Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 1 The Frustrating Blind Date

The weather in May was unpredictable, the sky could be filled with intermittent clouds and have sunshine in the next hour.

Rachel sat by the window in the Western restaurant, her eyes glancing at the rain pouring outside. She pursed her lips, took a sip of tea, and then looked across the table at the man who was voraciously enjoying his meal. She rubbed her temples.

"Miss Prew, aren't you eating at all?" The man across from her appeared to be in his early thirties. He was currently devouring a plate of spaghetti, with sauce smearing all over his face in a messy, sticky mess.

Even if one had a great appetite, witnessing such a sight would kill it completely.

Rachel shook her head, trying to make her expression appear less bothered. "I'm not very hungry, Mr. Clerk. Please go ahead and eat."

Mr. Clerk glanced at her before continuing to eat. "Honestly, I'm really impressed with you, Miss Prew. My aunt told me before that you are a generous and gentle girl, and seeing you now, I believe it. So, how about we officially get together? When the time is right, we can get married."

Rachel's facial expression stiffened.

Mr. Clerk continued, "I'm really satisfied with you. You have a stable job which means that you don't have to rely on me for financial support, and you own your own property. After we get married, I can move in with you, and then we can have our own home.

By the way, where is your property located? It would be great if it’s located in the city center because my company is located there. But if it's in a more remote area, it's also not a problem. We can sell the house and buy a new one in the city center.

Alternatively, we can buy a car for daily transportation. I've done a lot of research on cars, and there are several models that are really good and not too expensive, around three to four hundred thousand yuan. Although there are cheaper cars, they are too low-end and wouldn't be face-saving when driving.

Oh, Miss Prew, you work in a big company, so your monthly salary should be enough for a car. Don't worry, your salary can cover the car expenses, and we can use my salary together. I'll give you a weekly allowance. Since you eat so little, you won't need much money. We can save some money for the future, and when we have children..."

"Mr. Clerk!" Rachel couldn't bear it any longer. She clenched her teeth and interrupted his incessant babbling. "I suddenly remembered that I have something to do. Let's talk another time."

She finished speaking and couldn't wait to get up and leave.

Mr. Clerk hurriedly called after her, "Miss Prew, we were having such a good conversation. Why are you leaving so suddenly? Wait..."

"Wait, you haven't paid for the meal yet," Rachel said, her face turning pale as she stopped in her tracks and turned to look at him. "Meal payment? All I had was a glass of water since I got here."

At that moment, the waiter approached them with the bill as he saw them about to leave. "Sir and Miss, the total comes to 232 yuan. Will you be paying by card or in cash?"

"Cash," Mr. Clerk replied and rummaged in his pocket. He took out two fifty notes and said to Rachel, "When it comes to blind dates, it's usually split equally. This is my share, and you'll cover the rest."

Rachel's mouth twitched and she laughed sarcastically. "Never mind the fact that I only had a glass of water. You ordered both the spaghetti and the coffee drink. Even if I am willing to split, 232 divided by two is 116, so what's with just giving me 100 yuan?"

Frowning, Mr. Clerk retorted, "You earn more than me. Shouldn't you be paying a little extra? I thought you were generous and gentle, but it turns out you're so materialistic."

Materialistic? Rachel felt like she had stepped out without checking the almanac today. She had seen some odd people before, but she had never encountered someone so shameless, arguing so confidently.

Seeing the two of them arguing non-stop, the impatient waiter couldn't help but ask, "May I know who will be paying the remaining amount?"

"Whoever ate should pay!" Rachel replied coldly, her face still stern. Then, wearing high heels, she turned around and left.

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