All bow before the king

When I walk into the classroom, it's full and all the chatter stops abruptly when everyone's eyes land on me. I don't know if it's luck or what, but the teacher hasn't arrived yet. Just as well, because I didn't want to be late on my first day here.

There's an open seat at the front of the class and I take it because I always sit in the front. A few seconds after I settle in, Rayan enters the class and I inwardly groan at the sight of him.

How the hell am I supposed to avoid him if he's in my class? His eyes bore into me and he walks towards me with all his swagger and a smile on his face. A smile I don't trust one bit. I'm still mad at him from when we fought in the hallway five minutes ago.

How the fuck can you be so rude to someone you don't even know? It takes me a second to realize that the class is silent, and when I look around, I see that everyone's attention is pinned on us.

"You're in my seat," he growls in that gruff tone of his and, instantly, I hear a few 'ooohs' coming from the people in the classroom.

"I doubt it. You don't look like the type to sit in the front and, since I assume there are no assigned seats in this class and your name isn't written on this table, I'm not moving," I tell him in the least affected tone I can.

I'm not usually a confrontational person and prefer to hide in my shell most days, so this is out of character for me. This new school is not going the way I thought it would. Going up against the most popular jock in high school isn't going to convince anyone.

He clenches his jaw angrily and bares his teeth before grabbing me by the collar of my shirt, lifting me out of my seat and shoving me. I stumble over my own feet.

My head crashes against the side of the next table and I fall on my ass. It's the second time this morning I've found myself at this guy's feet.

"I said you were in my seat," he hisses before throwing my books on the floor as well. Gasps are heard in the room before everyone starts laughing at the spectacle. No one offers to help me. They just watch what's going on.

What the hell did I expect, why would anyone help the new girl when their king was putting on a show for them? They're probably afraid it will make them the next target. It's either that or everyone here is an asshole. I'm starting to think it's the latter.

"What's your problem, asshole?" I yell at him, feeling completely embarrassed.

"Go back where you came from, you fat-ass cow. No one wants you here," she hisses at me. I'm about to respond, but I feel something sliding down my forehead. I raise my trembling hand to touch it. When I pull it away, I see that my fingers are covered in blood.

I look back up at him and he looks at me with cold, dead eyes. There is no emotion in them. No remorse for making me hit my head and make me bleed. I guess this is war, since he just drew blood for the first time. I slowly get up on shaky legs and leave the classroom to head to the infirmary for a band-aid for my head. Luckily, it doesn't take me long to find it.

"Hi, honey," the nurse says to me as I knock on the door and walk into her office. "I'm Nurse Sara . what can I help you with today?" Uhhh, she seriously doesn't see my head bleeding right now?

"Um, hi. My name is Lia and today is my first day here. I had a little mishap with my bag and desk. I fell and hit my head on the side of one of the desks and was wondering if I had any band-aids." I ask.

"Gee, I guess you're having a rough first day, huh? Come, sit down here and let me take a look at it," she says, pointing to one of the chairs for me to sit in.

I take a seat and then she starts cleaning the cut before adding some absorbent cotton and then a sticking plaster on top.

"The good news is that you don't need stitches and you'll heal right away," she tells me in a kind voice.

"Thank you," I say unable to hold back tears. The day has barely started and I already hate this school.

"Here's a note for your teacher," she says, handing it to me. I take it and thank her before getting up and heading back to class.

Why on earth has he been so cruel and mean to me? It's not like I did anything to him. I don't even know him. Why? I wonder as I slowly walk back to class. I've never had anything like this happen to me before and I'm not sure how to handle the situation if it persists.

I'm sure going to one of the teachers and telling him what happened won't solve anything because of who he and his family are. I know how schools work when it comes to bullying. They rarely side with the person being bullied. Also, I am new here and they have known him much longer than they have known me. No one is going to help me. I will have to find a way to deal with this on my own.

As I approach the classroom, I stop and take a deep breath to calm myself before I go back inside. I hope the professor isn't still there, but luck is not on my side for the second time. When I walk in, I see that the professor is here and starts berating me right there in front of the whole class. I guess it's a typical welcome at this school.

"I take it you are Miss Stevens," he states in a stern voice.

"Yes, sir."

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