billion questions. swinging her frying pan on the edge, She caught them off guard by her moves because they obviously were not expecting her to have knowledge or skill. She swung her pan from side to side not caring who it hit until it was kicked away from her by one the guards, seeing her harmless they smirked dangerous and one of them reached for her but her next movement surprised them as in one second she pulled the knife from her boot and tightened it around the daring guard’s neck shocking the other’s. They had never seen a girl that swift. Even she was confused about her speed. “Move back or I am going to waste his precious little life” she threatened viciously. Her eyes were fluctuating from deep blue to grey showing how close her wolf is to the surface. Just as she opened her mouth to make a second threat, a bullet hit her hard making her swerve, before she could pull herself together the guards had immediately used that opportunity to tackle her down but while trying to get the knife out of her wrist, she used her last strength to fulfil her thoughts. She imprinted her signature with the knife on a few of them as fast as she could before they could realise her motive. Deeply angered, they dragged her and landed slaps and hits from different angles before bonding her and taking her to the dungeon. Her struggles infuriated them so much, they had to inject her and the next minute, she found herself losing consciousness.

A splash of cold water strikes deep in her skin making her wake up hastily, immediately a cane slashed harshly on her soft skin making her cry in anguish. The pain ran from her softly delicate naked skin to her bone, but she held it in. She was not ready to give them the satisfaction of seeing her weak. For her parents, she was ready to endure any pain. On seeing her endurance, the guards leader groaned angrily and slapped her harshly but still, she didn’t produce a sound of pain even though she really wanted to cry.

"On second thought, hold on for a moment." He directed to another, "I'm rather indecisive about what to do first."

"Should I fuck her first then you all will take turns, or should we just start a decoration on her? After all the alpha said to do what we like with her" he mused aloud, smirking wickedly at them.

As he spoke, he still grinded his filthy body against hers. Estella wished she could get her hands around his neck, she wished she could do anything at all.

Take your mind away from here. Think of something else.

That would be a great way to get away from this torture, but unfortunately, her mind wasn't co-operating. It simply zeroed in on the fact that someone had her helpless on the bed and was about to either cut her up or rape her body brutally. The same way they did with her parents

"You know, I have plans to create art...a lot of it." The guard said to her, "Perhaps I should start from that, or I could do both at the same time, what do you think?"

He waited a moment. Then he laughed, shaking his head, "Sorry, I forgot you can't speak, you are all tied up. Well, I suppose I'll make the decision for us."

Then, he pulled away from her. Crossing the dungeon room, He retrieved a knife from a nearby table. Returning to the bed, he climbed onto it and positioned the blade dangerously close to the tattoo mark on her thigh, one she did herself a few days ago in remembrance of her mum.

"Ah, the beauty of soft skin. One of the perks of being a woman." he drawled as he plunged the dagger into her flesh, piercing deep until it reached the bone beneath.

He paused, and cocked his head in thought, "No bone, not yet. Gotta make this last first," he mused.

With the dagger still deeply embedded in her skin, he pulled it down, slicing her thigh open. A cascade of blood followed, creating a crimson trail as he monstrously "drew" on her.

Estella was engulfed in a searing agony that left her struggling to catch her breath for what felt like an eternity. The pain was so excruciating that beads of sweat erupted across her skin. Yet, she made no sound at all. She’s going to hold it in.

Her tear-filled eyes remained fixed on guard’s hand, glaring hard as it etched an indistinct shape on her skin—a shape that seemed to resemble a star .

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