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Chapter 26

Dante saw Ashina from afar running away with Enzo.

"This asshole! I will kill you! How dare you take my mate from me!", his red blazing eyes shone in the midnight darkness.

His wolf Hugo roared and eager to get his mate. No one can take her except him.

Aria is his mate!

He stretches his legs and arms to make a swift run to catch them but he stops to see a familiar face, a girl he decided to forget.

A girl he once loved but betrayed him to another guy. It's Cora , his first love.

She's so beautiful as ever. He made a second glimpse of her and he's right,

Cora came back.

His wolf started to feel strange. He sniffs her wolf and he became excited to mark her. When Dante made eye contact with her was blissful like a magnetic thing is giving him the chance to be intact with her.

He can't explain why he suddenly had a change of heart.

"My love, it's me, Cora . Do you miss me?", her mesmerizing and alluring voice made him drawn into her.

He blinks twice trying to fight against the pressure of Cora 's magic but it's too powerful. Someone is whispering at the back of his mind that she's part of his dark past. He's under her spell and it's a strong one that was created by the witch Astra.

Cora's POV

My wounds keep poisoning my whole flesh inside which is killing me. It's raining heavily and the sight of surroundings turned blurry for me. I am losing my strength and monster power.

Astra lied to me, that crazy wench. She didn't tell me that her spell over me has limits and restrictions.

"How can she outwit me? I will not let this slide." I murmured to myself with dismay for her.

With my heavy breathing, weak legs from a marathon-like run, and ball-like sweats pouring on my body, I managed to reach her place inside the wilderness where witches hid from savage and voracious werewolves, especially the Rogues.

From her sealed door, I saw her opening it.

She always knew my scents because she's getting used to them. I'm the only she-wolf who has been her regular customer for decades. Astra became an instinct to everyone to everyone. Some said she died in an explosion when the group of Draco attacked their villages and she's one of the captives.

She looks like Medusa with her cold and evil gaze that is reflected through your soul.

I took a deep breath and glared at her even though I am now losing my vigor to stand up.

"You lied to me! Look at me! I'm dying!", I yelled at her.

She raises her brows towards me. She's not surprised nor stunned.

"Come, I'll tell you why?", she plainly said and I followed her.

She went to the thing covered by black cloth and when she slid it, it's a giant mirror. I frowned to realize it's just a mere mirror.

" Are you kidding me? A mirror?", I asked her but my eyes stretch wide open when she started to hum chants.

An image appeared inside the mirror.

It's the hybrid she-wolf she encountered in the forest.

Astra keeps her hands moving around like she was making a spell.

"See, she's the reason why my magic vanished. She had the power to absorbs all once energy. She's evil and nothing can stop her to take down all her enemies even you!", she seems to warn me.

My limbs are crushing inside like my body is going to explodes. I have no time for Astra's chit-chat.

" I have one last wish before you take my soul! Just this once. I beg you!", I kneeled on her and I am hoping that she will consider my proposal.

I was shocked when Astra cupped my head with her pale long wrinkled hands.

Every wish has a price. Astra is getting younger every time she granted my wish.

She's absorbing the energy from my body.

I will sacrifice my life for this last mission just to get Dante under my spell.

"Tell me, what is your last wish?", she asked me as I felt my body feels numb to her touch.

The eagerness inside me to get what I desired the most, all I cared is my selfishness and greed even death just a joke for me.

I let out a deep sigh.

"I have someone in my heart. I want you to give me the power to get Dante 's heart, the only man I love in my life." I informed her.

"Yes, I, now, granted your wish!", she granted my wish, and in one puff of air, I felt something in my body. My sights reversed from seeing things magically.

I feel ecstatic. My face brightened when I felt different than my usual thing. I spread my hands and there's a wave running through it.

" You can control him anytime you want and make sure to lure him just two days after today or else you can't finish your mission. Take note, something bad will happen to you'd you fail!", Astra warned me with her witchy old voice. Thanks to me, she looks younger than her usual look.

I happily nod my head and went back to the Shadowborn Kingdom to target the Alpha King Dante .

Two days before the escape

I've been waiting for Enzo to go hunting to ask him for help. Maybe it's time for both of us to unite as one to reach our goals in life. We both have the same fight to take revenge on them.

It's time to finish Queen Aurelia 's reign and her son Dante . Asher is another story to tell.

I was sneaking outside the palace's wall until I finally found Enzo approaching his way to the wilderness with his packs. I hastily set my links to him.

I remembered him asking for my help


" Enzo, do you hear me? I need your help!", I called his wolf in my thoughts.

I waited for his answer until a husky voice slipped into my head.

"Cora ? What do you want? I was with my packs. We have to find food for the soldiers." He told her but Cora didn't stand back. It's her only chance to get what she wanted. She waited for this day to come, to showed Dante why she left and why she loathed him so much.

"I made up my mind. Let's help one another. Help me get Dante . I know how you're so obsessed with that omega girl, right? I will help you!", I said to him through our links.

"Really? Okay, meet me at the Frostfang . Let's start with a perfect plan." I instructed him and he accepted my offer.

"Yes, I want her. I want to bring her to the Netherland, a place where no worries and heartaches, " he made a promise to himself.

Cora set a wide smirk on her face.

Ashina had no idea that her master Dante is in great danger. Cora was possessed by Astra's great magic and she will do everything to seduce him.

"Come to me. No words can tell how I badly missing you, Dante ." Cora whispered in his ears.

He's under her possession so any words that come out from her mouth were like a sweet song for Dante . His monster behavior and his hatred of Cora faded away like he didn't recall anything at all.

He quickly holds her hands and they navigated the wilderness.

Meanwhile, Ashina was disturbed when she realized that Enzo is taking her somewhere. She stops and asked him where are they going.

Enzo replied with confidence and assurance. He gave his sweetest smile at Ashina .

"Don't worry, this place will serve you well. I will tell you when we get there!", he promised her and Ashina trusted him without knowing how dangerous Enzo is.

He's one of the traitors and was having allies on his own.

They keep running in the forest until they stop at a huge tree. The tree has a heart shape color red leaves. It's different among the trees around them.

"This is the way. Once you entered inside, you will know yourself better.

This place is for people who lose hope and wanted freedom, just like us."

Enzo told her.

Ashina was mesmerized by the beauty of the trees like there was a magnetic force that wanted to pull her.

She heard an unknown voice inside her head. It's consuming inside her thoughts like she heard nothing but this beautiful voice.

She saw Enzo touching the trees and he quickly grabs her arms until she just found herself inside this place like heaven. It's another border. The place was far from their place. She saw monsters, different kinds of creatures.

She saw a giant frog who talks like a prince. I thought I was Alba inside the wonderland.

"Welcome to the place called

Netherlands", the talking frog greeted us.

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