New school

At least it's convenient. I let out a smile but then I have to discipline my features. Come on, Lia! This is not the time to make inappropriate jokes, even if they cross your mind !

Somehow, we end up standing near the entrance, on the other side of where Mom's boss and his son are standing. I take a minute to look at him and observe him. He is without a doubt the most handsome guy I have ever seen. He could be a model. The gods favored him when they made him.

After a few minutes, I look away. I don't want to get caught staring. I stare around me, waiting for this to be over so I can go home and do nothing. A second later, I feel them looking at me. Somehow, you always know when someone is looking at you and it makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up. It doesn't feel like a friendly stare.

I raise my head to look around, but I don't notice anyone looking at me. It's strange, but the look seems malicious, as if it's burning my skin. Is there such a thing as a malicious look?

I don't know if I'm being weird, but have you ever felt like someone was staring at you and you knew they didn't have the best intentions towards you?

In the end, I try to push that feeling away. I think my overactive imagination is running wild again. I'm glad when the funeral is finally over and we head home. Once home, I take a shower and lie down on the bed to continue digging. I didn't dig into it before, but now I'm tremendously curious.

I look up anything and everything I can find on Jackson Riverside's son and a second later, there are pages of stuff on him. His name is Rayan Riverside. It wasn't hard to find him, as he is the golden boy of this town and a soccer star extraordinaire. He's also going to be a senior at Riverside Academy, the new school Mom told me he'd be going to on Monday.

I'm glad. From the moment I saw him today, I was intrigued. It was like a buzz went through me and I was so attracted to him, which is something that has never happened to me before.

I haven't been on many dates, but I have been on a few. None of them made me feel like I wanted to rip my clothes off for them. I let out a sigh. He'll probably never know I exist. We belong to different circles as far as the high school hierarchy is concerned: he's at the top, as king of the jocks, and I'm at the bottom, as one of the nerds .

I'll probably be as invisible to him as I was to most of the guys at my old high school. I was nothing special. I was the girl the guys looked at and never chose. The dates I went on were the ones my girlfriends set me up on, so technically, those guys didn't pick me either.

Well, a girl can dream, right? Dream about a cute jock who falls in love with her and they live happily ever after. I let out a snort at the thought. That's never going to happen.

Anyway, I have this weekend to psych myself up that I'm the new girl at this pretentious, rich school. I hope I do well.

It's really crazy how you blink and the weekend is over. I need a day between Saturday and Sunday just to exist and do nothing.

It's already Monday morning. I'm excited but also nervous to start this new school. I spent Saturday going to the store with mom to buy last minute school supplies and yesterday, when I woke up, she dragged me out. My mouth dropped open when I saw the new car waiting for me in the driveway. I was speechless and didn't even know what to say to him.

I know we are well off financially and she could afford it, but I didn't think she would buy me a new car so soon.

She told me it was time for me to start driving to school. I needed my independence. I got my license last year in New York, but since school was a fifteen-minute walk from home, it didn't make sense to buy a car then.

But now that we were here and there was more space, having my own car wasn't such a bad idea. Although now I'm in a hurry because I don't want to be late for the first day of school. By the time I start getting dressed, Mom is already gone, so I hurry.

When I'm done, I get in the car and drive to school. My only thought is that I hope I'm not too late. I park the car in one of the empty spaces and hurry inside.

When I walk through the door, the bell has already rung. The halls are empty, except for the few students still milling around outside and those hurrying to get to class. I walk faster even though I have no idea where I'm going - did this school have to be so big?

I don't have my class schedule yet, so I need to find the office before I head to the first class I have today. I stop a guy who rushes ahead of me to class and ask him how to get to the office. He gives me hurried directions before running off in the opposite direction.

Luckily, he's been helpful and doesn't leave without answering. In a jiffy I'm on my way to the office, hoping they won't be too hard on me for being a few minutes late.

"Good morning!" I say as cheerfully as I can as I enter the outer office. The secretary raises her head and looks at me unimpressed. Damn, who the hell pissed in her Special K this morning?

"What can I do for you?" she asks bored, as if she'd rather be doing anything else besides helping me.

"Um, I'm here to get my schedule. I'm new and today's my first day," I tell her, pointing out the obvious and hoping she won't throw too much crap at me.


"Lia Stevens, " I reply, and she starts typing on the computer. A second later, she prints out my schedule along with another piece of paper and hands it to me. I look at both and see that the second one has my locker number and the combination to open it printed on it.

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