Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 72

Christopher smiled when he saw the two people being taken to the police station. Meanwhile, he ordered people to rescue two of his subordinates who were still being held captive.


Before Christopher disappeared, he was actually guaranteed to survive. Christopher's body has a chip installed to detect where he is. Aryan's concern at that time made Christopher also believe that something was wrong when he went to visit Mr. William. But he tried to remain relaxed in front of his wife.

The chip was installed in his left arm. So it won't be detected no matter where he is.

Aryan also monitored Christopher's movements using a detection device connected to the chip in Christopher's body, but he also didn't tell Grace or Anita. Not only can it detect places but it can also record sound. Christopher's chip is quite sophisticated.

While Christopher left home, Aryan had been monitoring Christopher's movements. Aryan then called Eros when he found out that Mr. William invited Christopher to ride a helicopter. And that's when Eros found out that his friend was actually Ryan's uncle. He didn't know anything about it at all. He didn't think that his friend had evil plans for his nephew.

Even when Christopher was held captive at night, Aryan and Eros could still hear it. But Aryan felt that it was not the right time for them to come. He also believes that Christopher can survive until the next day.

When Christopher was ordered by Ryan to enter the hole, Aryan and his entourage were already there. But not empty-handed. They have dug a hole to get to the mining hole. They just need a little time.

Christopher was able to get out through the hole made by Aryan. And they closed it again to remove traces. So Christopher was able to survive even though he ran out of oxygen, but Aryan also brought oxygen to help Christopher breathe while he was in the hole. Because the hole was far enough to eliminate Mr. William.

Christopher smiled. He was satisfied. Even though his condition yesterday was quite weak, he only needed a few minutes with an IV drip and enough food to make his condition recover.

Christopher has completed his task elegantly. He will go home by helicopter to save time. Moreover, Christopher's backyard can also be used for landing helicopters.

It only took Christopher less than an hour to arrive at his house. There Anita and Grace were waiting for his arrival. Anita immediately ran towards Christopher and immediately hugged him.

Not a single word came out of Anita's mouth. But she didn't know anything about Christopher's condition yesterday. She was not told by Aryan and Christopher had told her not to tell Anita about anything before he went home. Anita then explained her hug.

"Ah, thank goodness you came home okay." Anita looked at her husband.

"Come on, let's go in!" Christopher also invited his wife into the house. Likewise with Grace who is with Aryan. Eros also followed behind them.

“What actually happened to you, Christopher? Until Aryan and Uncle Eros had to come with you." Anita was very curious. Because yesterday Aryan said he had to follow Christopher there because he had business.

“Oh, it's nothing serious. I just saw the conditions there. And it turns out I need Aryan and Uncle Eros to come see too." Christopher also relaxed.

"Lie! You're lying, Christopher. I know how you and Aryan are. I accidentally monitored Aryan yesterday. He saw the detector and I'm sure you're in danger. A moment!" Grace saw several parts of Christopher's body. She tried to fisherman bend his neck and hands. She found an incision there. “This, this what?”

Christopher didn't panic. "Why? You see I'm fine, right?"

Anita still felt confused because she didn't understand at all. "What exactly is this?"

“Well, I'm sure they just went through a dangerous mission. But Christopher was able to get through it with the help of Aryan and Uncle Eros." Grace is sure of that.

“Yeah, Grace. That's true. But what Christopher said was true. He's fine.” Eros also opened his voice to what his nephews were talking about.

"But whatever it is, the important thing is that you are safe." Anita, who had been confused for a long time, finally opened her voice.

Christopher doesn't seem to be lacking anything. He also removed the chip in his hand because he had to provide evidence to the police. At least Christopher didn't want to just let that happen to him.

Meanwhile at Andrew's house. Andrew just went to look at the goods. Jasmin felt she had to immediately take care of expediting the name transfer of all assets belonging to her husband because he didn't want to have children. She only wants wealth from Andrew without thinking about children. If she has children then all her activities will be hindered. So she had to act quickly.

Jasmin tried to open Andrew's cupboard but didn't find anything. She suspects that there is a safe in their room but she can't open it. There is a code that must be entered but she doesn't know it either. She is looking for ideas on how to find the secret code. She then headed to her mother's room.

"Mom, I didn't find any important files in Andrew's room. What should I do? There is a safe that has a key. If I ask Andrew, he will definitely be suspicious."

Jasmin was really confused. She trusts her mother to come up with ideas.

"Well, that's all." Mrs. Victoria then gave Jasmin an idea in a whisper. She was afraid that their servants would hear.

Jasmin smiled and nodded. “Yeah, that's a good idea, ma'am.” Jasmin returned to her room. It's hard for her to put everything back neatly. She had to go back to her place of work so that when Andrew came home he wouldn't be suspicious of her.

While working, Jasmin also planned something according to her mother's directions. Jasmine smiled broadly.

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