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Chapter 32

Dante POV

As my back hit the ground, I screeched in agony. I quickly hold it and slowly supported my body. My face crinkled to its sudden pain. I didn't remember what happens when I tried to escape from the Hydra's caves. I despised Cora for betraying me. I just realized that she hypnotized me that's why I followed her just like a puppy to every word she said and to every direction she went.

I finally went back to my sanity. I finally recalled everything, from the moment I saw my slave mate Ashina trying to escape until Cora seduced me and lured me to the cave of snakes.

"What is this place?", | muttered as my sights scattered around me.

I looked around and I felt strange to see giant trees and sycamore rising in the whole area. It's my first time seeing those kinds of trees. I felt like I was inside the movie, Jack and the Beanstalk.

This is not Shadowborn Palace. I'm not in my Kingdom.

"Hey, anybody here?", I squealed.

My voice just echoed in the wilderness.

Am I the only person here? What kind of place is this?

My senses turned active when I heard scratches behind the tall thick grasses.

My eyes stretched wide to make sure I didn't miss anything. I'm not familiar with this place and I don't know what kind of enemies I am going to encounter.

I wait for his attack whatever it was but when I'm about to shift in my werewolf form, I didn't expect to see a cute little fairy. I laughed so hard. I thought it's a giant monster that can devour my whole body.

The little fairy saw me laughing and I think she doesn't like it because of her grumpy look.

"Who are you? How you got in here?

This is the place we preserved for many years for us, fairies and demons.

Are you from outside the border?", she looks irritated and my eyes widened to see her getting bigger.

" Answer me or else, I. will report you to my Queen, Adaya." She warned me.

I stepped back and tried to cover up myself. I am one of the powerful she-wolves and no one ever beat me.

"Wait! I don't intend to hurt you. I am the Alpha King of Shadowborn Kingdom and I was abducted, seduced, and hypnotized and when I woke up, I found myself here." I explained to her.

She slowly turned herself to its original form. She became a small fairy again.

She looks calm now so I calm my wolf too. She closes her colorful wings and touches her feet on the ground. Just when I realized, she had a gorgeous face and charming smile. I quickly recalled Ashina in those smiles.

"Hi, I'm Sophia and I'm one of the guardians here in the wilderness. I was assigned to keep the trees grew and vigorous. May I know your name?", she introduced herself politely.

"Call me Dante . You know where I came from right? Can you help me out?", I asked for her help while looking at my surroundings because I keep hearing strange noises from afar like a huge group are approaching.

I notice Sophia's eyes keep looking behind me so before she called her kinds to captured me, I ran as fast as I can. I don't know where my feet are going to take me but as soon as I get out of here, I promise to myself not to ever come back here anymore. I crossed rivers with rainbow colors and I saw trees with a purple color.

This place is odd and mysterious. I must find a pathway to escape from here. I hastily transformed myself into the monster I used to be and navigated the path I am taking even it's endless or it will lead me to my last breath.

My long legs and arms stretch every time I swoop to higher cliffs. I thought I was finally freed from them but when I hit the last cliff, I accidentally bump into a giant woman. She's snoring and I fall into her lap.

"What kind of place is this?", I whispered. I slowly get up from her lap and moved my legs carefully but she woke up and saw me. I looked up to see her and she's mysteriously charming but she's scary too when she stretches her jaws widely opened them to eat me alive. She holds my paws I heard a very sweet voice saving me.

"Giganta, let go of him! He's my guest.

I'll bring him to Queen Andaya." She pronounced the name Andaya again. I think she's their queen.

I shouted when she quickly let go of me from her grip.

"Ahhh!!", I whined when my back hit on the ground.

It happened to me twice and I'm ao pissed about it. My anger deepened when I saw her laughing at me. I glared at her and she quickly stops and covered her face with her hands.

"Oops, I didn't say that!", she cleared her throat and walk away.

"Really? Hey! Wait!", I called her.

She keeps walking so I ran and grabs her hands. She stops and turned around.

"I thought you won't ask me anything.

You seem mad when I laughed at you. I didn't mean it. Anyway, who are you and what are you doing at our place?", She asked me many questions and I don't know what to answer first.

I took a deep breath. I tried not to harm her since this isn't my territory.

"I don't know how I got here. I just woke up and I see myself inside this odd place of yours! I'm the most powerful Alpha of Shadowborn Kingdom." | explained everything and I hope that she will believe me.

She just smiled and grab my arms like we were close.

"Follow me. |I take you to my place. I' introduce you to the Queen." She uttered and I just let her brought me to the land called their Kingdom.

While on our way, I forgot to ask her name.

"Hey, may I know your name? I said mine but you didn't say yours!", I asked her.

She stops and I just notice that she has a nice face. I studied her and I can't keep my eyes away from her. She has a resemblance to my omega mate

Ashina but their difference was her curly hair and small-hearted lips and she's as small as an ant.

"I'm Diana, the giant fairy. I was assigned to maintain the balance and unity of every giant's fairy here." She finally introduces herself.

She ran again and drags me with her.

After we arrived at the Queen's castle, I was mesmerized by their Kingdom.

Everyone looks colorful and I saw fairies and demons living together. I was surprised by their great partnership.

In my Kingdom, only my kind can live inside with the highest ranks and Rogues are our biggest enemies. Here demons and fairies were friends.

"Come, follow me. I'll introduce you to the Queen. She can help you." Diana told me.

"Yes. I hope so. My people are waiting for me. I need to find my slave too." | told her and she just shrugged her shoulders and escorted me inside.

While we're walking down the hallway, every soldier bowed at Diana and greeted her princess.

"Princess Diana, your mother is looking for you!", one of the guards said.

I got confused. I shifted my eyes on her and she winks her eyes at me.

"I know you will surprise. I don't want to be treated like a princess. I love being ordinary and free." She told me.

I was about to answer back but everyone bows their head again when they said queen arrived. So she was Queen Andaya? She looks like my slave's mom Layla . Why everyone here resembled my werewolf world?

"Mother, I'm sorry take you to worry.

Anyway, I' introduce to you, my guest, Dante of Moonshadow Packs. He's here to ask for your help." Diana said after kneeling herself to the queen.

I had no idea that she was the princess here. I don't know about this place's name but sooner or later, I'lI find it my own. But I guess, no need for that.

" Welcome to Nirvana. Hidden realms where fairies and good demons like us dwell. May I know how you find this place?", she asked me with her soft voice.

I cleared my throat and told her how I get here. She seems won't believe me.

"Really? This place is far from everyone. We're deeply hidden and no shapeshifters or humans came here!

Are you a spy?", my eyes widened after she suspected me.

I quickly shook my head.

"No, you're majesty. I am the Alpha King of Shadowborn and I just want to get out of here. I don't know-how so I won't do any harm in one condition. Just help me get out of here." I kneeled even it's not my thing.

I saw Diana went closer to her mom.

She leans closer to the queen and murmured something. She doesn't know that my senses are actively strong so I heard her. I smirk after knowing that she told the queen to help me in exchange for her accepting her destiny to be the next fairy queen.

That day, Queen Andaya promised to help me in one condition. I must train my daughter to use her power properly and in a good way.

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